Chapter 65

1402 Words
Amethyst's POV "You look pale. Are you okay?" he asked. "I'm fine" I assured him. Then, he extended his hand and touched my forehead before I can even react. "Liar. You're burning up. Come with me" he said and held me by the arm before suddenly lifting me up bridal style. "Hey!" I shouted in surprise. "You're going to get checked whether you like it or not" he said. I pouted in defeat. He carried me to the nurse's office as other students looked our way. I hid my face on his chest in embarrassment. He chuckled. After some time, we reached the nurse's office. "What happened?" the nurse asked as she guided us to a bed for the patients. "She's burning up, miss" he explained as he put me down. The nurse touched my forehead. "You're right. Wait here for a moment" the nurse said. We nodded. "You do realize that you can go now, right?" I told him. "I can but I don't want to. I'll stay with you instead" he said and sat down on the chair beside the bed. I chuckled. Then, I closed my eyes with a smile on my face. As I fluttered them open, I was blinded by the light from the ceiling. Then, it was suddenly covered by someone. My vision was blurry as I tried to make up the person. "Ansel?" I blurted out almost in a whisper. But then, I saw Devon instead. Right. It was just a dream. Again. "Amethyst" I heard Devon's voice. I was finally able to open my eyes and I met eyes with Devon. He had a worried expression on his face. I looked away. Then, I heard a door open. "Amy!" I heard Celine's voice. Then, Celine pushed Devon away from me. "Thank ghad you're alive" Celine said with relief. "What the hell happened to you?!" she said. I tried to push myself up. Devon immediately came to my aid but I lightly pushed him away. Celine helped me and I sat up. "Where's Ara?" I asked weakly. "She went out with your brother" Celine said. I nodded. "How long was I out?" I asked. "3 days" Celine said. My eyes widened. "3 days?!" I said in shock. Celine nodded. "Also, you hit your head. You have a concussion. Are you not feeling weird or anything?" Celine asked. "No amnesia?" she added. "I wish" I said and glanced at Devon. He just looked at me like a lost puppy. Tch. Suddenly, the door opened again and I saw Ara and Ady. "Amy!" Ara squealed and ran to hug me. "Be careful" I said as I worried about her hitting her belly but she just ignored it. "I was so worried about you" Ara started crying. I sighed. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you worry" I said. Ara hugged mw again as she sobbed. "How are you feeling?" Ady asked me with a worried look. "I'm fine" I said. Ady sighed. "Didn't I tell you to take care?" Ady said with a frown. I gave him an apologetic smile. He shook his head in disbelief but still leaned in and gave me kiss on my forehead. "What did the doctor say?" I asked curiously. "Over fatigue and you over dosed on your sleeping pills. Again" Celine answered as she squinted her eyes at me accusingly. I pursed my lips guilty. I almost forgot how I took multiple pills in the morning since I couldn't fall asleep. So that was another reason why I fainted. I've really reached my quota at this point. "In my defense, the pills didn't seem effective when I took them that morning" I defended myself. Celine sighed. "You have really got to stop doing this, Amy. This one was the worst one yet" Celine scolded. I just pouted as I was guilty. "You'll be staying here for another week whether you like it or not" she said. I looked at her in surprise. "A week?! What am I supposed to do here for a week?!" I blurted out. "Rest. Get treated. Rest" she said. "She's right, Amy" Ady agreed. I pouted. Rest for a week? I've been slacking off for a long time already. Damn it. Why did this have to happen. Ady bought food for us and we all ate together. I was still ignoring Devon. The only person giving Devon attention was Ady and Ara. When night came, Ady and Ara left to go back to my place since I didn't want Ara to sleep in the hospital because of me. Celine came with them to get clothes for herself and for me. Unfortunately, I was left with Devon. We were quiet when everyone left. Until... "Amethyst..." Devon called out softly. I laid down in the hospital bed and covered myself with the blanket. I heard Devon sigh. "I tried calling you but you blocked me on everything" he said. I wanted to shut him out completely but couldn't. "I tried to follow you to New York as soon as I could but something came up in the company" he explained. Whatever. "Also, I filed a restraining order against my ex" he said. I sat up almost immediately. I felt a sudden rush in my head and felt dizzy. Devon immediately held me. "Hey. Careful" he said. I looked at him with a frown. "You filed a restraining order against your ex?" I asked. Devon nodded. "I did" he said. "Why?" I asked. "Because she was trying to convince me to call it off with you and was even trying to become my mistress" he said with displeasure. I just looked at Devon for a moment. "Wouldn't you want that?" I blurted out without thinking. Devon frowned at me. "No. Do you not know me at all, Amethyst?" he said sounding offended. "I don't think I know you well enough, Devon" I said. Devon looked at me and sighed. "That's because you refuse to get to know me better" he said. I looked away with guilt. "Your trust issues are worst than mine and I was the one that got cheated on" he said with a chuckle. I slightly frowned at him. "It seemed like you wanted to go back to your ex when we talked before" I said. Devon shook his head. "I never said I wanted to go back to her" he said. "But you didn't deny it either" I said. Devon sighed again. "I don't want to go back to the person who treated me like sht in the past, Amethyst" he said. "And you're saying I'm treating you better than her?" I said. Devon chuckled. "Not really" he said honestly. I frowned again. It was the truth but it was bitter. Devon chuckled. "I understand that you're treating me the way you do for a reason. She treated me like sht just because she felt like it so in a way, you guys are different" he said. That still did not sound right. "Why do you treat me the way you do?" Devon suddenly asked. I looked at him for a moment. "Because I don't know how else I should treat you" I confessed. "I told you that I'm not for romantic relationships" I said with a pout. Devon chuckled. "Okay" he said. I looked at him. Okay? "What do you mean by okay?" I said wiyh furrowed brows. "Okay, we'll work on our relationship" he said. I just looked at him. "I'm in the wrong" I blurted out. Devon just looked at me. "I always gave you sht and I only thought of how I felt. I'm sorry" I said with a sigh. Devon smiled. "You're good" he said and lightly pinched my cheek. "Does this mean that we're giving us a chance?" he asked hopeful. I pursed my lips nervously. "I guess?" I said. Devon smiled widely. Then, he leaned in. I instinctively closed my eyes. Then, I felt his lips on my forehead. I opened my eyes and saw him grinning. I flushed red and looked away embarrassed. Did I just assume that he was going to kiss me on the lips. What the fck, Amethyst? "Cute" Devon said. I rolled my eyes at him since I was too embarrassed to say anything. Devon just laughed. I stared at him for a moment. I must have bonked my head pretty hard huh.
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