Chapter 4

1083 Words
"This here Giants is the 2015 ESPN Body Issue." Cruz yelled as he entered the locker room full of his teammates holding up the ESPN Magazine. "And pretty boy Dell, has been outdone!" Odell's head shot up, his eyebrows heavily frowned his lips pressed together, a look of disgust came across his face. "f**k you mean, nah, I'm on the cover, never that." He said waving Cruz off. Cruz stepped forward his fingers locked into a specific page in the magazine. "I beg to differ. BOOM!" Cruz's tongue hanging out his mouth as his boisterous laugh filled the room. He pulled the magazine apart in front of Odell's face. Teammates gathered in closer, in all her naked galore, Massy's body frozen in mid-air as if she was getting ready to kick a soccer ball. Odell grabbed the magazine from Cruz's hands, looking down at her picture. Manning stood inches behind Odell looking over his shoulder. "Oh yea, I agree with Cruz." He said nodding his head very pleased with the picture, then slowly walking away to the showers. "I'm definitely faking some injuries this season!" Collins confirmed as he snatched the magazine from Odell's hands to get a better look at the photo. Odell snatched it back closing it and tossing it on the bench of his locker. "Y'all so damn extra." He said shaking his head and laughing. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Massy rolled her eyes once she saw Odell step into the therapy room. This time fully dressed, a Gucci backpack strapped to his back, and a pair of bright red wireless Beats By Dre headphones around his neck. "I need a favor from you." He asked showing his thousand-watt smile. Massy tried her best to keep a straight face, she squinted her eyes at him. "This isn't another attempt to get me to feel on you is it!? I'm not rubbing your ass Odell, there's nothing wrong with you!" She said remembering his shenanigans from yesterday. Odell put his head down laughing, his eyes closed as he remembered seeing her hard n*****s once he sat up. "Nah nah nah, I want you to sign something for me." He said once he stopped laughing. Massy frowned in confusion. "What?" Her head c*****g back. Odell stepped closer to her, pulling his arm from around his back, he tossed the folded open ESPN magazine on the table, a sharpie marker clipped on the inside spine of the book. The smile that Massy had been trying to hide from him finally came bursting out. "Dere it is." He said regarding the smile she finally let out, laughing and looking at her face. Massy covered her face in embarrassment, her cheeks turning red. "Nah nah nah, don't hide it from me now!" He said moving even closer, walking around the table standing on the same side she was, he grabbed her wrist in his large hands and pulled them from her face. Massy put her head down still trying to hide her smile, her hair came tumbling over her head. Odell released her hands and placed his index finger on her chin and pulled her face up, he pushed the curls that hid her eyes and tucked them behind her ears. Odell looked down at Massy's lips, the scent of his cologne filled her nose, she took a deep breath and looked down at the magazine and grabbed it. "I can't believe it's finally out!" She said trying to change the subject, Odell knew he had gotten too close for comfort, so he didn't push it. He stepped back and looked down at the magazine in her hands. "You look good!" He said with a smile. Odell watched her flip through it, she finally stopped at his page and looked at it for a few seconds. "Thank you, so do you." "So you going to sign it or not!?" He said with a serious face. "You're serious?" She asked with an unsure look. "So serious." Massy shook her head and grabbed the black sharpie, she scribbled her autograph across her picture and handed him the magazine. "I need one more favor from you." He said licking his lips. "Oh god, I knew it was too good to be true." She put her head in her hands waiting for him to pull another stunt. Odell laughed throwing his head back. "You don't even know what it is, you freakin out." Odell crossed his arms in front of his body. "Come with me to get something to eat." He said looking down at her with an emotionless stare. "Odell I can't." Massy shook her head smiling at him, trying to ease the letdown. "Not a date, we just two friends going to get something to eat." Odell assured her. "We naked in a sports magazine! We got to celebrate, we out here doing big things woman!" Massy crossed her arms putting her head down. "Oh my gosh." She closed her eyes shaking her head. "Not a date right!?" "Not a date. I promise." Massy opened her eyes and chewed on the inside of her cheek, she looked at him trying to push the fact of how fine he was out her mind. This can not and will not ever be more than just friends she thought to herself. She shook her head no. "Ok." Odell frowned. "Is that a yes or no? Cuz you shaking ya head no, but saying yes." "No, I'm mean yes, not saying no to me shaking...." Massy sighed. "I'll go, I'll go." Odell smiled at her nervousness. She pushed on his chest signaling for him to start walking. "Come on, come on. Before I change my mind, go go!" She demanded as she pushed on his back. Odell and Massy walked through the facility and out to the parking lot walking Massy to her car. "You gone follow me right? You not gone duck out on me, act like you following me then turn and go home!?" Odell teased her. "Odell, come on before I change my mind!" She said opening her car door and ducking down in her driver seat. Odell waited till she was in her car and closed her door, Massy watched him jog across the parking lot and get in his car, starting it up. She pulled out behind him following him into the city. "This will not and can't ever be more than just friends." She repeated over and over to herself out loud as she followed behind his Lamborghini.
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