Willow and Max

372 Words
Jonathon: I can feel the heat radiating from Addy, it started to make Max whimper he knew it was beginning, I went to stand up and rush off to her but alpha used his alpha command and told everyone not to move I couldn’t even get up. I started to panic. Addy needs us! Were her mates. Nathan spoke up and told alpha we are her mates, and relief washed over me as I was able to move and we all rushed out after her. You could hear her bones breaking and her screaming, I seen her grab her stomach, hunch over and scream this most piercing scream. Max howled hearing her in pain. I heard Chase screamed in the distance, he’s shifting too. I watched as Addy removed her clothes my thoughts no where other than concern, I watched as Nathan put his hand on her back and I did the same, as did Keaton. Max told me it was time to shift, so I removed my clothes and shifted and watched as Addy turned into this stunning white wolf with the bluest eyes I’ve ever seen. She shook her coat and her coat turned silver every time she moved it went between white and silver, she is amazing. I couldn’t stop staring at her Max told me to bow, so I bowed. He told me Addy’s wolfs name is Willow and she was introducing him to Addy. My brothers bowed too. Willow became playful and Max wanted to mate with her right then and there I had to tell him to hold back, not yet. I watch as she began playing with us and took off, we heard rustling so we must have heard Chase, her ear went up and she went right to him. We see Chase at the stream, again Max told me to bow to acknowledge Jake (Chase’s wolf) as our alpha. Willow went to the stream and looked at herself she seems so proud of herself and I couldn’t help but smile. That’s our girl. Chase linked me told me it was time to head back to our clothes and we watched as Addy ran back towards our clothes. She is so beautiful and all ours.
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