Chapter 4

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"I didn't expect you to give me a very detailed email," Derrick said, casually propping his arm against my desk. I didn't want to have any extra conversation with him other than work matters. The vibe he was sending me made me want to stay at least twenty feet away from him all the time. I glanced at the wall clock and smiled inwardly, "I like to sort everything thoroughly" I said, switching off the computer. It was time to go back to the supermarket. I wondered how my parents managed today. I know I don't have to worry about them as they had workers to help them out but still a piece of me kept worrying about them. I can only hope there are no angry customers at the supermarket today and everything going great there. "I see" I heard Derrick say. I looked up at him again. I completely forgot about him as I absentmindedly gathered the files in my hands. I just gave him a curt nod and hoped he would leave me alone but Derrick managed to irritate me more than before by asking me the question that I hate the most coming out from a colleague. "So what are you doing after work?" I gritted my teeth and stood up from my seat, "None of your business" I smiled at him, handing him the files. Colleagues are people that I can't be friends with. They only can access a certain part of me. The smirk on his face got completely wiped off at my reply and his eyes visibly hardened, "Playing hard to catch? I have seen many women like you. At first, they will look uninterested, mean, even but as time goes by-" I cringed at that. I was not going to stand here to hear him boast about his charms, "Really not interested in what you have to say" I interrupted him abruptly, flinging my bag over my shoulder. Who does he think he is? That seemed to baffle him, "Fine" He said, clenching his jaw, "Let's see how many days you can survive without coming to me voluntarily to make you-" He stopped when I walked around the cubicle and made my way towards the exit, "Hey! I wasn't done talking yet!" He cried out but I didn't spare him a second glance. Stupid p*****t of a colleague. It is only my first day here and he almost made me regret joining this office. There were not many people around on the floor that I am on right now as many of them left the minute the clock struck five. I only stayed behind for a few more minutes to check on the company's details as a worker here to know better about it. I need to know what kind of projects are waiting for me so I can mentally prepare myself to go through the stress and also work efficiently once I got my hands on it. My eyes fell on the elevator area and I realized that it was shut for maintenance. I looked around for any staircase. Sure, climbing down fourteen floors doesn't sound exhausting at all. After looking around for some time, I was glad to find another elevator on the other side of the floor so I quietly made my way to that elevator and waited, glad that I don't have to run down all fourteen floors. My mind once again went back to my parents. Once the doors opened, I stepped in and pressed the button before letting out a sigh and tucking my bangs behind my ears. I can't wait to go back home after closing the supermarket for the night. All I wanted was to lay in my bed and pull my covers up until my chin- My eyes widened and a shrill shriek escaped from my throat when the elevator came to an abrupt halt. My body jerked forward and I would have landed face down on the hard tile if I didn't steady myself by placing both of my hands on the icy iron wall of the metal box that I am in right now. For a moment, I didn't understand what happened. I stood up straighter and looked up at the small LED screen and my eyes widened when I realized it has been turned off. Knowing I am now stuck in the elevator on God knows which floor, I hurriedly went to the wall of buttons and pressed the open button repeatedly like a maniac, "Ugh, I didn't want my day to go like this" I groaned when the doors didn't budge, "Please, please open up" I mumbled to myself, pressing number one and then number two. Eventually, I pressed up all the numbers but the lift stayed still. I took out my cellphone but I couldn't get any service so it was practically useless. Grumbling to myself, I put it in my bag again. How the hell am I supposed to get out now? I started pounding my fists against the doors in a vain attempt to get some attention from anyone behind it but still, it was deadly quiet. I leaned in and pressed my ear against the door to hear what was going on outside and it was quiet as well. Clenching my jaw, I pulled away from it and stared at the doors angrily for a few moments before raising my leg to kick it but then decided against it as they could have a camera in there. I didn't want to go to jail for vandalism. I whipped my head up and there it was, a small camera in the corner of the elevator. Sudden hope flared within me and I started waving at the camera, "Hello? Can anyone hear me?" I asked stupidly, "I am stuck in the elevator, please help me" I added frantically. After a few minutes of more screamings, I finally accepted that I cannot do anything about this so I have to wait for help. I exhaled a ragged breath and leaned my back against the cold metal, shivering against it as I slowly slid down to sit on the cold hard floor. My feet were killing me. I undid my hair and pulled it into a messy bun while I waited, in hopes someone would come. This is not how I imagined my day to go. I should be at the supermarket right now. I glanced down at my wristwatch and realized it has been two hours since I got stuck in there and there is still no signs of help. At the rate this is going, I won't be surprised if I have to stay for the night here. Almost two hours passed since I got stuck in the metal cage when I finally felt the elevator creak and then suddenly it was moving upwards, "Oh thank god" I mumbled to myself even though I was fully aware that the elevator was supposed to go down and not up. I was just relieved to know it was operating and immensely grateful for that. Besides, I punched at all the numbers in a desperate attempt to get the elevator working again. My eyes widened in horror when I realized that the elevator would probably stop at every floor before finally going to the ground floor as all the numbers were pressed. I have to look at the bright side, right? At least I won't be spending the night in here. My eyes went to the small LED screen to check which floor I was currently on only to realize I was on the twenty-fourth floor and the next second later, the elevator dinged, indicating that it was about to open its doors. I rearranged my facial expressions and held my breath just in case anyone walks into the elevator. The doors finally opened and instantly my eyes met with familiar piercing green eyes and they widened in shock at the sight of me. I was sure I was mirroring his expression as well as I too, was surprised to see him again, that too, in this office. Does he work here? He was wearing a suit and it looked very nice on him. His dark hair was combed sideways. Judging by his formal attire and how he styled his hair, I can safely assume that he works here. He continued to stare at me, his eyes swirling with an emotion that I can only pinpoint as longing. Then, just like the other day, he raised his nose up in the air and took a whiff, shuddering a little before locking gaze with me again. I stared at him, perplexed. What does he doing? Is he a creep- "Doors are closing" The robotic reminder of the elevator seemed to snap him out of the trance he was in and he took a large, commanding step into the elevator, one hand stuffed into the pocket of his trouser and the other one, balled into a tight fist. I moved away from him, giving his space. I looked down at my feet, my face burning hot for some reason. The elevator then dinged, stopping to open its doors on the twenty-third floor. Oh my god- "What the-" I heard the stranger cuss under his breath. This is going to be extremely embarrassing. The doors closed and the elevator went down another floor before stopping to open again. I slowly raised my eyes, taking a peek at him and a little gasp left my lips when I realized he was staring at me, his dark eyebrows pulled together as he frowned at me. Am I supposed to say anything? I feel like I have to explain the situation- The doors closed and then went down another floor to open again. I squeezed my eyes shut tightly, "It is my fault. I got stuck in the elevator for two hours and I pressed up all the numbers in a vain attempt to make the elevator move again" I said everything in one breath, flushing in embarrassment as the doors opened on the next floor. "Are you okay?" My eyes flew open at his soft question and found him staring intently at me, "Wh- what?" I asked, confused. "You said you were stuck in here for two hours. Are you okay?" He asked, his mesmerizing green eyes scanning my face like it was the most interesting thing on earth. I nodded my head, "Yes, I am. Thanks" I said, averting my eyes as I was unable to handle the intensity of his gaze. Guilt washed over me when I realized I was wasting his time, "Sorry you have to go through this. It is time-consuming and I am sure you have places to be-" "It's okay," He said, cutting me off. I clamped my lips shut and gave him a curt nod. "I haven't seen you around here before" I heard him say, "Are you new here?" I nodded again, "Yes, I joined today" I kept my answer short. Just because I was wasting his time doesn't mean that I was up for a conversation with him. I apologized and he said it was okay. End of story. A comfortable silence fell upon us and I welcomed it gladly. I kept glancing at the small LED screen nervously, gnawing my lower lip unconsciously. A few more floors to go. "Sorry" I looked up at him, furrowing my eyebrows at him in confusion. He was staring ahead and then turned his head slightly to look at me. "For the other day at the supermarket" He continued when I looked at him questioningly. "Oh," I said before smiling at him, "Nevermind" I added just as his gaze softened a little, "You never told us what's the problem before you left" I reminded him. He looked away again, "It's just that I think the goods in there are overpriced. Not all of them of course" He said, "Most of the people here aren't born with a silver spoon in their mouth" I took that criticism wholeheartedly, "It is a new supermarket. I am sure once we understand the customers' needs, we can reduce the price at where we can" I nodded to myself. I know we can't use the city price here in a developing town. People might not be afford to buy those groceries. I must visit other grocery stores around the town to study their pricing here. He didn't say anything after that. We finally reached the ground floor much to my relief and with one last apologetic smile his way, I stepped out from the elevator and exited the building without looking back at him. But something in me said that he didn't take his eyes off me until I disappeared from the line of his sight.
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