Chapter 5

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I ran into the office hurriedly even though I wasn't late. In fact, I was about half an hour earlier and there weren't many people around yet. I just wanted to get a few things checked on the computer before I start my work today. I sat down on my desk and started the system before going through the list of things that I should sort off before leaving the office, "I guess you are all motivated to work here, huh?" I heard someone say after a few minutes, automatically making me look up from the screen, "Well, let's hope it is not a temporary thing" I couldn't help but frown at that the sight of me. Derrick was standing there, casually leaning the side of his body against the wall with an annoying smirk on his face. When he saw me looking at him, his smirk broadened and he winked. Immediately my mood plummeted tenfold, "Have you heard about this saying that goes something like if you don't have anything good to say then don't say anything at all?" I asked, glancing down at the screen again. I didn't look up to see his face again but from the corners of my eyes, I thought I saw him clenching his fists hard, "It's only your second day here. Why are so bitter with me? I didn't even do anything to you" He grumbled, "Yet" He added in a smaller voice and I am not sure if I was meant to hear that. I kept my tone cool and composed when I spoke again, "Let's just say I am very good at distancing myself from trouble" I shrugged, "Now can you please let me do my work without disturbing me?" I didn't hear a reply but his retreating footsteps were enough to put a smile on my face again. "I wish I can be as brave as you" I heard a small feminine voice say making me look up again, "He always bullies me and get away with it" She sighed, his eyes darting towards the direction Derrick went. "You mean, harassed you and get away with it?" I corrected her with both of my eyebrows raised, "You know, you don't have to be quiet about it. If you let him walk over you, he is not going to stop using you" I went on when she squirmed uncomfortably under my gaze. She lowered her gaze and came to sit next to my desk, "He is my superior here and I don't know what will I do if I lose my job here" She muttered under her breath as she started her computer, "It's hard when you are the family's breadwinner" She smiled sadly, glancing at me again. Poor girl. I sympathize with her situation but, "There is someone superior to him" I pointed out to her, "You can tell him about this" I encouraged but the reluctance in her eyes was evident enough, "You know what? you can do that when you are absolutely ready. Just let me know if you need any help" She just gave a smile that didn't touch her eyes in return. I sighed, shaking my head softly to myself, and went back to focus on the reason why I am here. It didn't take me long to find the files that I needed to interpret. I was actually good at these kinds of things so it is literally a piece of cake for me. "Done with the files?" I heard Derrick ask me when I was done interpreting the last file. The tone he used irked me but I let it slide. The more I pay attention to him, the more he would annoy me. I knew that much. "Yeah. Do you need it now?" I asked without looking up, my fingers dancing across the keyboard as I spoke. I didn't receive an answer from him right away hence I looked up to see him staring down at me with a stunned expression on his face. He quickly schooled his features, "You better double-check it. This is going straight to Mr.Camelli" "The CEO?" I asked, earning a nod from him in answer, "Okay" I shrugged, "Do you want them in soft or hard copy?" "Aren't you going to double-check it?" He asked, baffled. I shook my head, "I am confident with my work" I stated in an emotionless tone, "And you didn't answer my question. Do you want it in soft or-" "Hard" He interrupted me, his eyes blatantly mirroring his lust for me, "Always hard copy," He said in what he must have thought was a deep husky voice but in reality, he sounded a freaking creep. It seriously made me cringe. Without saying anything in return, I printed out the paperwork and filed them carefully, labeling them as well while Derrick continued to stare at me the whole time. I handed the files to him and thankfully, he left without saying anything. "Why didn't you check?" I heard Daphne ask me, "Mr.Camelli won't even let a small mistake slide" She continued when I looked at her. I chuckled softly, "Every CEO is like that, Daphne" I pointed out to her, "I have done my best. If he doesn't approve of it then I am ready to face the consequences" I said, my eyes flickering back to the screen of my desktop. Daphne whistled under her breath, "I think I have a new role model now" She said making my cheeks heat up slightly. I tried not to blush as I got up from my desk, "Get back to work" I rolled my eyes at her, "I am going to grab some coffee" I walked around the desk, desperate to get away from the situation before it gets uncomfortable. I was still very new in this office so I had no idea where the cafeteria was. I mentally scolded myself for not asking Daphne the directions before scrambling away from her. Now, I was circling around the floor like a child who lost her parents in the mall. I also had this strange feeling like someone was watching me and it only made me distracted as I kept glancing behind to see if there was indeed someone but nope, there was no one around. Well, except for employees from other departments who were minding their own business without caring to look who is passing by. I was glad they didn't look up though. The last thing I want is for someone to see me circling around the area more than thrice now. That would be so embarrassing. I let out a frustrated breath, no longer in the mood for coffee. I rather go back to my desk and finish my job for today than waste more time here, trying to find a cafeteria. I am sure I can find a nice, tall tumbler of coffee on my way home after work. I turned on my heels sharply only to bump into someone's brick-like body and the next thing I know, I was falling backward as the result of that collision. My eyes widened and a gasp left my lips before I squeezed my eyes shut, preparing myself to take the fall. A set of warm fingers wrapped around my wrist and caught me, jerking my body to a halt before I could land on my buttocks. My eyes flew open in surprise as the person who saved me from that embarrassing fall steadied my frame. My eyes met with a pair of green orbs. They were filled with an emotion that I can only decipher as immense worry as they studied my face anxiously, "Are you okay?" The stranger that I met yesterday in the elevator asked. I was still somewhat dumbstruck so I only stared at him for a few more seconds, unable to form a proper sentence, "Oh, I am sorry-" I finally said, finding my vocal chord, "I wasn't looking-" Relief flooded in those green eyes at once, "I can see that" He said, cutting me off before I can explain myself. I pressed my lips into a thin line and let my gaze fall to my wrist which was still in his clasp. He immediately let my hand go as if he noticed me looking at it, "Sorry" He mumbled, "Seems like you are lost. Do you want to go somewhere?" He asked politely, making me look up at him again. I nodded my head, "Yeah, I was trying to find my way to the cafeteria-" "I am going there as well," He said before I can finish my sentence, "I'll show you the way" He offered. I bit my lower lip, "Actually, I am not planning to go there now. I have to get back to work" I said reluctantly and I can swear I saw disappointment flitting in his eyes, "Thanks though. For saving me from the fall" I added quickly before I can forget. He gave me a curt nod, "Okay" He said, "But if you need to go to the cafeteria then it is on the second floor" He informed me. I mentally slapped myself. All along, I was circling around for nothing. I should have asked someone, "I see. Thanks for letting me know" I said politely before turning away from him but then I remembered something, "Oh, I have checked all the prices at the store now. I am sure nothing will be overpriced after this" I glanced at him for one last time before walking away from there. "Good to know that" For some reason, I found myself smiling at his reply but I continued walking, without looking back at him. I made my way to my department and eventually settled on my seat again, without the coffee. I sighed and opened up another file to see if it needed any editing when I heard someone clear their throat right in front of me. "You were missing for about twenty minutes" Derrick pointed, folding his arms against his chest, "I mean, I expected this when you came so early in the morning but I didn't think you would slack off today itself" I rolled my eyes, "I actually submitted the files you asked for today and currently working on the file that I am supposed to hand in tomorrow" I grunted. Derrick muttered something under his breath, "You were so confident with your work" He laughed sarcastically, "I wonder why Mr.Camelli wants to see you then" He added when I continued to ignore him. My eyes shot up to look at him, "Mr. Camelli is asking for me?" I asked, trying not to show the worry in my voice. But I was so sure of my work. I can bet with all the money I have that I haven't done any mistakes. Derrick nodded, the smirk on his face broadened. I kept my facial expressions blank as I nodded at him, rising from my seat, "Okay. Show me the way to his room" I said, trying to seem confident. Derrick smirked, his facial expressions suggested that he was enjoying this. Like he wanted this to happen. I silently followed Derrick as guided me toward the CEO's room. However, my mind wasn't quiet at all. I wrecked my brain, trying to remember where did I make a mistake but I couldn't come up with anything. It's okay, Bryce. You did your best and if something needs to be corrected then it is alright. You will learn something new and this is how the corporate world works. "There," Derrick said, pulling me from the train of my thoughts. I looked to the side to see a huge door with a minimalist board neatly screwed against it. COLE CAMELLI, CEO of the CAMELLI Group Holdings. "Don't cry if he scolds you" Derrick sniggered at my side. I shifted my eyes to scowl at him, "Don't worry. I am not soft like you" I smiled tightly at him before knocking on the door. "You really have a sharp tongue" He glared in return. "At least I have something sharp" I retorted. "Come in" I heard a deep masculine voice say from inside. I put my hand on the knob and took a deep breath before twisting it and pushing the door in. It opened without a creak and I stepped in quietly, taking in the interior of the room. I closed the door shut behind my back and stepped further into the lavishly furnished office room. It looked like a mini living room. "Good morning Mr. Camelli," I spoke in a clear voice when my eyes fell on the man who was sitting behind a desk, facing the other way. I couldn't see his face yet but I can make out that he is a tall man. "I assume you are the new data analyst" He spoke without caring to look at me, "Your name...?" He asked. "Bryce Wilson" I responded. "Bryce," He said, testing my name and a shiver went down my spine when he said that. The way my name rolled off his tongue...I didn't know why I was suddenly reacting this way, "Bryce Wilson" He said again, before turning his chair to face me. My eyes widened in surprise when they were met with those familiar green eyes again. It couldn't be. "We meet again" He beamed, putting down the file he was going through before casting his full attention on me.
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