Wait What Three Babies

1271 Words
-We left off with Star leaving her home to have her what we thought twin babies in a field. Since she was of special gifts she wasn't sure what would happen to her during the times of giving birth so she wanted to be left in an open field near water. She had mind-linked Former Luna and her best friend Ember to help her since her mates were frantic and once she was settled things began to happen. As both babies came out after some element powers took place she then felt the urge to push again and then another baby came out. Both boys looked like each father with each having the markings to match yet the third child the only girl had a marking of a heart with a crown and fire wings. Which meant a child made up of both fathers and mother. Once the babies were brought into the world they were then placed in a carriage to head back to her town with three babies that she just gave birth to.- Star was very exaggerated from having three babies right after having been pleased by both of me. She ended up sleeping for many hours. Star and the babies were sent to the pack hospital for observation. Damon watched over Star like a hawk while Gabriel watched over the babies. Former Luna and Ember would take turns coming and going checking on Star as she slept. They would also take turns pumping milk from Star so they can bottle feed the babies. Since they were three babies that was a lot of work to do. The men helped out in between feedings and changings. Star had been through a lot the past few days that She ended up sleeping for two days straight. Damon and Gabriel were worried so they didn't sleep and made sure that the kingdom was heavily guarded as well as the pack hospital.  Star dreamt of different battles she was in each of them looked different and each time she had died. Her dreams were of years of gifted wolves who had to sacrifice themselves to save their pack in the end each pack were destroyed regardless. She watched and felt these strange feelings of each gifted wolf love, hatred, guilt, and when their time came she felt every emotion during and after their life was taken. She knew that these dreams meant something and she was to wake up.  Star began to shifted her eyes open then shut them again and again will her eyes adjusted to the light and the vision come back to her. Her body was sore and she then felt fear and worry take over her when she went to feel her belly and felt a flat stomach instead. She sprang up like a jack in the box scarring Damon and Gabriel who just dozed off to sleep on the nearby chairs.  "Where are they, Where are my babies" Star screamed out.  "Shhhh, they are ok they are sleeping right now. Mother Luna is taking care of them as we speak" said Damon that is now standing by Star's bed stroking her hair looked at her with relieved eyes.  "Once you are fully awake and calm we can bring them in," said Gabriel who was on the opposite side of Damon. Gabriel held Star's hand rubbing his thumb across her knuckles calming her down.  Star then felt the sparks from both mates and how relieved they were that it started to calm her down. "I feel better now thank you, may I see my babies now," said Star looking up at both men with questioning eyes?  "Yes my love" said Damon as he left the doctor walked in.  "Good morning Luna, how are you feeling today,"said the doctor curious about how the once dead Luna was fully awake.  "I feel fine" she said with some hesitation. "As you may know after you feel out the window you fell into the special dagger that Brandon held it was the reason you died yet you had the strength to get up and walk to your mates before passing out. You also were able to wake from your death heal yourself and protect your babies. This is a very rare sight. You dagger scars are all that is left on you. You been asleep for two days after giving birth. The babies are healthy. Your vitals are all normal and there is no damage to your brain or organs. So after few more days of watching over you and the little ones you may be discharged" the doctor said. "Thank you very much doctor. I am aware of things that happened yet not sure how I did all that myself. All I want is to meet my babies now!" She said with smiling. As the doctor nodded then left. It was ten minutes after the doctor left that Damon returned with the bundles of joy. They were wrapped in a light blue blanket and were big. Damon passed one after another into Star's arms. Gabriel who had been sitting there watching got up and went to the bed. Both men watched at Star looked upon her babies and the look was of pure unconditional love in her eyes.  "Evan and Lucas" she said as she looked up at her mates. Both nodded and smile. Evan was the son of Damon and Lucas was the son of Gabriel. She smiled as she held them yet both men grabbed the baby's softly which took Star by surprise.  "What are you doing I havent had much time with them" she was cut off by another cry and there Mother Luna had brought in another bundle of joy wrapped in a pink blanket. Star's eyes widen as Mother Luna placed her in Star's arms.  "Star meet your third baby" said Gabriel who smiled as he held onto Lucas.  "WAIT WHAT THREE BABIES" said Star as she shuffled her gaze at the three people standing in her room.  "Star you were so worn out that you passed out soon after the third birth so we figured you may not remember that's why we did it this way. You have two boys Even, Lucas and now a baby girl" said Damon. As Star looked down at the once crying baby the baby looked back at her and there were one green eye one blue eye staring back at her. "Phoenix" slipped through Star's lips as everyone starred at each other.  "How did you know she had the markings" said mother Luna.  "I didn't I just felt like Phoneix was her name just like Evan and Lucas was." Star said. As she pulled down the blanket the baby's marking shown. A heart with wings of fire and a crown. "I see this is our combined child, Evan of the crown, Lucas of the Phoneix,  and Phoenix with the crowned burning love." Said Star as she held onto Phoneix and smiled with that unconditional love.  Few days later Star and her three babies were release and everyone gathered of the reveal of the future royals of the family. Yet Star was nervous and decided to not do a big party but to have the villagers meet the three royals inside the pack house. Weeks flew by and things had been busy for everyone. Star, Ember and Mother Luna were taking care of the three bundles. Gabriel trained the guards as well as helped other villagers with the recent rouge attacks. Damon had been busy with Alpha business. Everyone was on high alert because rouge attacks been more often.
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