A Change In The Title Deed And Taxes

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"Let me explain these squares first. This would be the Town Square which would be our Commercial and Business District. These outer clusters would be the residential houses." "The first cluster of residential houses would be for our present community while then second cluster would be for our latest Immigrants. We were planning to extend the land to be 4 miles by 4 miles squarish Town of Gracehaven in the future." "As we all know, the Gracehaven's title deed that I have in my hand here states about 1 square mile only but the future land development would be at least 16 square miles." "Please advise us on this matter. Please pardon our rush as well. We tend to make things work without much hassle and haggle." The dignitaries were surprised at the sudden change in plot size as 16 Square miles would definitely incur a lot of administrative fees to process it especially land taxes that need to be collected every year. They knew about the new changes but were taken aback when they heard about the new plans to acquire such a great area. It would be very influential in the years to come...! Fortunately, the Marchioness waved her hand and took out the current title deed that was signed some months back, in fact nearly a year ago. Then she removed some scrolls from one of the bags that the Marquis was carrying and spread it before me. She took out a quill set, a red wax and a seal where she unfurled the title deed in her hand. The next moment, she adjusted the figure of the land acquired in the title deed from 1 square mile to 16 square miles. She then heated the red wax and pressed her seal. The same goes for the title deed that I was holding. "That's it. Congratulations, Your Majesty. You are now the proud owner of a title deed worth 16 square miles in the area of Rawcliffe that is now called Gracehaven. Now, we go on to the second stage of business — administration fees and land taxes based on land acquisition and not based on trade or whatsoever." The Marchioness returned the omitted contents made in the scroll back to me as she prepared the other scrolls that depicted the administrative charges that I need to pay for the documents and services. It was rather straight forward and costs only a mere 1 gold coin. And now the real taxes began which was separated into population tax, livestock tax, house tax as well as land tax. I brought the census populace book and also gotten Crystal to gather information on the number of each livestock she had, including the baby chicks that were scampering around behind its parents. Fortunately, the livestock tax does not include fowls as the tax was only imposed on 4 legged livestock. After some time, Crystal got back with the full report based on the current livestock including its offsprings. She was used to handling such matters before, back in Darlington and she once again had showed her proficiency in handling such matters. The taxation was as follows — 1. 4 coppers per population. 2. 4 coppers per livestock. 3. 2 coppers per single storey house. Double if it's a double-storey house. 4. 1 copper per acre based on land area. I looked at it and if it's a monthly tax, I am sure any territorial king would revolt, not only its peasants...! After rounding off the figures, for the fiscal year of May 1441 to May 1442, we have to pay 2400 coppers for the population, 600 coppers for the livestock, 600 coppers for the houses and lastly 10,240 coppers for the land taxes. It all summed up to be 13,840 copper coins that were equivalent to 2 gold, 38 silvers and 40 coppers. After getting the right calculations, done twice, Heather paid up and an official receipt on parchment was received. It was later sealed and stamped and its official that we had paid the taxes for that fiscal year. "I thought the taxes would be very high indeed. But it was quite an affordable amount for us. How come there are lots of territorial Kings out there who complained so much about paying their taxes?" I asked since this could be seen as a general question nor a sensitive one. "The problem with taxes is that people see them as a whole sum in coppers. And when they see the taxes, like yours to be at 13,840 coppers, the leaders couldn't ask taxes from the houses, the livestock and the land am I right? So, at the end of the day, the citizens have to pay the taxes instead." "Imagine a settlement that has only 500 residents and was asked to share equally and pay without the leader's involvement, do you think the residents won't be coughing out blood at all? That's about a tax of 3 coppers per month to garner that 13 over thousand coppers to be paid to the King." "Ahh... No wonder when I propose a tax system in the early days in Gracehaven, a lot of residents were not too happy about it but were too afraid to voice out. Only one or two managed to disagree and in the end, the tax system was abolished by us." I explained as I held the official parchment receipt that the taxes were paid up in full. There would be some fluctuations in the taxes in the coming figure except for the land tax that had been decided upon based on the changes made in the title deed for the land expansion. "Hmm, the residents are extremely lucky to have you as their leader. Right now, you had fulfilled your duties and you would like to make known that the taxes collected were being used for the future developments of King's Army." "Thank you for compiling with the in-laws, Your Majesty. As for the next tax collection next year, someone from the House of Commons would be assigned. I guess Mister Richard Rich, Sheriff of London, a local mercer would be the one coming around to collect the taxes." "Alright, since we have made all the final decisions, let us meet the new Prince and Princess shall we?" the Marchioness suggested and Heather and I were more than glad to show them upstairs. The gifts had already been in the nursing room waiting to be unwrapped by us but would do it when the dignitaries had left the premises. Besides, would it be rude to open presents that are not meant for you? Hahaha. The dignitaries were ushered to the nursing room where the twins were wide awake as if they knew that there were some guests that came to visit them. The twins were gurgling in delight when the dignitaries came and greeted them and also played a little while with them. Soon, they headed downstairs where a spread of goodness was served on the conference table as there was quite a lot of varieties that the Gracehaven's Greasy Spoon had kicked up. The Gracehaven's Finest Bakery served sandwiches with a cold spread of mayonnaise and other fillings and all were a delight for the dignitaries for they knew that every single range of food would not let them down a bit. There were smoked chicken sandwiches, fish flakes in brine and mayonnaise plus other finger foods as well. It could be said the mini banquet that was planned brought such delight to the dignitaries. Before they left for the evening, they packed the food in luncheon baskets to eat along the way, even if they had taken dinner before they left. After the dignitaries had left and the pioneers had sent them off, we all went back to the domain where the pioneers all gathered around Heather and me as they slapped my shoulders and congratulated us for successfully acquiring a 16 square miles land for Gracehaven's use. Looks like we would be having more than a mile of crops and livestock in the future within the next few months. HAH...!
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