Chapter 15 - Sarah's Plan

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"James, you're home," said Sarah after seeing James coming from behind the door. "Are you done cleaning up?" "Well, I've also cooked dinner for you." Sarah tries to smile even though her heart is now crying. After knowing that James will marry a cute girl soon, it seems she is a good girl, not like her. "Then you can go home." "It's okay; I want to be here waiting for you to finish eating." Sarah insisted on staying at James' apartment tonight. "I don't want to eat; I just ate," answered James coldly. "Oh, I see?" Sarah's voice sounded hoarse, and her tears almost fell. "Starting next month, you won't have to come here anymore; I'll hire a cleaner. But don't worry, I'll still give you a monthly fee to live for you and your family." "Why can't I come here?" Malika asked sorrowfully. Yet she already knew the reason. "I'm getting married; I don't want my future wife to know if you stay in this apartment. The other women are free to go in and out without my permission." "I beg you, James. You are not married yet; let me be in this apartment. I will clean the apartment; I don't want you because I have no right. But at least let me see how many weeks it will be before you get married. with another woman." Sarah asked. James looked at Sarah, who was now crying, feeling a little pity even though he hated her. He still loves her, considering he was the first to touch her. Sarah was once the centre of his world, where he returned to his apartment with enthusiasm only to meet the girl and make love like a married couple. They shouldn't be able to do that. But because of love and has been addicted to having free s*x, James invites Sarah to live together under one roof. Everything was beautiful until the time Sarah had an affair with Rico. "Please..." Sarah pleaded. The girl approached and held James' hand. Sarah looked at James' face with eyes that looked very painful. James sighed, "Okay, I'll give you one more week to let you be in this apartment. But I don't want you to stay here. You only come during the day." said James coldly. Even though it was only a week, it made Sarah grateful. At least she could still see James up close before he moved to his new house. "You better eat; I'm full," said James, leaving Sarah. "Thank you." "Hmm." After eating and cleaning the kitchen, Sarah peeked into James' room. He was drying his hair in front of the mirror; Sarah made no attempt to enter or approach James. She was afraid that James would get angry and kick her out. "If only time could turn back, I definitely wouldn't have cheated on you, James," Sarah whispered softly. Sarah entered the guest bedroom and lay down. She tossed and turned but couldn't fall asleep. Suddenly there was a plan to thwart James' marriage. Maybe that way, she still had a chance to be close to James. The hope was narrow, even if they were to be together like before. But being able to be near him like now is extraordinary happiness for Sarah. Because until this moment, her heart still loves James deeply. Not willing if James is owned by another woman. 'Do I have to do that to stay by your side, James?' Sarah whispered in her heart. Three days later. Tonight James came home very drunk. He had just returned from the club after a party celebrating the release of his bachelorhood with his friends. With Nathalie, James felt strange. Indeed, at first, he did not agree to this arranged marriage. But after a few times meeting that very energetic young girl. There is a particular interest. Even when the girl did things he thought were trivial. James did not mind, from tasting the menu for the banquet at their wedding to fitting wedding clothes like last week. Even James secretly went to the location where Nathalie spent her time surfing. "James," Sarah called. Every day she waited for James to return before returning to her apartment. Even though she was ignored, it didn't dampen Sarah's intention to still greet the man before going home. "Hmm...." James just mumbled as he staggered. "James, be careful!" Sarah ran to James, who almost fell. "Damn it," James cursed, kicking the sofa and almost knocking him off his feet. Sarah ventured to approach James and led him into his room. There was slight happiness when James didn't refuse. "Be careful, James," Sarah said, laying down James on the bed. The man was confused, muttering something incoherent. For a moment, Sarah looked at James. Sarah's lips then smiled, and she began to open the shoes, socks, watches and clothes of the man she loved. Sarah took the initiative to change James's clothes and clean his body with warm water. Sarah's chest thumped as she was about to open James's boxer. It's been a month that James hasn't asked her to have s*x. Sarah misses James's strength. James is very good at making his bed partner satisfied with his abilities. Rico is not comparable to James's ability. If only…. can go back in time. Malika shook her head, and she hesitated. "Should I put that plan into action tonight?" mumbled Sarah. Sarah decided to get some warm water and a small towel to wipe James before putting him in his pyjamas. After she finished wiping his upper body, Sarah reached James's manhood. Slowly the girl opened the boxer of a well-known international designer. Even though she had seen and felt the pleasure many times, Sarah's eyes were amazed. Sarah still admires James's manhood to this day. The movement of Sarah's hand stopped when James said a girl's name. "Nathalie, Nathalie Spencer. I can't wait to marry you. I want to go on my honeymoon soon and show you my strength." Sarah shook her body, holding back tears. She was jealous; it turned out that the girl had mastered James' heart. Because even in an unconscious state, James said her name. "Nathalie Spencer. What a beautiful name," said Sarah sadly. Jealousy and heartache overtook Sarah's heart. She immediately took her cell phone. She was determined to carry out her plan tonight. Opportunities won't come twice, even though she's guilty of having an affair behind James first. But James has also slept with dozens, if not hundreds, of women over the past twelve years. She only cheated on one man, and that was once. But why can't James forgive her? Even now, he would lightly marry and leave her. Sarah is not willing. Malika prepares a tripod and puts on her cellphone; the cellphone's camera is pointed at the bed. After making sure the camera view is right on James's body. Sarah slowly approached the bed while taking off all her clothes.
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