4. Raven Telecom

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It was a bright and cold morning, the cool breeze was roaring outside. It looked like it was going to rain, the rainy season is drawing nearer and nearer. The sound of a trash can falling down was what woke Atticus Regan from his sleep. He woke up before the alarm he set for five o'clock in the morning. As he saw the weather, he knew it he doesn't beat the rain to reach his office, it will be hard to drive under the rain. It is always risky to drive while rain is falling in Datrington because the untiled roads then to be slippery because he is filled with clay soil. Atticus Regan jumped up from the bed, the vibration of the bed produced when Atticus jumped up was what woke Harley from her sleep. "Hope all is well, why did you jump off the bed as that" Harley Regan asked. "It is about to rain, I have to get to work before the rain starts, you know the condition of the roads before the bank," said Atticus Regan. All the government roads of Amberville are in good condition but some streets are yet to be tiled, Atticus Regan will pass through some untiled streets on his way to his workplace. He went to take his bath, while taking his bath, he was singing one of his favorite artists' songs. 5:40 was the time on the clock when he finished taking his bath. By the time he was done with taking his bath and dressing up, Harley had prepared cereals for him to eat. Atticus Regan and his family are living in a story building. All their three bedrooms are located upstairs while their dining room, parlor, visitors toilet, and study room are located downstairs. When Atticus came downstairs, he saw Harley sitting in the dining room with a bowl of cereals in front of her. She handed over the bowl of cereal to him when he came into the dining room. "I don't know I just feel relieved, the feeling is like something great will soon happen to me," said Atticus Regan. "It is good as you feel like that, I pray the feeling manifests in your life," said Harley Regan. He paused his meal and drew out his laptop from his bag, he was on it and went to check some stocks and companies he has been monitoring in the stock market. "Honey," said Harley Regan. "Yes, do you have something to say, I will soon be leaving for work," said Atticus Regan. "No, it is just that I have been worried about the dream John told us yesternight, let us work on it," said Harley Regan. "What do you mean," Atticus Regan asked. "If you look at our house, there is no emergency button and our house is not safeguarded enough," said Harley Regan. "Is it about John's dream, do not worry it is just one of those baby's dreams, anyway if something like that even happens there is an escape route in the basement and there is a telephone there to call 911" said Atticus Regan. Atticus then pat his on her back and told her "All is well, nothing will happen to us". He then proceeded to his car and started going to work. Harley his wife waved him goodbye as he was driving to work. She then went to start preparing things for John's school and her work. Few minutes after Atticus Regan left home, the rain began. The loud clap of thunder was what John Regan up from his sleep, his room was dark, he jumped off his bed and went to his parent's room, he became more fear when he did not see anyone there. He ran downstairs and saw his mum in the sitting room, ironing his uniform. He ran and hugged. "I was very afraid, I taught you and Daddy had left me alone," said John Regan. "I told you yesterday that I and your dad will never leave you alone, we love you so much," said Harley Regan as she rubs her son's head. Amberville is one of the blessed and civilized states of Datrington. They have constant electricity and water supply which they pay for at a very low rate. As the capital of Datrington, it has more industrial area than a residential area. You must have a blue card given by the government to own a house in any residential area in Amberville. "Now go and take your bath, I will join you before you are done," said Harley Regan. "My room is dark and scary, can you come with me," said John Regan. "Turn on the lights, you will not be scared anymore," said Harley Regan. "Mummy, the lights are not coming on," said John Regan. Harley then smoothened John's uniform further, after she was done she carries the uniform and walked upstairs to John's room with him. When they got to the room, she turned on the light and it oned immediately. "I thought you said it was not coming on," Harley Regan asked. "I did not want to come up alone because I would be afraid" John Regan replied his mum with a big smile on his face. Harley Regan then told John to go and have his bath while she waited, sitting on his bed. After he was done she cleaned him and wore him his uniform. They went downstairs together, John went to eat the cereal his mum made for him while she went to take her bath in readiness for work. Meanwhile, Atticus Regan was under the rain all throughout it fell, when he reached the clay-tiled road, it took him two times the time he would have used to pass through. He was avoiding his car from sliding down to the gutter. As at seven o'clock, Atticus Regan was still on his way to work, the rain had finally stopped when Harley was taking John to school already before she would go join her manager to know her schedule for the day. It was exactly seven-thirty that Atticus Regan got to work, also his son John was just arriving at his school. "You are welcome sir, I will order you a hot tea," said Helen, Atticus's secretary. "Thank you very much, I appreciate it," said Atticus as he walks into his office. Atticus Regan drank the tea his secretary provided for him. Throughout the day was cool, the rain that fell did not make them switch off the air conditioner in the bank. Atticus Regan was shocked that none of his co-workers that came to his house on Saturday night came to meet him in his office. He did not go in search of them because his wife said he should be avoiding them. He started to believe what his wife said. "So they were planning something bad for me the other night," said Atticus in his mind. Suddenly, he heard a knock on his door. He invited in the person that was at the door. Jeremiah Beckman and his other friends entered his office. "You did not get back to is since morning," said Callum Foster. "Oh, I don't think I am interested in investing in that stock, I currently even got a lot of work to do, we will discuss all this after work hours," said Atticus Regan. "What are you insinuating," Damain Ross asked. "Don't worry we will leave, immediately after we close, we will see you at the meeting, we will even discuss some companies that newly surfaced in the stock market" said Jeremiah Beckman. Immediately they left his office, he received a notification on his phone, it was about a new company surfacing in the stock market, Raven Telecom, they were ready to sell fifty percent of their shares for one million ravs per one percent share. Atticus Regan was immediately interested in investing but he wanted to monitor the company and research about them for a day. When he closed from work he joined the meeting, all they discussed there didn't interest him. When Atticus Regan got home he discussed with his wife about the available shares at Raven Telecom. He told her he was ready to buy thirty percent of the shares before he isn't available anymore. "How will you get thirty million ravs to purchase the shares," Harley Regan asked. "I already have twenty-five million ravs from my savings, I just need five million ravs from you," said Atticus Regan. "Really, I will write you a cheque of five million, I just hope we don't lose our money to this but I trust you all the times you have come to me like this it is always profitable," said Harley Regan. "I will check it out before I go to bed and early in the morning tomorrow," said Atticus Regan. They all had a good night's rest, immediately Atticus Regan woke up in the morning, he checked how many shares of Raven Telecom are available. It was over forty-eight percent of the shares that were still available. "I will take a short break from work today so I will go and purchase the shares at the company in person," said Atticus Regan. "Okay dear, I wish you well, please be very careful," said Harley Regan as she hands over the cheque to her husband. She waved him goodbye when he was leaving for work. He got to work quicker and earlier than the previous day because everywhere was cool and dry. After his lunch break, he visited the general manager in his office and asked for a short leave from work. He said he had some urgent personal business to settle. He went to Raven Telecom after leaving his work, he was very lucky because the company was located in Amberville. When he purchased thirty percent of the shares he was informed that if he didn't come early it would have been removed from the stock market. "Because you have purchased the majority of the shares, the rest will be in the stock market until it's fully sold out," said the CEO of Raven Telecom. Atticus Regan returned to his work, he said nothing about Raven Telecom until the general manager of the bank revealed that he wants the bank to buy some of the shares of Raven Telecom so the bank's financial status will be stable if the company's worth increases over the years. Callum Foster, Jeremiah Beckman, and Sam Morrison were against the idea, they then showed him another company that they felt was safer for the bank to invest in. Raven Telecom is a new telecommunication company in need of funding. They choose to sell fifty percent of the company's shares in order to raise some funds for progressive projects in the company.
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