Lauren: Chapter 6: The Alpha's Pup

1006 Words
I pace the park and check my phone for the hundredth time. The young woman I met today hasn't text me. I worry slightly and bite my lip again. Was I too strong, too forward? I run my fingers through my hair. I am so nervous. Why am I so nervous? I make my living talking to people. It's not even noon, yet. I still have ten minutes. I sit on the bench and my phone vibrates. I read the text and sigh with relief. I watch every car drive past where I sit. I chose a spot that can easily be seen from anyone entering or leaving the park. I am still wearing my Benny's uniform so I know I am going to be easy for them to find. I pick at invisible hangnails. My stomach is all twisted and knotted. I take a deep breath to try to calm myself. I am too nervous. Or is it excitement? I can't determine the exact feeling. I finally see their car pull into the park entrance. I jump up to greet them before they even open the doors to get out. After they get out of the car, the young woman hands me a coffee cup. I notice that they each have one. "I didn't know what you like so we got you a chocolate cappuccino with marshmallows," she blushes at me. "We figured a big talk like this needed drinks and snacks. We also got shortbread cookies. They're my favorite." "Thank you. Let me introduce myself again. My name is Lauren. My father is Beta of the Harvest Falls Pack in Harvest Falls, Lousiana. I believe you are my cousin." "I'm JoAnna," mom says, smoothly. They shake hands. "This is Charity." The girl seems to be bubbling out of her skin with excitement and curiosity. There is so much I want to tell her. We sit and I take a sip of the drink they brought. "I think this is my new favorite drink. It's so delicious." Charity blushes again. "I love it and it has less caffeine than coffee so mom says I can have them. Once in a while as a treat." "Let's begin," I say. She nods so I delve in and I tell her about the pack first. "All wolf packs have an Alpha, a Beta, a Delta, a Gamma, and Omegas. Alphas are the leaders. Then, it goes down from there. Beta second. Delta third. Gammas are the leaders of the enforcers and warriors in the pack. Usually, an Alpha's offspring become the Alpha in case of death or coming of age. We also have Elders. They're the oldest and wisest in the pack." I pause to see if she has questions. Charity simply sips her drink and watches me. "Alright," I say and press on. "Your father was Alpha. His best friend was Beta. My dad was Delta. My dad and your dad were brothers. When your parents were killed, the Beta became Alpha and the Delta became Beta. Does what I say make sense so far?" "Yes. I read a lot of books, especially werewolves and fairies. I feel like there's truth to them. You're confirming my suppositions." "You're more informed than most. Anyways, your parents were unique. They're the only people whose wolf name and human name were the same. Mine is called Alexia." "I was told my wolf name is Layla." "How did you find out?" "I had a visit with the Moon Goddess last night. We talked for many hours." I can't help showing my stupor. Most wolves don't get to meet the Moon Goddess. She's a being so pure, so kind that she's just appointed the role. "Do you know who she is to me? My dad, Gregory, said I was someone special to her." I gape at her for a solid minute. I can't help myself and I just stare at her. JoAnna nudges my shoulder a little. I can't bring myself to stop staring. Physically, my young cousin hasn't changed, but her status has, at least in my eyes. "She's your great-grandmother," I whisper in complete awe. "You're pretty much wolf royalty." "What does that mean?" "Basically, if you're like the Moon Goddess, you will probably get appointed to her status when she's ready for a successor. I think you may need to have another chat with her first." She nods at me. "I told you I read a lot. What can you tell me about mates? The 'pull' it was called?" I love how she just randomly switches topics. It's almost as though one topic is filed away and the instant it is, she has a new topic. "Oh, mates is easy. Someone is chosen by the Moon Goddess just for you. They are strong where you're weak; they'll bring out your strengths; they will complete you. The pull is very real, honey. It's the strong desire to be near someone, to touch them, and it helps you heal faster if you're injured. You've already shifted?" I ask and watch her nod. "You will know who your mate is if you visit the pack lands. If your mate has shifted, they will know who you are. If not, you have to keep it secret until your mate shifts." "One more question, what if my mate rejects me?" "Charity, that is not only impossible, but improbable. Just take a bit to think about who you are. You're the Alpha's pup and related to the Moon Goddess herself. If your mate rejects you, they probably won't live for long because the pain of rejection will be too intense to handle; mostly for them." We chat for a bit longer until I see Charity yawn. I walk them to the car and hug them both tight. I watch them leave before I strip to my birthday suit. I fold my clothes into my backpack and phase to my wolf. I shake my fur, grab my backpack in my muzzle, and start running toward home.
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