19. This Stalkish Vibes.

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Raven. I whirl around, heart plummeting when I find Dante and the woman standing behind us and I stifle a groan. Why me, Lord? I really can't deal with this psychopath for the fourth time in one day for fear that my already frazzled nerves will snap. Damn the man, can't he leave me alone? And how come he is even standing here? When I had passed his table, there had been no signs that dinner was even over and yet, here he is, shamelessly eavesdropping in on my conversation. "What?" Kai asks, looking startled at the intrusion. Dante shrugs his broad shoulders, setting off a chain reaction of rippling muscles beneath his jacket. "I said I can just drop Raven off at the hotel so there will be no need to call a cab." "No." I force the words out between clenched teeth, aiming a glare at Dante. His date does not look too pleased at the suggestion either, judging from the scowl that crosses her face. "I'll be much more comfortable in a cab. Thank you for the offer, but it's not necessary, besides, it'll be a bother for you, I'm sure." The corner's of Dante's mouth lifts in a grin, eyes glinting in amusement and I can clearly see the challenge in them. "It's not a problem, Raven. The place I am going to is only a few blocks from your apartment. Besides, you may have to wait a whole hour before a cab arrives and you could be home in that time." Wait, what? How does he even know my house! This is news to me because last I checked, this psychopath had never been in any radious close to my place, so what on earth is he even talking about? What is this stalkish vibes he keeps giving off? I might have to call a police on this one as soon as possible. Kai's phone goes off again, shattering the tense silence. "Ah hell." Kai rakes a hand through his hair and looks at me in exasperation, clearly eager to be off. "I really need to leave now Raven, I'm sorry. Look, to be honest, I'd feel safer if you went with him. That way I can rest easy knowing you're safe." You've got to be kidding, right? Not after you saw the way he insulted me, and you still want me to go off with him? "I'm much safer in a taxi." I say aloud, hoping Kai would get the hint into his obtuse skull. I grow steadily furious at how the situation is slipping out of control. Why is kai so eager to throw me to the psychopath when he is well aware of the tension simmering between Dante and I all evening? I shoot him an angry look but he'd already turned away to take his keys from the valet who just pulled up with the BMW and I have to be content with glaring at his back. "Scared I'll kill you or something, princess?" Dante's voice sounds close to my ear that I jump, startled to find him so close without being aware that he had moved. I take a step back, eager to put a safe distance between us, my pulse racing at the proximity. "Why are you so interested in my well-being of a sudden?" I mutter, deliberately avoiding an answer to his question. "I started to think that your life mission is to annoy me and always insult me like I have ever done anything at all to deserve it from you, you even almost killed me once." He grins, lifting a hand to brush away a tendril of hair off my face, the grin turning to a chuckle when I flinch. He dropps his hand and raises an eyebrow. "Perhaps, perhaps not." "What on earth is that even supposed to mean?" "Raven?" Kai comes up beside me. "You'll ride with him right?" "Yes, she will." Dante cuts in before I can even form a single word. He holds out a hand towards Kai. "I don't think we've been formally introduced. I'm Dante Barlowe." Kai’s eyebrows rises in surprise and he whistles, taking the offered hand in a firm handshake. "Dante Barlowe? Why does that sound very familiar?” "Well, maybe because I am the best Tech specialist in the palace security team now, I’m sure my skills must have gotten to the ears of the Chief investigating officer of the country one way or the other, right?" Dante's voice holds no hint of modesty and it causes me to sigh. Trust men to bond in the most impossible of situations. I cast a sympathetic look at his date, the poor woman looks just as frustrated as I feel. "It's a pleasure to meet you." Kai was saying, still looking impressed. "Hm, that should be it, must have been all in my ears because I visit the palace a lot of time, also the ladies would not just shut up about you even in my vicinity-" "Don't you have to be on your way, Kai?" I cut in, fed up with the entire situation. "Yes - yeah." He leans down to peck my cheek then straightens. "May I call you later tonight when things have been settled at the station?" "Sure. Good night." He nods at Dante and his date in farewell then jumps into his car. I sigh as the BMW races away in a cloud of exhaust fumes and turn to Dante. "Well, I'll be bidding you good night too." I say as I start to walk away, but his arm shoots out and grabs my arm. "Where do you think you're going?" His tone is hard, mouth set in a determined line. "I said I will take you home and I am a man of my word." I wrench my arm from his grasp and glaredat him. "I made no such promise. You were the one who assumed I'd want to be in the same vehicle with you for even a short time. Well, you're mistaken because I would rather walk home in these heels before I set foot in your car. Not after the abominable manners you have always exhibited towrads me ever since I knew your ass." A muscle worked in his jaw, clearly displeased at being thwarted. "Oh, you don’t even know my ass yet, priness, you will never act like this if you do so don't tempt me, princess." He growls, taking a menacing step towards me. "I'm not adverse to hurling your behind into the car if I have to." "How dare you threaten me?" I blaze at him, the fragile dam I have built around my temper bursting so easily at his words. Our argument is rapidly garnering an audience- passersby stopping, diners leaving and entering the restaurant, but for once, I do not care. "I am not in any way afraid of you, and I swear, if you so much as lay a hand on me, I'll sue your ass for harrassment, attempted murder and physical assault!”
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