Chapter Twenty

2304 Words

The two children immediately warmed to Thomas, clambering around him excitedly as they asked for stories about what he had been doing, sitting each side of him as they listened eagerly to every word. The adults also managed to convince the yonng teenager to spend the night with them in the safely of the mine, Archer giving up his brand new sleeping bag and bedroom so that the teenager could be comfortable. ‘I don’t need charity’ Thomas mumbled as he was pushed toward Archer’s room. ‘It’s not charity young man’ Anya scolded, ‘it’s an Alpha showing hospitality, no matter what he says, he is our Alpha and this is our pack. You are a guest and will be treated as one, so go in that room and get some sleep’ she ordered. Glancing back at the she wolf who was watching him, one arm around her s

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