| 4 | Cut deep.

1517 Words
"Wow, if only it was that easy." Damien lets out with a sigh and it makes me look back at him through teary eyes and frown in confusion. What is he on about...? "It seems I can't reject you for real, because if I do then I lose my Wolf." He speaks blatantly, walking by my side slowly. He's right. When a Werewolf rejects another Werewolf, the rejector loses their Wolf whilst the rejectee gets to keep their Wolf but you still get the rest of the rejection package which includes a guaranteed lifetime supply of pain, misery, despair and heartbreak. "However, I am in no way going to accept you as my Mate. So don't get your hopes up." He finally says just as he walks by my left side. I can feel his eyes scanning me, and instead of finding him alluring, I am disgusted by myself... How can someone be so cruel and heartless? He doesn’t even want to get to know me. But I guess it makes sense why he doesn't want to since he already hates me... But... If I reject him, I would lose Leria... Come to think of it... "Absolutely not!" Leria screams in my head as she realises what I am about to do. It would be painful for the both of us and it would be like I'm killing her... Maybe that's a bit extreme even though she is a constant b***h to me... but she is the only chance I have of shifting so I guess I'm stuck with her. "I-I can't believe this..." I scoff out loud and he turns to look at me. "You egotistical self-centred dick." Wait, chill... "What did you just call me?" He narrows his eyes at me and takes a threatening step forward. "An egotistical self-centred d**k, are your ears not working? I thought you're supposed to have heightened hearing." Wait a minute I didn't want to say that. Not unless... "Kayla, I'm taking over," Leria says protectively in my head. "You can't speak to me like that Omega, I won't allow it. I'm your Alpha now." He lets out lowly, his fists clenching as he lets a deep growl erupt into the atmosphere, making me take a step back away from him in fear. "What do you mean you're taking over? I-I didn't know you could do that..." I ask her in confusion all while keeping my eyes on Damien who is staring at me menacingly. "I'll speak to douchebags the way they deserve to be spoken too. You might be the new Alpha, but there's no way I'll let you speak to me like that." Damien's eyes begin to glow light blue as he walks towards me. Everything inside me is telling me to run the other way, but I can't move. I stand my ground. He throws a fist my way but I duck just in time to avoid the impact and stumble back in shock and stare at him in front of me. "W-where you actually going to hit me?" I choke, more tears building in my eyes. My own Mate isn't even afraid to hit me... "You deserve it you little bitch." He seethes, a low growl rumbling in his chest as his fists shake with anger. He is enraged, the light blue pools in his eyes being drowned in a haze of darkness, making him look all the more terrifying. Ouch. "Kayla, trust me on this okay?" Leria says in my head, her voice is deep and it is scary, something I have never heard from her before. "Trust you on what?" At that exact moment, I lose control of my entire body as I feel Leria begin to take over. I feel a rush of adrenaline, my heart thumping hard in my chest and my tightening. All of a sudden, I feel pure rage and anger and all I want to do was take it out in the person standing in front of me. He stares at me in complete shock, with his frown developing into one of confusion rather than anger. My breathing becomes more ragged as I find myself biting at my bottom lip hard. "Leria, what's happening?" I ask her, the feeling overwhelming my body completely and before she can answer I feel like I'm being pulled forward and I pounce onto Damien bringing him to the ground with me sitting on top of him, and pinning him to the ground. Electricity. That's the first thing I feel when I touch his skin. It's like tiny sparks of electricity travel through my fingers and up to my spine, creating a chilling sensation- "Ah- Get off!!" He yells under me. I look down at him and find him bruised up, with blood coming from his mouth and nose. "Get off!" He growls and throws me off him with a great force. I yelp as I fly in the air and land hard on the ground, my left arm breaking my fall. I whine as my wrist snaps, the pain making my whole arm throb, it hurts so much and to make it worse I have no idea about what is going on right in front of me or what just happened. "I'll kill you..." He growls as he gets up from the ground, his eyes pitch black, not a trace of white or blue in them. I'm freaking out, scared out of my mind. I don't even know what I did to him... not until I look down at my hands... They are bloody and bruised up, the pain hitting me as soon as I look at them, but I can tell that the blood on them is not only my own... it was his as well... "Kayla run," Leria says in my head as I begin to stand up with shaky legs. "W-where? Run to where?" I stutter nervously. "Just run!" She yells and I waste no time and take off running in the opposite direction, not turning back. "Get back here!" I hear him scream with a tone filled with authority. But that doesn't stop me, I just keep running. "Leria-" "Keep running, he's chasing us!" She barks at me as I continue to run even faster. I dash through the trees with so much speed, it baffles me, I didn't even think I could run this fast. "You must be a Sprinter..." She tells me in a quiet voice but I don't bother replying to her since I'm too busy running for my life. My Mate wants me dead and I don't even know what I did. It's like I blacked out when Leria took over. "Leria, what happened back there?!" I yell at her as I get closer and closer to the border. Okay, initiating panic mode. "I'll explain when we get to a safe place, just keep going, we're almost off the border." I obey her and keep running, just a few more metres. "Yes, she attacked me and now she's trying to get off the territory, make sure you capture her, I want her alive." I hear Damien's voice through the Mindlink. He sounds infuriated, his Alpha tone prominent in his voice. "The Pack guards are after me now!" I yell, tears forming in my eyes for the second time. "We are almost there!" She tells me, as I reach the gates of the border. I can see about 4 men and 3 Wolves standing in front of the gate, all ready to capture me. "There she is!" I hear one of them yell, as they begin to charge at me. I am shaking at this point, fearing for my life. "Kayla do something!" Leria yells at me making me even more nervous. I look around and notice a small building, the Guardhouse, with a few crates of supplies surrounding it. I look to the men who are still charging my way and I decide to run towards the house. As soon as I reach one of the crates, I climb on top of it and reach for the edge of the roof with one hand, jumping and pulling myself up with as much strength as I can muster. Once I am on top, I look below me to see the guards looking at me in confusion, as they try to figure out how to get up here. I look in front of me, endless trees stretching through the landscape, off the territory. It's now or never... I say and run the roof over the side and jump without thinking, landing on the other side of the gate, and rolling across the ground. I look back to see the guards staring at me before they begin to open the gate frantically in an attempt to get to me. "Go!" Leria yells and with that, I take off again. Where I am going, I have no idea. The only territories I know that surround our territory is the Greyshades pack, Forest Green pack, The Blue Light Crescent pack and of course the Red Dawn Pack previously known as the Rogue Pack. The only problem is, I have no idea which direction any of them are...
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