Chapter Seven - Movies, kissing and confusion

1417 Words
Cole’s P.O.V It was getting late, Ruby and I had watched a couple of movies, but she has fallen asleep on my chest, and I don’t know what to do. Do I wake her up? Leave her? I honestly don’t know since I have never been in this situation. I was getting confused more with every passing second I spent with her. I sighed, looking down at her. She was beautiful. I loved her pink hair, and it was so her. I am not going to lie; I took this time to admire her closely, smiling away to myself. I got pulled out of it when there was a small knock on my bedroom door, my mum soon appearing in my room. I felt myself become nervous, not sure how my mum would react to seeing me like this but all she did was smile at me. “Sweetie it is getting late, Ruby should head home.” She smiled. “I know, another half an hour, I promise,” I said. “OK. Well, make sure you lock up, OK? We are going to bed. Goodnight, love you.” She said. “I will, mum. Goodnight, love you too.” I smiled back at her, and she left my room. I knew she was in no rush to go home since she was probably going back to an empty house, that couldn’t be nice for her. I nervously leant my hand in pushing the strands of hair away from her face, making her stir which made me quickly pull away. “What time is it?” I heard her tired voice grumble. “Um…ten- thirty,” I said. “Sorry, I fell asleep.” Ruby giggled looking up at me. “No, it is OK, you must have needed it.” I smiled down at her. Ruby looked up at me, a small smile on her lips, something about it was off. “You OK?” I asked. “I should get home.” She said sadly. I know I told my mum half an hour, but she would be sleeping anyway. I guess Ruby could stay here a little longer. “You can stay for a little longer,” I said nervously. “Are you sure?” She said. I nodded, smiling at her, and she reached up, kissing my cheek. It was quick, but enough to make me blush. Ruby giggled, rolling on to her side, motioning me to join her. I was anxious at first. “Cole, please stop being as shy around me,” Ruby said I lay down on my side, facing her. She moved in a little closer to me, my nerves coming back. I couldn’t handle her being close to me; it put me on edge. Ruby reached in, running her thumb over my cheek. I let out a whimpering sound; my eyes automatically closing over. “Cole look at me.” I hear her soft voice whisper. I shook my head, refusing to look at her because if I did, I would turn into a complete mess, say or do something stupid. I don’t need to embarrass myself any more than I already have. Next thing I feel her warm breath against my lips, she had moved in closer. What was she doing? My question was answered when I feel her soft lips brush mine, Oh God, she was going to kiss me again? I can’t mess this up again. I know the kiss we shared, my first kiss was terrible, and I couldn’t let that happen again. “I am going to kiss you, Cole, is that OK?” Ruby asked. I wanted to answer, but no words came out, all I managed was a nod of my head. Ruby pressed her lips against mine, as soon as her lips touched mine my entire body shook. Her fingers wrapped in my hair, pressing her lips harder against mine. I moaned softly, not sure where to put my hands. Ruby grabbed one, placing it on her hip and moved in closer to me. I still couldn’t relax though, the thought in the back of my head that I was a terrible kisser. Ruby pulled away. “Cole, would you relax; it is only kissing.” She said. I finally opened my eyes to look at her. “I know, but I am not exactly great at the kissing thing, I made that clear yesterday.” I stuttered out. “You need to relax and get those thoughts out of your head Cole. Relax and just follow my lead, OK?” She said. “I will try,” I replied. I took a few deep breaths. Ruby moved in closer to me, leaving a small gap between her lips and mine, even that was enough to make me feel all funny inside. “Close the space.” She breathed out. I inhaled for a moment, Ruby’s scent seeming to get stronger when I did, exhaling after a moment and closed the space between her lips and mine. My lips were tingling as they met once again. I wrapped my fingers in her pink hair, finding myself kissing her harder, more confidently. She was making strange noises against my lips, that means she is enjoying it right? I feel her tongue go along my lower lip, Oh God, she wanted to kiss that way? I could feel myself getting nervous again. Ruby pulled away after I never gave her what she was after. “Too much?” She breathed out. “Just nervous again,” I said. “Do you want me to stop?” She asked. A part of me did, another part never. I shook my head; Ruby reached over, her lips at my ear. “You got this.” She breathed in my ear, the sound doing strange things to my body. I nodded, Ruby running her lips along my jawline, a loud growl sound slipping from my lips, it felt good. Ruby’s lips found their way back to mine, and I decided this time any worries I was going to push to the back of my mind. I don’t think kissing someone like her is going to be an opportunity that is going to happen to me probably ever again. I feel her do the same thing with her tongue over my bottom lip, a little faster this time. I parted my lips, giving her the access she wanted, her tongue soon slipping into my mouth, flicking hers against mine. I groaned heavily, Ruby’s tongue soon dominating mine, after a moment I got the hang of things and started moving my tongue with hers. It felt really good, incredible. I was feeling things soar through my body I have never experienced. Ruby moved in closer to me, and I placed my hand on her hip, following instincts, holding her against me. Being this close to her was driving me crazy, making me think things I shouldn’t be. I felt disgusted with myself for even considering them. I decided that was the right time to pull away no matter how much I was enjoying it. “We should stop.” I regretfully said. “OK…If you want.” She said, “I should probably go home, anyway.” She added, sounding disappointed, pulling away and sitting up. I don’t know why she sounds disappointed; she has many guys out there that will happily be with her. “I am sorry Ruby, I just never liked what I was thinking, it made me feel disgusted with myself thinking about you that way, it seemed like I was disrespecting you,” I said. Ruby giggled, I guess she is not offended? I looked at her, confused. “Cole it is natural for those thoughts to occur, especially at the age we are. I know you are shy, keep yourself to yourself and whatnot, but at the end of the day, you are still a teenage boy with hormones. There is nothing wrong with thinking those thoughts.” Ruby said. “It is not natural for me. I have never been one to think that way.” I said shyly, rubbing the back of my neck. “Or maybe you have just never been in a situation to make you think that way,” Ruby said winking at me, getting up from my bed. I chuckled, blushing a little and got to my feet to walk her to the front door. She got herself organised. I walked her out, walking her to her car. I stood awkwardly, hands stuffed in my pockets. “See you soon?” Ruby smiled. “Hopefully,” I said nervously rubbing the back of my neck. “Your too cute at times.” Ruby giggled, reaching in and kissing my cheek, “Goodnight Cole.” She added, smiling before climbing into her car. “Text me when you get home, OK?” I said before she drove off. “I will do. Goodnight.” She replied soon disappearing into the dark and down my street. I took a moment to myself, needing the air, still struggling to get my head around what has been going on the last couple of days. 
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