Charity: Chapter 7: Going Home

943 Words
Most everything is still packed from our move to this house so packing our home to move to the pack lands is relatively a piece of cake. I wonder what our new home will be like. Will it be similar to the one we just moved into? We will leave on Friday, which means after tonight, I have one more day at school. I want to see the Moon Goddess before we move, but I don't know how to get her to come to me. It's not like I can call her on the phone or text her. I guess if I think about her really hard that might help. I sit in the living room and I think about her. I see a shimmer out of the corner of my eye and she's beside me on the couch. "Hello, my child." "Hello," I say as I hug her tight. "I met Lauren last week. Now, I have a few questions." The Moon Goddess nods at me. I know she already knows what I am going to ask, but she waits for me to speak. I fiddle with my fingers. Not everything is easy to ask. My curiosity gets the better of me. "Lauren told me that you're my great-grandmother." I say. She nods so I continue. "I could be your successor if I am like you. What did she mean?" "When I was earthly, I was a Luna in my pack. My mate was killed while I was in labor with your grandfather. The pain of labor and losing my mate were beyond comprehensible. There aren't enough words to even describe it to you, sweetheart. I vowed my life to raising a strong pup. The Moon Goddess of my time came to me just a moment before Randall was born and told me my sacrifices would be well received. I desperately wanted to know what she meant. She kissed my forehead as Randall emerged and told me she would come when I was older. Randall became Alpha when he was sixteen. He was strong and no longer needed me. The night Randall became Alpha was the night the Moon Goddess came to me. She said when the time came, we would bless Randall with a strong male pup to continue the lineage. She appointed me Moon Goddess and her soul melded into mine as she shimmered into nothing. That is what happens; the souls of the previous Moon Goddesses become one with your own. All of their knowledge is now yours." "Did it hurt?" "No," she laughs. "It was very calming." "I want to know one more thing," I start. "Why is it painful when a wolf rejects their mate?" "Think of it this way. Imagine there's an invisible thread between you and me right now." I nod so she continues. "Along that string is all of our collective thoughts and feelings. I feel what you feel and you feel what I feel. Now, I know what would hurt your heart the most and I use that against you when I cut the string. Since we feel what the other feels, cutting that string causes both of us pain." I nod again. "The stronger the blood in one wolf, the stronger that string is between the pair. That's how the mate bond works." I smile at her. I think I understand everything now. She stands to leave, but stops and kisses me on the forehead. She tells me to rest as I have a big day tomorrow and shimmers away the way she came in. I look at the time after she leaves. She and I visited for almost two hours yet it only felt like five seconds. I yawn at the lateness of the hour and walk myself to my bed. ****Friday Morning**** I drag my body around while I get ready for school. It's my last day and I really don't want to go, but I have to. Lauren can't meet up with us until the afternoon. She is going to be guiding us to the pack lands. I am too excited to concentrate on anything. I sit through all my classes. My mind and heart are elsewhere. Thankfully, my teachers don't call on me because I am too busy counting the veins on the wings of a fly. It's so fascinating what I can see and hear now. The last bell rings and I literally run for the door. For the first time in history, I am first out of class. My excitement is too much to contain any more. My parents are home when I get home. My mom insists on making me eat a small snack. I text Lauren while I eat. Lauren arrives just when I get done eating. I hug her tight. "Whoa, you're vibrating." "I know. I am so excited today!" "I guess you're ready then. Follow me." Mom and I follow Lauren's car while dad drives the U-Haul and tows his car. We drive past Benny's and turn off into a wooded area. We were so close! My body keeps humming with excitement. I try to follow the turns, but the scenery is breathtaking and I find myself mesmerized. Our caravan emerges into an open glade with houses along the tree line. "This is it," I hear an unfamiliar voice in my head followed by a soft purr. "This is our home Charity. We belong here." I can almost see my wolf speaking now. She and I are one being, but her voice is now in my thoughts. I am overjoyed. Home. I feel instantly at ease in my new surroundings. I want to explore.
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