Chapter 6

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I couldn't hide my surprise as I stared at the green-eyed stranger. The first time I met him at my parents' supermarket, I had a feeling that I will meet him again. Probably because Retsluv is a small town and people tend to bump into each other now and then but this never crossed my mind. He was watching me intently, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips, "Well?" He asked, waiting for me to say something. He was amused, which I am very sure of. I cleared my throat lightly, my eyes flickering to the name board placed on his desk before skeptically locking on him again, "You're Mr. Cole Camelli?" I asked stupidly, just for confirmation. What if he is the CEO's friend or something? I mean there is a possibility, right? The amusement in his eyes made my cheeks flush, "Yes, indeed I am" He confirmed but then an unfathomable expression colored his face, "Why? Are you disappointed that I am the CEO because of that incident at the supermarket?" He asked, his voice laced with a hint of worry. I didn't understand why he would be worried. Yes, at first I thought he was rude but he did clear the misunderstanding the other day and I have looked into it. It was nothing to worried about. Especially, not with his position. If anything, I am the one who should be worried. Realizing that he was still waiting for an answer, I smiled and shook my head, "No, Mr. Camelli. Why would I be disappointed? I am just surprised" I said with a professional smile. Immense relief washed over his face at my answer, "Okay" He said, rearranging his features, "I have read through your interpretations" He slipped into professional mode as well, "I must say, I have never seen a set of data explained thoroughly like this before. I am impressed" Oh, thank god. Here I thought I did something wrong, "Thank you, Mr. Camelli," I said, pleased to know my work is being appreciated, "I am glad you're satisfied with my work" The way he stared at me while I spoke almost made me stammer but I managed to pull it off smoothly. Why he was looking at me in that way? As if I am a valuable object? Or is it just me imagining things? A moment of heavy silence passed between us as we stared at each other. When it got unbearable for me, I cleared my throat softly, "Is there something else you want to say, Mr.Camelli?" I asked, the polite smile on my lips never wavering. It looked like he snapped out of something. He blink and straightened his back, "I just wanted to see the person who is behind the interpretations. If you don't mind me asking, where did you work before joining this company?" He asked the curiosity ringing clear as a day in his tone. "Fovty, New York" I answered. Understanding flashed on his face, "Explains why you're so ahead of your job. Were you in a higher position in that company as well?" He asked, his eyes never leaving my face. I nodded, "Yes" He nodded to himself as if he expected that answer from me, "And the new supermarket? Do you work there as well?" He asked. I shook my head, "It's my parents'. I moved in with them so in my free time I help around there as well" I explained to him. "I see," He said, glancing down at the file in front of him, "Keep up your good work. You have impressed me and this means that now you have to keep improving and live up to my expectations" He added earning a tight smile from me. "I will see what I can do, Mr. Camelli," I said. A few seconds passed and I pointed at the door without looking behind, "Um, can I go now?" I asked, starting to feel a little uncomfortable. Not in a bad way though. Mr. Camelli nodded his head, "Thank you" I said before turning around to leave. I only took a few steps away from him when he called me. "Bryce?" I froze on the spot I was standing and glanced over my shoulder to look at him, "Yes, Mr.Camelli?" I asked, waiting patiently for him to continue. He was staring at me with that unfathomable expression again. When I raised my eyebrows in question, he shook his head."Nothing" He said, "Have a great day ahead" Well, that is not weird at all. "Wishing you the same, Mr.Camelli," I said in return before rushing out of his room. I closed the door behind my back and let out a breath that I didn't realize I was holding, "Well, that was unexpected" I mumbled to myself and casually looked to my right only to get startled by Derrick who was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed against his chest. "What?" I asked. "What did he say? Did he make you cry?" He asked me in enthusiasm and when I stared blankly at him, he thought he was right, "Awww, poor thing. Don't worry, you will survive" I didn't want to tell that I was in fact got praised by the CEO. That would only add fuel to his raging green feelings about me, "Don't you have anything else to do?" I asked, "Wait. Were you trying to eavesdrop?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at him accusingly. His eyes went big as saucers, confirming my suspicion and he started to shake his head frantically, "No, of course, I didn't" He said but his eyes said an entirely different story. I glanced up to see if there was any CCTV around this area and my lips curved into a satisfied smile when I spotted one, "Good if you didn't. Because-" I paused, pointing up at the CCTV before looking at his anxious face, "See you later" I waved at him and made my way out of there while he stood there, looking up at the small camera worriedly. My mind was still processing my little meet-up session with Mr. Camelli. His face flashed in my mind and I don't know if I can ever forget such a face. I bet everyone in this company, especially, ladies are aware of his ridiculously attractive face. Not to mention the way he dresses up. I did notice he was wearing a black silk dress shirt and a black blazer with matching trousers. He perfected his look with a silver tie. I was so preoccupied with my lingering thoughts on the mysterious CEO that I wasn't aware that I had actually reached my desk. Ah, why am I thinking about that man? I can't remember the last time I spent so much time thinking about a certain someone. "I heard the CEO summoned you. Is everything alright?" Daphne asked me, clearly concerned about me, "Was it because of the file? Did he not approve it?" I smiled at her reassuringly, "Yes and no. He approved the file. In fact, he was very satisfied with it" I said, carefully measuring my tone so I didn't sound like I am boasting, "He said he just wanted to meet the new data analyst. That's all" I raised my shoulders to shrug as if it was not a big deal. The surprise was evident on her face, "Huh? He rarely meets any new employees here" She says, looking at me in disbelief. "He doesn't?" I asked, flabbergasted. She nodded her head, "Yeah, he doesn't. He is really cold. He is ruthless, actually" She leaned in and whispered the last part into my ears. That doesn't add up at all, "He didn't seem like that kind of person, though" I stated. Daphne now smiled at me knowingly, "I know" She lets out a dreamy sigh, "He looks too good. Sometimes I wonder if he is real" I chuckled under my breath, "I meant he doesn't look like a cold person" I said, shaking my head, "He was very...welcoming" I finally said, not really able to find the perfect word for the way he treated me. She looked like she wanted to say something but the moment she opened her mouth, Derrick literally shrieked at her, "Daphne!" He came to stand next to us, glowering down at Daphne, "We don't pay you here to gossip!" Daphne jumped away from me in shock, "I am sorry Mr.Kennedy" She apologized at once, "I am going to finish the file in a few minutes" I glowered at Derrick and continued to do so even after he noticed me glaring like there is no tomorrow, I continued to do so until he finally left the room, unable to handle the intensity of my glare. Who does he think he is? The rest of the day whizzed by pretty quickly after that. I was able to get a few more files done and before I know it, it was time to get home. I stretched in my seat, "I guess I will see you tomorrow then" I said to Daphne, gathering my belongings and putting them neatly in my bag. "Yeah" She agreed, "Oh, have you heard about the upcoming annual dinner? I think it will be held in two weeks" She added when I shook my head. "I just joined here, Daphne. I don't really know what's going on around here" I smiled, "Do everyone have to attend the dinner?" I asked. I didn't really feel comfortable attending a dinner with people I barely met. I wanted to sit that one out if I can. Unfortunately, Daphne nodded her head, "Yeah. Everyone will be there. It will be a fun night" Not for me. I didn't say anything to that. We both walked out of our department, passing a glaring Derrick together, "You know, he hates you" Daphne whispered when we are past the hearing distance, "He probably thought you were playing hard to get at first but now, he might feel threatened a little" I frowned, "Why he would feel threatened?" Daphne looked at me incredulously, "You are good with your work. It means that he has to keep up with your pace or he will eventually get degraded and you might get promoted" Ah, "But it is only my second day here" I pointed out. Daphne giggled, "I saw the potential from the first day itself. Come on, this way to the elevator" She grabbed me when I went towards the direction of the elevator I used yesterday. "Is the other elevator under maintenance or something?" I asked Daphne, walking with her now. "Other elevator?" She asked, sounding puzzled and only a second later she caught what I was saying, "Oh the private elevator? No, no. It is working very well but only the CEO has the access to it. No one else can use that elevator" I was mortified to hear that. That meant, I walked into Mr.Camelli's private elevator and pressed all the buttons there. That's not the worst thing, Mr.Camelli had to endure the doors opening on every floor until we finally reached the ground floor. I didn't say anything to that. What's done is done. I have to live with that now. It turns out the public elevator was located at the other end of the floor. I memorized the path so I don't accidentally use the private elevator again. Daphne and I parted ways and I rushed to my motorbike, wanting to get home as soon as I can when the feeling of being watched returned. I could feel eyes on me as if someone was watching my every move but there is no one around. I wasn't afraid though. It was just creepy. I scanned the area for a moment and when there was absolutely no one except a few other office workers leaving in their vehicles, I brushed it off as nothing and put on my helmet before starting the motorbike. I took a deep breath before revving the engine and eventually, sped out of the parking area, still feeling being watched.
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