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[EULIX CALIBER’S POINT OF VIEW] “I told you that I don’t want to live with you anymore! Just sign the divorce papers already!” I heard my Dad shouting at my Mom. They are fighting again. Almost everyday, I hear them fighting with each other. Hurting each other physically and throwing things in the house, just because of a piece of paper. “Carl! I told you that I don’t want to give Eulix a broken family! Let’s fix this. I don’t want to sign the divorce papers. You can do everything that you want, just don’t leave this house,” Mon begged. I am just here upstairs, listening to their arguments. I don’t want to involve to them. But it’s so tiring to hear them. Dad is already hurting my Mom. But Mom keeps on begging him to stay in this house, just for me. I sighed… Should I involve myself in their problem now? “I told you to sign this already! I hate you! I don’t care about you and Eulix! She’s just your daughter and not mine!” Dad shouted again. I was hurt by his words emotionally. I braced myself and got my bag pack, then went downstairs. I already packed my things to get out of this messy house. I don’t want to hear them anymore. They stopped arguing and looked at me. I casually looked at them. “I will be the one who will leave this house. Keep on fighting with each other. You can just kill each other too, if you want. Don’t think about me. I can kill myself peacefully.” After saying those words, I ran away immediately. I don’t want them to catch me up and lock me into that house again. I’m already sick hearing their arguments! I can’t live with them anymore. I don’t care if they end up killing each other. I think that would be better. I am already a grown-up woman. I’m twenty-two years old and I can handle myself alone now. I can live in this world without the help and support of my parents. I also want to be independent now. I will start a fresh and new life without them. I know that I can do it. I already planned this last week. I also have an apartment already and paid for it for about six months' stay. I used Dad’s pocket money. He doesn’t know about that. Or maybe he will notice it after they stop arguing with each other. I went to my apartment and it already had things like a bed, a refrigerator, air conditioner, a cabinet, and cooking essentials. It’s far away from our home. It’s a one-hour trip from our house. But I just took one bus from our house going here. It’s already midnight here, since I left our house late at night. But I am not scared. I am a brave woman. I fear nothing, except cockroaches! I put down my bag and immediately laid on my bed because I wanted to sleep already. I closed my eyes and imagined some things that would make me happy and forget all my problems. This is my way to escape reality, to imagine many things. *** I wish I could go to another world... I hope I won't wake up again in this world where my parents are... I want to turn my imaginations into reality... to make me happy. "AAHHH!" I got up when I suddenly felt that I was about to hit the ground. I rubbed my eyes because it was too dark. I can't see anything in my surroundings right now. "Where am I? Is this my room?" I asked. Even though I don't think someone will answer my questions. I stood up and looked around again. I am hoping to see something. Am I dreaming now? Is this my dream or only my imagination? But why can't I wake up? It feels like I can't open my eyes and I can't move my body. But my soul is moving right now, which is me itself. "HELLO?! IS ANYBODY THERE?!" I shouted. I tried to walk but I tripped. I shouted in pain. Shocks! I am now feeling the pain in my legs because of what happened. Does that mean that I am not dreaming right now? I am not imagining things? All that's currently happening to me right now is true?! I can't believe this! If what I am thinking right now is true, then where am I? How did I end up coming here? I stood up again and walked, then I felt some grass in my body. It feels like I am now walking in a place where I am nowhere to be found. I started to get scared. I just want to get home and be with my mother again. I don't want to live in this kind of place. This place is creeping me out. It's so silent and dark! When my eyes adjusted to the dark, I confirmed that I was walking in the grass. I continued walking and tried shouting again. I am hoping that there will be help to come to me. "HELLO?! IS ANYBODY THERE?! CAN SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME RIGHT NOW?! I'M LOST!" I shouted again. My voice echoed throughout the whole place. I saw some light not far away from me. My face lightened up as I ran towards the light that I saw. I tripped again, but I still stood up immediately and ran again towards the light. Then I heard some noises. A weird noises... What was that sound? I can't explain it... I hid in some trees and I tried to peek into the place where the light came from... Then I saw many big dogs in the area. It's like they are gathering together, as if they are having a meeting or something. I remained silent, because I didn't want to get eaten up by those big wild dogs. Or wait a minute... are they dogs? It's like... OH MY GOSH! I gasped when I saw the big dog... or should I say, a monster?! I don't know! That wild animal transformed into a human being in front of my two eyes! Oh, no! I now know for sure that this is not happening in real life. I know that I am just dreaming right now. Just a scary dream. BECAUSE HOW CAN AN ANIMAL TRANSFORM INTO A HUMAN BEING?! THAT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE. THAT WON'T HAPPEN IN REAL LIFE. SO I AM SURE THAT I AM JUST DREAMING RIGHT NOW. But then I remembered the pain that I felt earlier... It hurts so badly. Feeling the pain real hard means that what's happening to you is true. "Welcome to the Werewolf Town!" the man announced. The man looks like their boss or leader or something. Wait... what?! Werewolf Town?! This is a werewolf town?! THOSE ARE WEREWOLVES? Can a werewolf transform into a human being? I can clearly see the man's back in front of me. He's topless and I also see his muscles! It's really a real man! "From now on, I will be your new alpha. We will live here and we will hunt for our food in this area. AWOOO!" ALL THE WEREWOLVES TRANSFORMED AS HUMAN BEINGS! SH!T. I HOPE THIS IS NOT REAL. I HOPE THIS IS JUST A DREAM! THIS IS MY WORST NIGHTMARE EVER!
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