Confirmed Orders

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"So what good tidings do you have for us, my dear Marcel? I guess you would be taking a few days to rest right after your trip eh? 15 towns in just a week would surely break your bones if you do not take a rest in the next few days." "So... Tell us in brief about your finding with the 15 taverns as well as the Merchants Association on each town?" The pioneers all gathered at the conference hall while Strongbow's son came in to serve 4 Crispy flatbread with fish fillings and a large bowl of thick steaming curried vegetables just for Marcel alone. "I could start a war if I can't have my hands on this Crispy flatbread and curried vegetables. Hahaha! You won't know how much I missed eating them. A week is like a few months for me you know...! Don't mind me digging in first, Your Majesty..." *nom* *nom* *nom* Without standing on ceremony, Marcel quickly tore the Crispy flatbread that was filled with spiced fish and poured an enormous amount of curry onto the plate just like one having trenchers. He let the Crispy flatbread which was now referred to as soggy flatbread to soak up the curried vegetables and began to spoon it up onto his mouth, his eyes turned into crescents the moment the food was munched as droplets of curry began to drip at the sides of his mouth. His tongue was like a snake as it licked the droplets from the sides of his mouth, not wasting a single drop of it. As Marcel was concentrating to munch on his food, he passed a stack of documents across the table towards me and I flipped it open. "Confirmed orders for the Chilled Copper Tuns for the 15 taverns and confirmed 30 orders for the Standing Icebox as well. Ignore the total price herein, its 225 gold coins for the whole 45 items that would soon to be received." "15 of the Standing Icebox would be for the taverns while the remaining would be installed at the Merchants Association. They all agreed to purchase them despite nearing winter season. So... How are the process for the Standing Icebox?" Marcel asked and Gwen cleared her throat as she was overseeing the operations for the wicker production areas that covers the manufacturing of the Standing Icebox. "Give us about 3 more days to complete the whole manufacturing of the 30 Standing Iceboxes. Furthermore, Imelda would be busy imbuing the interior of the Standing Icebox to stabilise at 2 different temperatures." "One would be at a freezing point while another would be just a few degrees above freezing point. As for the Chilled Copper Tuns, I guess you would be able to contact the fabricator in Corral, I suppose." Gwen concluded the process that needs to be looked upon and Marcel nodded his head as he ploughed through his soggy flatbread with his spoon. There were some long beans, okra and pumpkin that was mixed and cooked into a curry and all were walloped by Marcel as he left nothing behind. Marcel let out a flashy grin as he finished up his meals and a burp ensued. "So, how did I do, your Majesty?" "Pretty swell, as you know the chilled copper tuns and the standing icebox need not be priced at 5 gold pieces, a mere 3 gold pieces would be fine to return back into our treasury. Besides, you can keep the 2 gold coins for your own commission, as you know you were not actually paid by us to perform work." Marcel nodded his head as he acknowledges the statement that I had relayed to him. Earning in this way was sure much better for him rather than being a fixed salaryman. "Oh yeah, by the way, could you stock up some meat and vegetables for the Standing Icebox since 15 of them would be displayed in the Merchant Associations. Besides, 5 gold pieces would be on cash term while 8 gold coins would be for an 18-month repayment term." "Don't worry about the hassle of monitoring the repayment terms, I had gotten the bank to draft its terms and conditions and it is between the Merchant Association and the bank. What we would receive are the promised 5 gold coins." Marcel spread his hands as he explains the matters between the finance sector and Merchant Association upon the dealings of the repayment terms. As far as the merchandise was concerned, the bank would be handling all the transactions and would be paying Marcel the agreed sum of 5 gold coins per item. "Thank you so much for your great insight on these items, my friend. I guess once we have finish harvesting and sown the winter wheat seeds, we would be concentrating on the wicker production areas for about 2 or more months." "Besides, we do not any facilities to make the copper tuns, we let the Engineering Guild in Corral earn their worth. Less worry for us since we would be letting them do the work for us. Hehe." "Alright, that settles then. You may arrange for the fabrication and delivery of the copper tuns here from Corral. You may acquire Eagle's assistance to send a message there to start things rolling. Alright then, once you had done these matters, I wished to see you flat on your back and have some days rest. You really earned them, my friend." "Hahaha. I will do it for the sake, Your Majesty. Once the word of our chilled copper tuns gets round, I am sure the taverns would like to have more than one tun since the size that I recommend was quite alright for the size of our town." I gave Marcel a thumbs up and wrapped things up for the night. I took the sheaf of documents that were provided by Marcel earlier and place it in my study as Heather and I retired back to our room. "So, my dear... Would you be anticipating some miracles to happen on the next few days? I was talking about Isabela and I was hoping that I would be able to witness the poor chicken grow back a new set of wings or feet." "Yes, Heidi. Definitely... But at the end of the day, I am feeling rather a bit fearful since this matter was not expected at all and was never in our minds to meet someone who is as powerful as to be able to pull such a feat by just using their special abilities." "There are a total of 9 people with physical disabilities and once the secret is leaked to the public, I am sure Gracehaven would not be as quiet as it is right now..." Heather nodded her head as she laid on my chest as I held her close to me. Yes... A miracle was about to happen and I too am excited to view it first hand. If things were to work out accordingly to what we all speculated, those with physical disabilities would be able to live their lives as a normal person before they got their injuries... Especially Firestone. Poor chicken... Too bad it is going to be a test subject in the end but gets to grow a new body part, right?
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