Charity: Chapter 3: A Visit with the Moon Goddess

500 Words
I sit in the kitchen with my parents for hours until the sun sets. I feel the Moon Goddess moments before I see her enter the kitchen. She leans over and kisses me on the cheek. "I see you've survived the truth from JoAnna and Gregory," she smiles her words as she speaks. "Do you have any questions for me?" I nod. "My parents were Alpha and Luna. What does that make me?" "You shall be Luna because you are an Alpha female. That makes your mate the Alpha, no matter his rank now." "What do you mean rank?" "I know you know. You've been reading many books about them," she giggles at my silly question. Of course! I have been reading every book I could find on werewolves, fairies, and vampires. I just didn't think they were real. "I forgot you know everything I do." "Well, not everything, child. I don't pay attention to things that happen in bedrooms and bathrooms, for obvious reasons." The Moon Goddess and I spend hours talking in the kitchen. She has a soothing presence and she talks to me like a peer, not down like I'm a child. She is patient with me when I interrupt her with questions. My mom serves us cookies and milk. My mom? Can I still call her that? I ponder this question now since I know she didn't give birth to me. "Yes, child, you can still call her mom. She did raise you." Again with the mind reading! I feel a little bit exposed. I blink rapidly at the Moon Goddess. "It's called mind-linking, dear child. You will be able to mind-link your pack and you can also practice tuning it out. You will get used to when you need to use it." "Speaking of my pack, when will I get to meet them? To know who my family was?" My voice sounds so hopeful, even to my own ears. "As soon as you desire, dear child." Suddenly, I desire to meet my pack urgently. I can feel the anticipation running through my body. I know it will be rude of me to get up from my visit, but I want to go so badly. I start wiggling in my chair. My parents both laugh at me. "I guess she wants to go soon," my dad laughs his words. I nod rather vigorously until my mom stops my head with her hands. She is smiling wider than I ever remember. "You need some rest, Charity. We will go next weekend," dad confirms. "Love you, kiddo." I kiss my parents on their cheeks and hug the Moon Goddess tightly. I am thrumming with excitement and I know I won't be able to sleep. I run off to my room anyways. I change quickly into my nightgown. I run a brush through my hair before I braid it. If I don't braid it at night, it always tangles. I fall asleep the second my head hits the pillow. 
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