Chapter 3: Absorbed by the Book

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Lucky's POV I awoke from my slumber and sat up after hearing a noise coming from Grandpa's room. I stood up and dashed to Grandpa's room. When I opened the door and finally got into Grandpa's room I saw him lying down and holding his chest, my eyes widened. I immediately assisted him in standing up so I could see his pale lips, which appeared to be weakening. “What happened, Grandpa?” Instead of answering my question, he pointed his chest, and I knew what was wrong with him right away: he was having a heart attack! For pete's sake! I'm not sure how I did it, but I actually lifted him and carried him out of his room to take him to the hospital. I was just coming down the stairs when I remembered that grandpa had taken the maids and drivers on vacation, and maybe if I drove, Grandpa's life would be easier. “Sh*t!” Zaphael was standing right outside when we arrived. He noticed me and came over to us right away. “Lucky? What happened to your grandfather?” His question stunned me. Duh! Isn't it obvious? “Isn't it obvious? Don't you see that my Grandpa is having a heart attack?” His eyes widened as he dashed to their garage, possibly to get his car. Seriously? Did he not even notice? That guy! He makes my head heat up! When he got the car, he quickly helped me to put grandpa in the back seat, where I also sat. After I sat down, Zaphael took the wheel and began driving while I clutched Grandpa's hand tightly. Grandpa had passed out, so I was even more nervous. “Sh*t! Please, Zaphael, hurry up! Grandpa has collapsed!” I yelled at him, and he drove faster. Please, Grandpa, don't leave me. I'm not quite ready yet! Grandpa, you are all I have, and I don't want to lose you, so please hold on! When we arrived at the hospital, Zaphael carried Grandpa inside, where the nurses noticed him and assisted him. “Mister, Miss, you cannot enter the E.R. at this time. We'll take care of your Grandfather.” We were about to enter the emergency room when a male nurse stopped us. “We understand; however, may I enter? I'm a medical student,” Zaphael said as he looked at the nurse. “Yes, you may enter, but only you.” The nurse replied, and Zaphael looked at me with sadness. I nodded. I was surprised when he hugged me; I don't know why, but the feeling I was having before vanished like a bubble, as if because of his hug, I'm sure everything will be fine as well. “I'll look after him; don't worry, he'll be safe.” He reassured me. “Thank you.” After we hugged, I smiled at him and was surprised to see him stunned. When Zaphael got inside the E.R, I waited for a while but because I was restless I decided to go to the restroom first. “Lucky,” “You always take care of yourself.” My eyes widened as I looked around the restroom, puzzled as to why I was hearing Grandpa's voice in my head despite the fact that he was no longer here in the comfort room. Why am I hearing his voice in my head? What's going on? “Grandpa? that really you?” I asked in my mind, and Grandpa responded in my mind, which surprised me even more. “It's me, and now is the right time for you to discover your origin.” That was the last thing Grandpa said to me. Is that true? What caused this to happen? Am I going to insane? Maybe I was hallucinating because I was so worried about Grandpa. That's why I quickly left the comfort room. When I returned to the emergency room, Zaphael and the Doctor came out just in time. “How is my Grandpa?” I inquired as I approached them. “Your grandfather is in critical condition and requires surgery as soon as possible.” I remembered Grandpa's adamant refusal to have surgery, but I nodded because I didn't want to lose him. “Do everything you can to save my Grandfather.” Zaphael held my hand so I looked at him. “We'll do everything to save your Grandfather, and the operation will begin immediately.” The doctor said before leaving. “May I come in right now?” Zaphael flung open the door for me. When I saw Grandpa unconscious on the bed, my knees gave way. Grandpa! Don't take my grandfather right now, God! I'm afraid...I can't. “Be brave, Lucky. You'll make it through this.” I'm grateful to him, and there's a chance Zaphael and I won't fight, and the i***t is being so nice to me right now! Not annoyed with me, maybe because of what happened to grandpa. “Thank you very much, Zaphael,” He simply nodded, then said goodbye and exited. I approached grandpa and held his hand. “Don't be this way, Grandpa! Have mercy on me, Grandpa, even if I am stubborn to you at times, I love you so much so please don't leave me. You're the only one I have and I don't know what I'll do when you're gone.” I whispered even though I knew my grandfather wouldn't respond. Grandpa squeezing my palm while holding his hand made me sniffed. “T-the b-book? L-lucky?” Is Grandpa awake? But why is he looking for the book in the first place? Is that important? “Grandpa, don't talk,” I would tell him, but he would repeat the words over and over again. Grandpa's trembling scared me, so I called the nurses and doctor right away. “G-grandpa...” Zaphael hugged me when I said that. I'm currently outside because the nurses let me out; they'll look after Grandpa and possibly begin the operation right away. Please fight, Grandpa! We were separated for ten seconds as Zaphael and I hugged because the lights went out and the hospital fell silent. I took a step towards the small light, frowning as I noticed the book Grandpa had given me glowed. What is that book doing here? And why is it glowing? “Lucky!” Zaphael yelled as the light on the book suddenly increased, and I was surprised when it seemed to suck me in. “Zaphael, there's something strange in the book.” I said, feeling Zaphael behind me. “You're right, I also feel like I'm being sucked in.” My eyes widened as I noticed the powerful force sucking us in. “F*ck it! What are we going to do, Zaphael?!” We were absorbed by the book in an instant, so it was too late to leave. “AHH!” Zaphael and I shouted together because we were spinning around and dizzy, and because of that we lost consciousness. To be continued...
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