Chapter 1 The Job

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Malachi's POV Strutting through these always frequented hallways, knowing how to navigate myself through them because I have quickly turned into a welcomed house guest. This brings on a different kind of confidence, knowing where I'm starting to stand in this place after years of helping out the Boss. It's nice to not feel like a fly on the wall who means nothing and easily swatted away. Just brought in to be an extra pair of hands, but not wanted for what I could bring to the table. But after many years of dedication and sticking my neck out in situations that I shouldn't have, just to get rewarded handsomely. I have somehow evolved from that quiet fly and into the reliable source, of actually be called upon for help, because they know I will work fast and smart to get what I need. I'm the reliable source now.. who knew I would get to this point? I knew what I was capable of, but I never thought anyone else would see the potential, until I finally got the bosses attention. I will be honest, I don't have much to my name, but believe me, I have all the street-credit that you could hope for in this big city. I have been quickly building up my name of being a reliable man and someone to not mess with. It might not sound like it. But that's actually very important to have in this dark side of this huge world.. and for once it feels good to have people know me. I started this career off by not being known at all.. that's how I have done this much and come so far. But there's a point where I needed to finally stand tall and claim what I have done. That moment with this boss, was when my whole life changed and I became the bosses call-to when he needs help. I have been this man for over a year now and I feel like I'm on cloud nine over that thought alone. There's not much that a man like me has that is memorable, except for his name, if that.. They won't remember my face or the things I did specifically, years from now.. But when they hear my name they will know exactly who I am. I would hope they would tremble at my name knowing what could happen to them if put on my bad side. But also knowing all the good I participate in with our community.. trying to build it up for the kids. I would mostly like to think of myself as a modern day Robin hood.. in a way.. I take from the rich, who don't deserve one bit of their luxurious lifestyles and give most of it away to people who really need it. A big chunk of the money is given to the homeless, schools or charities.. and of course, a good amount is given to my sweeter than candy momma and only sibling alive, my little sister. They're all I have left from my family, the rest were killed off because this isn't an easy place to live. So I make sure they are taken care of in this tough place. I am pretty professional when it comes to my work. I have only damaged the properties visited, only when I'm forced to, because that's not my style and not how I prefer to be remembered. But.. When it comes to the tougher parts of these hard situations.. I can honestly say that killing people has come few and far between for myself.. luckily.. but it's not like I haven't done it either.. I will do what I need to, just to survive, when my life's on the line. I will most likely damage an enemy first, trying to stop them anyway possible, before taking the last-resort route of killing them. So my numbers for killing are not very high.. but since I have numbers on my list, that's already higher than most. My family and I have always lived in the bad side of the city.. or it's better known as the ghetto. After my father and brothers let the clammy death of addiction and dealing drugs get the best of them.. they were easily killed off for the debts they owed, leaving my mother alone with my sister and I to fend for ourselves.. and we did. So I did what I thought was necessary for the family, and helped out any way I could. I have worked hard around these streets getting us what we needed and we survived this horrible area because of what I could do for them.. Which is steal. I'm not the biggest guy, now standing at 6ft tall but pretty lanky. Not a ton of muscle tone.. you can see my muscles but it's apparent that I don't work out. I'm very silent for my size and somehow easily get in and out of places without being noticed. I'm a very unnoticeable guy.. Or better said to myself, I blend in well. Now, because of my amazing skills that I have perfected over the years of practice, I have finally been noticed by the man who owns this part of the city.. Mr. Daniel Sanders. He didn't start out asking me to aquire much for him, the reliability and trust took time to build up with him. But after handfuls of sucessful missions he is really starting to trust me and my knowledge in this business. It's been to the point that lately, he has been hitting me up from one completed mission and instantly on to the next.. like he has a list. I won't turn him down knowing he is good for his money and he keeps making sure I have work. So anytime he calls, I come like some sort of trained mutt.. maybe that's what I am. The boss has called me once again to come to his place and I didn't miss a beat in coming here. I flew across town on my motorcycle and once I got to his residence, they actually recognized me. They opened the gates without a second glance and even did the same for me at the front doors to the residence.. I feel bigger than life. I don't have to fight my way through, proving over and over again who I am and why I'm here, while they call to confirm my story because they don't believe their boss would call me. I'm actually shown through the whole place as if I'm of importance.. and for once I feel like it. We get to the same large office doors I have come to, time and time again, just to have those held open for me as well. I strut into that room knowing I can and have nothing to fear from the big man. He seems like a nice enough guy. I don't know him behind closed doors, but he has always been kind to me and my family. Giving all of us gifts when he can and always has nice things to say. So I can't complain about this partnership one bit. "O'Malley, Good to see you son, I hope today has been good for you so far. I'm sorry to pull you away from your lovely mother, so give her a kiss for me as apology.. but I of course need your assistance.. I have to say, you're easily becoming one of my favorites." Mr.Sanders states to me across the room as they shut the doors behind me. "Good day to you as well Mr.Sanders. I don't mind coming here when you need me and neither does my mother, she understands. When I told her you were calling, she wouldn't allow me to miss your call, even if she was in the middle of lecturing me. She adores you... I would love to help out any way I can.. But you flatter me with your confidence in me. I don't know if I deserve it.. but I appriciate it all the same." I try to sound as professional as possible with him. "Well you keep doing what you're doing son and we won't ever have an issue.. now come and sit, so I can tell you about this next hit." He easily directs me as he gestures with his hand to the available seat. I sit in the huge brown leather chair directly parallel to him on the other side of his desk. "What do you have for me?" I ask him to now update me since I'm ready and at full attention. "I was hoping you could help me aquire some small things." I nod in curiosity obviously needing more information to complete this task. "I don't know if you have ever heard of Black Opal, Benitoite, Alexandrite, Painite, or Tanzanite stones?" I shake my head, I have heard of opals of course but a black one I don't think I have and the rest go in one ear and out the other, because of the similar names. "Well these are stones.. They are very rare and there are only certain places in world where you can get them if you're lucky.. The price tag on these can be pretty unbearable but not unmatched.. But that's neither here nor there. Anyways, I was friends with this couple and the husband promised to sell me their rare stone collection. but we had a falling out from a.. misunderstanding you could call it.. and now they refuse to sell it to me, even though I have offered double what they were asking and still no deal, just because it's me apparently.. but I won't take no for an answer. So I need you to aquire those for me.. you can have anything else you can find and carry.. Take what you want because you know these types of people.. Rich bastards that don't approciate one item they have.. So we will give it to someone who will appriciate it.. sound like a deal?" He explains then asks of me as I vigorously nod my head liking the sound of this new task. "Ok so tell me about the targets.. you said a couple? Do they have kids? What about pets? And what kind of alarm system?" I ask just wanting to know more. His smirk turns into a face-splitting smile. "I knew you were the perfect man for the job! Well his name is Ledge Ryland and his wife is Yvette Ryland.. Ledge is a renound doctor who sleeps with every nurse that comes around him.. and Yvette is the well known journalist for KTCT News on channel 9.. She does tons of stories and is always the center of attention.. so she will be easy to spot.. I'm sure you'll recognize her the moment you see her, but I do have pictures of them, their house, the rare stones and security system right here for you."He slides the folder across the desk to me as I willingly take it looking at the details trying to figure out where to start. "I do have a suggestion that may or may not help right now.. The couple is working most the time or just together staying home.. But lately it has been noted that they haven't been together often, for months now.. Maybe having a falling out because of all his cheating, but who knows really.. But at the moment he is gone and leaving her alone.. I'm not sure where the husband has been.. he left the city but we don't know for how long or where he went. But this would be the time to sneak in, because they have no kids or pets so she is all alone in that huge place.. Making your job so much easier.. They have a couple cameras around the property but nothing that you haven't dealt with before. This should be as easy as taking candy from a baby for you." He explains as best as he can for me. I think about all of this as I find myself already nodding before my mind has even come up with a decision yet. He smiles and hops out of his chair with his hand extended for me to take. "Malachi you are a relief in hard times.. You don't know what this means to me and since this is a harder than normal task with it being a particular item you're after instead of full amount of money.. I will add in some extra cash to help you feel better after all this is said and done." I smile bigger, matching his smile as we aggressively shake hands. "Perfect.. Yvette has been seen the past couple days heading to the bar by their place, for a couple of drinks before heading home. Maybe you will find yourself needing a drink later too.. keep me updated.. See you soon son and stay safe." Mr.Sanders states so kindly to me as I wave then quickly leave the mansion, just wanting to get this job underway.
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