Plans From A Greek Arena

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After giving it a good reference with some guidelines written on some pieces of paper to denotes some of the events, there would be a few varieties that could be added to this wrestling event that rules up the young blood every time. The more I thought of it, the more excited I could get too. As for the prizes, I wouldn't mind having some silvers as consolation as well as belts and crowns adorned with precious stones too. "Hahaha... This is going to be great. At least if I'm excited to plan one, the crowd would also be excited to witness one as well... Hahaha." I laughed out loud as I made some guidelines on a single piece of paper. Singles Match A match against an individual regardless of weight, height and age. No time limit with a referee. Winner by submission, surrender or a knock out within 10 counts. Round Robin competition, winner earns silver and a Singles championship belt. Tag Team Match A match that comprises of a buddy system with 2 on each side. Only one wrestler on each side can enter. However, no limit to any underhanded tactics. No time limit. With referee. A wrestler needs to be tagged in or be disqualified within 10 counts. If disqualified, one would be against 2 opponents. Winner by submission, surrender or a knock out within 10 counts. Round Robin competition, winner team earns silver and 2 championship belt and labelled as tag team champions. Handicap Match A mix of a singles match and a tag team match. The single opponent may be taken from the pool of wrestlers from the singles category while the double would be from the tag team. The doubles need to be tag to enter the ring or deemed as disqualified. Winner by submission, surrender or a knock out within 10 counts. Round Robin competition, winner earns silver and 2 championship belt even if the winner is a single opponent. Last but not least Royal Rumble. 30 wrestlers. 1 wrestler enters every 3 minutes. No category limit. Wrestler eliminated by throw over the rope and eliminated once both feet touches the ground. No referee inside but there would be referees on the outside to monitor those disqualifications. No submission, knock out et cetera, just throw them off over the rope would determine the champion. The winner gets a crown embedded with precious stones, a sceptre and silvers as well as a robe. A robe may be optional. It was already late at night when I had settled all the paperwork and as I wrapping things up, I met with Eagle and some of the pioneers who had returned from their snacking that evening and brought up a platter for me. "How thoughtful, guys. Thank you so much... Haha. I had just completed this draft. Can someone care to look at this?" I handed the sheaves of paper to Eagle as he carefully explains the mechanics to the rest. Their eyes got wider and wider with anticipation until one question from Eagle made us stumped for a moment. "Do we have an arena for this type of event? We need a lot of resources in making the area and the seating that may look like a grandstand around it. Besides even if our courtyard were to have this arena, space would be tremendously reduced." "We would not have an extension of space in the future, Your Majesty. Unless the arena and grandstand are made to be portable then I think it wouldn't be a problem to be assembled and disassembled in the near future. Don't you think so?" "Oh yeah... I have never thought about it at all. Hmm... Eagle... You have your engineers, get them to make a small model of the arena that would be able to accommodate up to 2000 spectators. It would be the size of our courtyard with ample space to walk around or along the sides." "Hahaha. Don't you worry, Your Majesty. May I take this journal since there's a drawing of an arena in Greece? It looked quite feasible and we are going to make a small model within the next few days." "There's even a diagram on how to design the squared circle. This would be rather cool. The engineers would be making the model once I show it to them. Give me some time, I would be right back, Your Majesty." With this, Eagle went to the lower part of the domain where the Shadow was taking a rest in the standby rooms and he has shown one of the engineers of the idea and concept that I had in mind. After leaving some instructions, Eagle flew to the second level to join us again. "So what do you think, Eagle? Do you think it is feasible to build a square circle for the arena? How would the design be and would it be cumbersome? Most importantly it would need to be safe, right?" "Don't you worry about that, Your Majesty. In fact, the engineers informed me that there would no need to make a model as it was a waste of time as it could be drawn up with paper and ink which would be faster." "The engineers are on it as we speak, they would be making a draft as we speak. They confirmed that 4 feet would be able to accommodate 3 children and 2 adults much like our benches here that are 12 feet long. They would be using the current benches as a gauge to make the bleachers." I clapped my hands in excitement as I heard the mention of bleachers that would be constructed. Even though it would be heavyweight and cumbersome, but the bleachers could be stowed away as bamboo pipes would be made as to its base construction just like the homes in the residential lots. Till date, not one of the houses had suffered any damage or disrepair while just needed slight maintenance for them. A short while later, three engineers came up to the balcony area and presented their drawings. When I looked at the top-down drawings, it looked like some lines drawn on the perimeter of a rectangle in the centre. The rectangle was 16 feet long by 8 feet wide and there were lines around it where one side was 6 feet wide standalone while the other was 6 feet with a walkway in the centre of 4 feet wide. Even if the 6 feet bench space could fit 4 to 5 adults, a single layer could just accommodate 24 to 30 people. "In order to accommodate 2000 it would be like a coliseum, Your Majesty." one of the engineers reckoned. "We could make 20 steps, means the spectators would be climbing up to that height. We would be having standing areas as well. Besides you may have a structure made entirely by using bamboo or a mix of bamboo and planks." "As for the bamboo materials, it would be easily stowed away. With the skids underneath the bleachers, these could be easily run across the ground with a few men at most." "Hahaha... I approve of the current design since it would be upgraded as times goes by, right? So, tell me more about this rectangular arena then." The rest of them were elated as I am and I was surprised that the engineers really put their effort and time to make the drawings to work.
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