Chapter 14 - They'll Get Married

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"I want to f**k you, Sarah." James's red eyes from the effects of alcohol didn't scare Sarah. Sarah actually smiled happily after hearing James' request. "James, I miss you. I'm sorry, I promise…." "Shut up; I don't need your promise!" James immediately pulled Sarah's body down on the bed. He brutally tore Sarah's clothes and mercilessly f****d Sarah without warming up. James did not seem to hear the sound of Sarah's cries for forgiveness. "Get up, change positions!" James turned Sarah's body roughly. "James." Sarah could only cry weakly to accept the harsh treatment from James. After several orgasms, James finally fell asleep on top of Sarah's body. Sarah pushed James on his back. Tonight she did not feel the slightest pleasure when James was very concerned about her comfort when having s*x. James really punished her. She looked at the handsome face of James, asleep in his sleep. "How long are you going to treat me like this, James? Why can't you forgive me? Haven't you also had s*x with a lot of women out there? I just made a mistake, but my heart only loves you, no other man in my heart." Malika wipes the tears flowing down her cheeks. She would satisfy her eyes and hands to look at and touch James's body before the next day, which James would probably refuse to get close to. Without cleaning herself up, Sarah fell asleep while hugging James tightly. The next day. Sarah gasped when her body was pushed by James violently until she fell off the bed. "Ouch, " Sarah felt pain in her back from hitting the leg of the nightstand. "What time is it? Why are you still lazing around, not preparing breakfast for me?" James looked coldly at Sarah. "James …." James stepped into the bathroom past Sarah, who was sitting in pain. With faltering footsteps, Sarah tried to stand up. Before leaving the room, she took a thin blanket to cover her naked body. She had to quickly prepare breakfast for James. Before starting the activity, Sarah takes a perfunctory bath to eliminate body odour. Thirty minutes later, James came out of the room. His appearance is always charming. A white t-shirt and blue jeans are James' favourite weekend outfits. The hair that is left tousled adds to his charm of James. But Sarah had to swallow her saliva when James's blue eyes looked at her coldly. "Sit down; I want to talk!" James' voice sounded manipulated. With a pounding heart, Sarah sat opposite James, who was separated by a minimalist dining table. James had a solemn look on his face. "Starting tomorrow, I want to move out of this apartment." "Where do you go, James? What about me?" Sarah looks worried. "You can live here; if you don't like it, you can move as you please." "Don't move, James, I beg you. If you take the woman you're dating home with you, I won't bother you. Trust me, I …." "No one asked for your opinion." James pounded the table. "Don't control my life; you have no right, understand!" Sarah looked down; she twisted the hem of her shirt. She really didn't want to part with James. She was afraid that James would leave her quietly. James pulled a credit card out of his pocket. "Take this," James held out the card to Sarah. Sarah raised her head, and she saw a new credit card. "The card is to cover your needs and the cost of maintaining this apartment." Sarah immediately grabbed James's hand. "James, I don't want to say goodbye." With teary eyes, Sarah shook her head in disapproval. James threw Sarah's hand. "I told you, you have no right to control my life. After you sleep with other men, you have no right to my life! Gob to hell with your consent." James stood up from his seat. "James, have breakfast first; you asked me to prepare it for you, didn't you?" "I lost my appetite; see your drama." James walked away from Malika. "James!" Sarah chased after James. Before closing the door, James turned around and said. "You came to my new apartment on the weekends to clean up. Remember, if I ever find out you're sleeping with another guy besides me. I'll leave you; I don't care about your future and financial needs. "I won't, James. I promise, believe me." Sarah took James' hand. "That means you want…." Sarah bit her lower lip. "Take care of your body; I don't like my mistress to have a shabby body. It's useless for me to sacrifice a lot of money to take care of you." James immediately withdrew his hand and left Sarah. Malika is sad and happy at the same time. Sad to have to live apart from James, happy because of James's words that he meant James would start touching her again after the last night. "James is right." James, my body and face need to be treated. There are many beautiful and sexy girls out there who are chasing James. I promise, James, I will slowly win your heart back. Because I believe you still love me." Since then, only once a week does Sarah meet James. On Sunday, Malika went to James's new apartment to clean up. She was a bit happy because James's new apartment had no sign of a woman's traces left behind. That meant she was the only woman who had ever walked into James's apartment. Sarah gasped in surprise after hearing how many times her cell phone rang. He saw James's name on the missed call three times. She had not had time to call back James' number. An incoming message via the w******p application. [Serve me, tonight] Sarah's lips curved into a smile. Even though James was looking for her only to fulfil his lust, Sarah was happy. At least she is still needed by James. Sarah hoped James would melt away and return to her like before. Sarah immediately hummed cheerfully towards the bathroom. She's always been taking care of herself to satisfy James. Sarah soaked her body in perfumes and milk baths to make her skin smooth and fragrant when James touched it. Don't forget to prepare sexy, fiery red lingerie to support her appearance. Twelve years had passed, but James had not changed. He is only looking for Sarah to fulfil his desire. He is also still looking for satisfaction by taking turns sleeping with women he meets at clubs or other places. James only provided for Sarah's material needs and never cared about her feelings. * "Sarah, Sarah, are you okay? Why are you crying like that? Sarah, what do you want now? Do you want to go to him or something? You make me so confused." Sarah's best friend Amy ruffled her own hair. Sarah did not respond to Amy's scolding. She followed James from behind. At that time, James had just come out of the boutique by holding Nathalie's hand. "You like that dress?" James asked in a gentle tone. "There are parts that I don't like. But I've already talked to Mrs Keaton to remodel it. I don't like being too exaggerated. Sarah, who heard their words, felt her heart pinch. It hurt so much; she had never heard James speak softly to a woman. The last time she heard it was twelve years before she had an affair with Rico. "Well done, my future wife has good taste. I'm proud." James ruffled Nathalie's hair. "Oh, James, you are so annoying." Nathalie pursed her lips. "You want a kiss?" James raised an eyebrow. "Nonsense," Nathalie giggled. "A week later, we get married. Please be patient, James." 'M-Married!' They'll get married?'
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