CHAPTER 4: Inferiority Complex

8241 Words
Madison “Jesus Christ, Declan! Could you walk any slower?” I asked, looking behind me. Declan, clad in a white t-shirt and khaki shorts, glared at me. We had established somewhat of a routine for our f*****g. I usually came by early in the morning before the kids woke up. We had s*x, cleaned up, and then went to finish out our day. So far, it was going well. “Well, sweetheart, if you didn’t insist on f*****g everywhere but in a bed, I wouldn’t have to be trudging through the woods at six in the morning,” he replied grumpily. I stopped walking. “Look, if you don’t want to do this, it’s fine. I’ve had…bad experiences in bedrooms. I prefer other scenery. As for the time that was your idea, remember?” He grabbed my arm and pulled me to his chest. I loved when he was gentle with me, but I would never tell him that. I knew that if I let any feelings get in the way, our arrangement would be jeopardized. I felt his soft lips caress my forehead as he hugged me. “Who hurt you, Madison? Was it your ex-husband?” I pulled away. “That’s none of your f*****g business! You don’t get to ask me things like that. Forget what I said. I don’t like bedrooms because it’s too much work to clean them afterward.” Declan narrowed his bottle green eyes and grabbed my wrist. “Why can’t I ask you things like that?! We’re friends now. If something is bothering you, I’d like to know.” “Look, are we going to f**k or are we going to fight? I need to be home in an hour so make up your mind,” I spat, hoping he couldn’t hear the hysteria threatening to break through. To tell the truth, Declan Walsh scared the living s**t out of me. We’d already been intimate three times in less than a week. For a minute this morning, I’d actually wished he was in bed with me. It wasn’t just the s*x, though. He needed me to be his friend. I didn’t know if I could give him that. “Of course I want to have s*x with you. It’s just…I would like it to be more than that. Could we talk or something? You’re always in a hurry to get away from me when we’re done. I really would like for us to be buddies, Madison.” I buried my face in my hands. When I looked up, Declan was staring at me with a curious look on his face. I gave him the finger and continued trudging through the woods. He must have owned a whole f*****g county. There were miles of trees and underbrush as far as the eye could see. I was so lost in the scenery I didn’t hear Declan come up behind me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and tickled me. I tried to get away, but he held me closely. His bulge was pressed into my lower back. To get free, I pressed my hips into him and moaned seductively. “s**t, sweetheart! That’s not fair. You’re going to make me blow my load before I get inside of you.” I laughed and took his hand. “You better not, Walsh. I won’t hesitate to dump your ass if you can’t perform.” He stopped and picked me up. I wasted no time in wrapping my thighs around his waist and pulling him closer. We stared into each other’s eyes for several minutes before we began kissing. I swear his lips got more addictive with every kiss. He walked us a few more steps until we came to a clearing. The sun was just starting to break through giving the area an enchanted look. Bluebonnets littered the ground between massive oak trees. It was the perfect place for a morning o****m. I wiggled out of Declan’s embrace. “Wow, this…this is beautiful, Declan. I love the flowers.” He smiled sheepishly. “Um, yeah, I do a little bit of gardening in my spare time. It’s peaceful to me.” I hip checked him. “Should I be worried? You would tell me if you’re in the closet, right? I mean first yoga and now this. Do you knit, too?” He rubbed his beard and sighed. “There is nothing wrong with a man having hobbies. I hate how our society pre-judges what we should or should not enjoy because of gender. And if you must know, I stargaze, press flowers, scrapbook, and can give a decent mani/pedi.” My jaw dropped. I’d never met a man who was in touch with his feminine side. I had to admit that it was f*****g hot. All Tom had liked to do was eat, drink beer, f**k, and watch sports. Oh, and ruin my goddamn life. I pushed Declan against a nearby tree and dropped to my knees. He attempted to get me to stand, but I shook him off and unbuckled his blue jeans. He’d gone commando this morning, so once the pants were down his huge c**k sprang free. “Madison, are you sure? I mean, you don’t have to do that if you don’t want to.” “I want to, Declan,” I said, licking the tip of his c**k. “f**k, Madison! It’s been so long. Do…do you want to use a condom?” I looked up and winked. “No, not until you’re inside of me. Just, um, if you feel yourself coming, could you warn me?” “Of course I will, Madison.” I relaxed my jaw and tried to take Declan down my throat. It was very difficult because he was so large. I had to try different angles and puff out my cheeks. When he started guiding my head, I lifted his shaft and licked his balls. He tensed for a moment, but then recovered and relaxed again. When I felt that he was close, I pulled away. Declan cursed and threw his head back. I spit on my hands and pumped him harder, making him growl. The sound was sexy and very primal. My lady bits throbbed. “Declan, can you help me take off my clothes?” They were off so quick I wondered how Declan had done it. I’d only been wearing a tank top and jeans. but still. The man was clearly talented in undressing women in a hurry. Oddly, that both excited me and made me angry. We faced each other, naked as the day we were born. Declan’s body was carved in stone. His skin was slightly golden and flawless. His wide shoulders, sculpted abdomen, and powerful thighs screamed masculinity, but there was a feminine beauty in his long eyelashes and cupids bow lips. “You should shave,” I said for the millionth time. Declan laughed and gently palmed my ass cheeks. “And you should shut up and f**k me already.” He handed me a condom and thrust his hips playfully. I licked the small drop of pre-c*m before I rolled it onto him. He hissed and pulled me up for a kiss. I slanted my mouth so that my tongue reached deeper into his mouth. We nibbled and sucked on each other until we were both panting. When my blood began to boil, I knelt on the grass, bringing Declan with me. “We should have brought a blanket,” he said, looking around. I pushed him down and straddled his hips. “No, it’s fine. The grass is soft enough.” Declan smiled. “How would you know, you’re on top. Not that I’m complaining.” Not wanting to waste anymore time, I lowered myself onto his hard d**k. He gripped my hips and closed his eyes. We still hadn’t gotten to the point where he fit easily inside of me so we went slowly. I was so wet that my juices were on Declan’s thighs. “Madison, that feels so good. Go as slow as you need to. I…I don’t want to hurt you,” he grunted. From this angle, I was even tighter. The last few inches hurt going in. I sat still and took a few breaths, letting my body get used to Declan’s girth. f*****g him was always a little painful but the ultimate pleasure which came later more than made up for the discomfort. After a few minutes, I began to slowly raise and lower my hips. With every stroke, Declan’s shaft hit my clit, making me moan in delight. I placed my palms flat on his chest to steady myself. “Declan, oh f**k! This is so awesome. You feel so f*****g good inside of me,” I huffed breathlessly. He squeezed my ass and thrust his hips. His eyes were closed tight as I rode him hard. His hands were all over me, pinching my n*****s, gripping my hips, and playing with my clit. I was on fire and I wanted to burn to ashes. It felt that f*****g fantastic. My first o****m came on strong, leaving tiny tremors in it’s wake. I could feel another one on the horizon so I kept riding Declan. He’d opened his eyes and was staring unabashedly at my bouncing breasts. I smiled at him as I lifted my t**s and licked my own n*****s. “Madison…Madison…Madison…Madison…. s**t! Save some for me.à” I reached down and fondled Declan’s balls as he pounded into me. We were so deep inside each other. It was almost like we were one being in the same. My hips began to move violently. The second o****m was close and I wanted that b***h to own my ass. I leaned down and lightly bit Declan’s n****e. He screamed as his d**k impaled me. The combination of his base sounds and the feel of his throbbing c**k sent me over the edge. I buried my head in his neck and orgasmed. My p***y milked Declan’s c**k for all that it was worth. We continued rocking our sweaty hips against each other until neither one of us could function. We just kind of laid on each other, breathing heavily. It was nice with the sun on my back. I felt boneless and utterly relaxed. Declan’s strong heartbeat was like a song. I sighed contentedly as he played with my hair. “Sweetheart, that was one of the best times ever. Thank you,” he said, kissing my forehead The words, the moment, Declan f*****g Walsh’s d**k in my overheated p***y, it was all too much. I reached down and slid him out of me. Then I sat up and started putting on my clothes. This was supposed to be a simple f**k session, but it was in danger of turning into something more if I didn’t get out of here, and fast. “Um, yeah, it was good for me, too. Well I need to go. The kids will be up soon and I still need to make breakfast.” Declan frowned, stood up, and grabbed his jeans. I handed him a Kleenex from my pocket so that he could dispose of the condom. He took it without a word. The trek back to the house was silent. When we got there, I began walking to my car. Declan wrapped his arm around my shoulder to stop me. I looked up at him, instantly wishing I hadn’t. He looked sad. “Declan…,” I began. He held up his hand. “Madison, I really, really, really enjoy the s*x, but I wasn’t lying when I said that I want the friendship part, too. “You may think that since I’m rich and I used to be famous that I have a great life, but I don’t. I’m very lonely. You’re…you’re the first person to show some real interest in me in years. I like you because you’re real. You’re not out to get something from me. That’s rare in the world that I live in. Please, I’m not trying to make you uncomfortable or anything. I just want to be your friend. Maybe…maybe we could talk sometimes.” A part of me wanted to be friends with Declan, but the other part was scared. Would he want anything to do with me once he knew how pathetic I was? What if he decided that he didn’t want to be my friend after all? I’d be devastated. “Declan…” He looked at me hopefully. f**k it, I’ll take a chance. “We are friends. Anytime you want to talk is fine with me. I haven’t ever had a male friend before. I’ve never had that many friends at all. I was always a kind of loner. I’m probably s**t at it, but I’m willing to try for you. I’ll see you later tonight for dinner. Don’t ruin your appetite. Oh, and the kids are really looking forward to playing with your dog.” He helped me get in the car and actually buckled my seat belt for me. At first I thought he was being a gentleman, but then he ducked his head into my cleavage and started licking and sucking. It took a few minutes, but I managed to push him away. “Sorry, Madison. I just hate when you cover them up. You don’t know what your breasts do to me. I’ve written half a notebook of poems about them. They’re so soft and you taste so sweet…” He lowered his head again, rubbing his scruffy cheek against my t**s. “Declan Walsh, back away, now! I have to go. You’ll see the girls later. Trust me, you’re the only one giving them any attention right now. They and I will be back for more. I’ll see you tonight, and try to behave yourself around Noah and Sophie.” He saluted me and smirked. “Yes, ma’am. I love it when you boss me around. It’s so sexy.” I pulled his head through the window for one last kiss. “You really should shave. My skin looks like a ripe tomato.” He laughed and backed away from the car as I pulled out. When I looked into the rearview mirror, Declan was still watching me with that goofy smile on his face. I couldn’t help but grin as I made my way back home. Yesterday after I’d f****d Declan in his kitchen, I had had a meeting with an inspector. He assured me the pastry shop was up to code and could be opened as soon as I was ready. I’d also called a local decorator, Erin, who would be assisting me in giving the shop a more modern look. I really wanted to be a success, not only for myself, but for my aunt’s legacy. I still felt bad about missing her funeral, but we hadn’t known about her death until the legal papers arrived. According to her lawyer, she’d requested her body be donated to science. Apparently, my great-aunt had been a champion of education and wanted to give all that she could to the cause. One of the stipulations in her will was that I set aside money for Sophie and Noah’s education. That was something I was planning on doing anyway so it wasn’t a problem. I’d never had much, but I always wanted the best for my babies. Their futures would include study trips to Europe, lecture halls, and all the other things that I’d never experienced. The convenience store was on my way home so I stopped to pick up some Smirnoff and Heinekens for dinner tonight. Tina and I rarely drank, but we enjoyed a good alcoholic beverage every now and again. I was sure that Declan and Dean were the same. I knew Declan had alcohol problems in the past, but I figured that one or two beers wouldn’t make him relapse. Unfortunately, Neal Smith was perched outside in his usual spot. He smelled like a distillery. His eyes were closed and he appeared to be in a deep sleep. I didn’t know what possessed me but I shook his shoulder to wake him up. “You goddamn assholes, I’ve told you…” He stopped when he opened his eyes and realized it was me. “Oh, Ms. Smith…Madison… Sorry. I thought you were those hoodlums. Um, how are you?” I stepped away before I punched him in the nose. “Don’t you dare! Not once in my whole f*****g life have you ever cared enough to write or come see me. What was I, just some accident? I…I needed a father and you weren’t there! If you care anything at all about me, you’ll leave town. I don’t want my children to know that their grandfather, and I use that term loosely, is the town drunk. I’m trying to make a new life for myself and I don’t need you in the way. I…I hate you! I spent so many years hoping that you were dead. Then at least there would’ve been a reason that you…that you didn’t want me.” The store owner came out to see what was going on. “Everything okay, Ms. Smith?” He asked, anxiously eyeing Neal. I wiped my teary eyes. “Yeah, I’m fine. I just stopped by to pick up some stuff. You can go back inside.” After he left, Neal stood up. His bloodshot eyes were exactly the same color as mine. Even the curl in my hair was inherited from him. I’d always wondered what he looked like in person. Growing up, I’d only had one old picture of him. He looked like the ghost of that man. “Madison, can you….can you lend your old man a couple bucks for a bottle of Jack? I get a Social Security check in a week. I’ll pay you back then.” I reached into my purse, pulled out a fifty dollar bill, and threw it at Neal’s head. “You’re disgusting! I haven’t seen you in over twenty years and you ask me for liquor! I thought…I thought that maybe…. Never mind. “Remember what I said. I want you gone by next week. You can find some other city to stink up. Don’t worry about paying me back. I want nothing to do with you. Go! Drink yourself into an early grave. See if I give a f**k. Don’t ever speak to me again!” After my outburst, I went into the store and picked up the beverages. The owner eyed me the whole time. I was pissed so I took my anger out on him. “What the hell are you looking at? Everyone in this town stares at me like I’m a damn circus freak,” I said, placing the bottles on the counter. Surprisingly, the tall dark-haired man held out his hand. “My name is Ted Cole.”ole I eyed him suspiciously, Madison Smith. You can call me Madison.” He laughed. “Everyone knows who you are. The reason we’re all so curious is that we know that you’re Neal’s daughter. The town was expecting you to be some slutty-looking alcoholic or dopehead from the big city. “Instead, you show up looking sweet as apple pie with two gorgeous kids in tow. No one knows what to make of you yet. Dean and the Howards, who are all town favorites, are gushing to everyone about how nice you are. We’re all really excited that you decided to keep the shop open, too.” I blushed. “Really? Well, um, thanks. I’m sorry for yelling at you a minute ago. I’m just not used to being stared at so much.” Ted winked at me. “No problem, beautiful. Would you like me to carry the bags to your car?” Oh, god. He’s flirting with me. “That’s okay. I can manage. I guess I’ll see you around, Mr. Cole.” He smiled. “Call me Ted. I definitely look forward to seeing more of you, Madison.” I felt his eyes on my ass as I exited the store. Apparently, Declan wasn’t the only extremely horny man in Port Townsend. I wondered if there was a shortage of women of around these parts. I didn’t consider myself attractive at all, so I had no clue as to why I was being approached. My newness was probably just a novelty to the men of Port Townsend. Once I settled in, they’d forget about me. Thankfully, Neal was gone when I got outside. I needed to stop at the gas station before I went home. I pulled over to the road, got out, and began filling up the tank. A tall, thin woman with long blonde hair was at the pump in front of me. She was the best dressed person I’d seen in Port Townsend so far. Her designer black skirt suit was tailored to accentuate her slimness. I envied her. I’d always wanted to be tall and skinny like a model. She had beautiful pink manicured nails and her long fingers glittered with diamonds. Obviously, she was one of Port Townsend richer residents. I couldn’t help but stare as she talked on her iPhone while she paced in her expensive leather heels. On my best day, I’d never looked so put together. The sleek silver Audi she was filling up fit perfectly with her image. The credit card machines outside weren’t working, so we both went inside to pay. The old man at the counter was doing a crossword puzzle. I was paying for my gas when something blondie said caught my attention. “Guess what? I have date with Declan Walsh on Saturday. Yes, I know right?! He’s taking me to some fancy restaurant in Seattle. “That’s true, but Holly says his uncle is ready to spin his past so that he can return to Hollywood. I would so love to be the next Mrs. Declan Walsh. Couldn’t you just see me sipping a mai tai by the pool in L.A. Linda Walsh has a nice ring to it, don’t you think? inda “I hate driving to Port Townsend, but it’s worth it to see him and do some business. I just closed on that big house at the edge of the county. Yes. Yes. I’m getting a huge commission,” she bragged. “I’m going to use some of it to buy some lingerie to drive Declan crazy. He’ll be putty in my hands.” The elderly cashier snapped his fingers to get my attention. I mumbled, “I’m sorry,” before taking the change and running out of the store. I sat in the car for a few minutes as tears streamed down my face. I hated myself for crying, but I couldn’t help it. Declan had pretended to be some wounded soul who wanted to be my friend, when all along he had a bombshell on the side. I knew a man like him wouldn’t really want someone like me, not even for a fuckbuddy. Why does it matter? It doesn’t. Declan’s not my boyfriend or husband. He’s free to date whomever he wants. Then, why are you crying? Fuck you! I really needed to stop talking to myself. . I watched Lauren get into her expensive car and drive away. If what she said was true, Declan would be back in Hollywood soon with her on his arm, and I’d still be here in Port Townsend. That was okay, though. I had my babies and that was all that mattered. Now all I needed to do was get rid of Declan Walsh before he hurt me again. Declan After Madison left, I went out back to give Brando a bath. He loved the water and actually sat still and let me soap him up. His golden fur shined magnificently in the sun. I ended up throwing him a few balls before I made us breakfast. I ate an omelet while he ate a pork loin. Maybe Jane was right, Brando was a bit spoiled. My body felt wonderful after the intense Madison induced orgasm. She really knew how to work me. It was almost like her body had been made for me. I knew that my size caused her some pain so I tried to go slowly, but it was hard. Whenever she was near, I wanted to f**k her blind. Waking up at six in the morning to have s*x was not easy. By eight, I was tired. I slipped on a pair of boxers and laid down. My bed felt cold. I really wanted Madison to sleep over one night. The s**t she’d said about bad things happening in bedrooms scared me. I had a feeling she was talking about her ex. I just wished she’d opened up to me. With an image of Madison’s come face in my head, I fell asleep. When I woke up, it was a little past noon. My phone vibrated. Only a few important people had the number. I found myself wishing it was Madison as I looked at the caller ID. No such luck, though It was my mother. “Good afternoon, Declan. How are you?”N I pulled on my hair. My mom’s snobbish voice drove me crazy. She’d always thought she was better than ninety-nine percent of the population. Even before I became famous, my mom had had an elevated view of herself. “Um, I’m good, mom. Why are you calling? Is everyone okay?” She huffed. “Honestly, Declan. Do I need a reason to call? After everything you put your father and I through, you could at least humor us. I will never be able to show myself in front of the Ladies League again because of your actions but do I complain…” This was why I hated talking to my parents. They never missed an opportunity to bring up how disappointed in me that they were. “Sorry, what did you need?” I mumbled. “Just a small favor. You remember Linda Mally, my top agent. Well, she has a crush on you and has been begging me to set her up. I really think you two would hit it off. She’s exactly the kind of woman you should be dating right now. Her grandfather is a state Senator and she’s gorgeous. This could really help your image, Declan.” I wanted to break the f*****g phone. “I’m not looking to start dating yet, mom. Besides, I’ve met Linda and I don’t really like her. As for my ‘image’, I don’t have one. I have no plans on returning to Hollywood.” “Declan, you owe me this! I stuck by you when people were calling you a baby killer. Your father and I were ridiculed, kicked out of exclusive clubs, and threatened because of you. Take Linda out, get laid, have fun again. Please.”inda “Okay, you win. I’ll go, but only if you and dad join us. Don’t get your hopes up.” Holly squealed. “That’s great. I’ll make reservations at that new French place and tell Linda. Oh, Declan. She could be the one to get you back on track. Bye!” Even though I still made millions of dollars a year writing, had a profitable portfolio, owned a bunch of land, houses, boats, airplanes, and gave heavily to charities of all kinds, I was still considered a failure by my parents. I knew what I’d lost and I’d never get it back. It hurt that they felt the need to always throw it in my face. I needed to talk to someone who might understand, so I dialed Madison. She didn’t answer. I just left her a message, telling her how excited I was about dinner tonight. I was going to need to soak up all Madison’s warmth to get through the coldness of tomorrow night’s dinner.who To say I was nervous about dinner with sweetheart and the kiddos was an understatement. I hadn’t told Madison, but Dean Stone and I did not get along. He was the Port Townsend golden boy and I as the bad seed. That wasn’t why we didn’t get along, though. When I’d first moved here, Dean had circulated a petition to ban me. Almost the whole population signed. My lawyer, who was a f*****g shark, got the petition thrown out and even threatened to sue Dean and the other Port Townsend citizens who signed. There was no love lost between the two of us, but I would try for Madison’s sake. I picked out a pair of dark washed jeans and a striped grey and blue polo to wear tonight. Madison was always telling me to shave, so I decided I might as well. It was sadistic of me to keep ruining her perfect skin When that was done, I answered some emails from my manager and publisher. My new book was almost done. The last five had all gone to number one and the publisher had high hopes for this one. They were a series of romantic thrillers. I plucked a hardcover of the first book in the series from my desk and signed the authors page. I was planning on giving it to Madison tonight. I wanted to tell her my secret so we’d really be friends. I hoped she would trust me more after she knew that I wasn’t hiding anything from her. With Madison’s gift down, I started racking my brain for presents that I could give the roommate and the children. I decided on a bottle of fancy wine for Madison’s blonde friend. As for the kids… I dashed to my basement. I kept a lot of my Hollywood stuff down there. I went through boxes until I found the perfect gifts. Noah’s was an autographed Spongebob Squarepants stuffed toy and book that I’d gotten while helping to write a script for Nickelodeon. Sophie’s was an autographed Jonas Brothers’ book and concert tickets to the next Seattle show. My publishing house put out the photobook and sent me tickets. Since I wasn’t a tween girl, I had no intention of going. I just hoped Sophie loved the JoBros as much as all the other girls. Feeling pretty f*****g happy with myself, I got dressed and waited for six to roll around. I tried to write but I was too excited. I texted Madison to make sure that she didn’t need anything, but once again I got no reply. I arrived at Madison’s house thirty minute early. After I parked my car in the circular driveway, I let Brando out and ang the doorbell. The blonde, Tina, answered. She just stared as she held the door open for me. I handed her the bottle of wine. “Thanks, Mr. Walsh. Come on, everyone is in the kitchen,” she said, reaching down to pet Brando. Madison’s home was nice and homey. I smelled something mouthwatering coming from the kitchen. My stomach rumbled. I was not at all prepared for what I found when we arrived. Dean was standing way to close to my sweetheart. My sweetheart, seriously? She was holding a large wooden spoon covered in red sauce to his lips. Noah and Sophie were sitting at the breakfast nook and coloring. Everyone stopped what they were doing when they noticed me. Madison stepped away from Dean and returned the spoon to the pot. “Hello, Declan. I’m so glad you could make it,” Madison said, not making eye contact. I detected a hint of anger in her voice. Dean glared at me. “Walsh, imagine my surprise when Madison told me you were coming to dinner. It’s nice to see you again.” Liar. “Yeah. Um, you, too.” Thankfully, the kids hopped down and came to greet me. I whistled for Brando. He ran into the kitchen. Both Noah and Sophie screamed before kneeling down to pet him. Even Dean and Madison stopped to scratch his ears. Brando stood between everyone soaking up all the love. After awhile, Noah noticed the gifts. “Declan. What’s in the bag?” he asked, trying to peek. He was a really handsome little boy. His eyes were the same as his mother’s. He was dressed in a yellow polo and jeans. I could tell that Madison took really good care of her children. They were well groomed and very clean. I pulled out the stuffed Spongebob and the book. “Thanks, Declan! Mommy, look,” he said holding up his gift. It made me smile to see him so happy. Brando circled him, barking happily. Madison actually smiled and mouthed ‘thank you’ to me as Noah went to show Tina. Sophie looked down at her feet and went to go sit back down. Brando followed her. I gently tugged on her hand. “You didn’t think I’d forget about you, did you, princess?” Her whole face lit up. She was the spitting image of a younger Madison but with blue eyes. I felt bad for all the boys whose hearts she was going to break someday. Well, not too bad because I didn’t plan on letting any near her. Where did that come from? Who knew if I’d still be in Madison’s life by the time the kids were teens. The thought of some other man, like Dean Stone, taking care of Madison and her kids made me angry. I clamped it down and plastered a smile on my face. Sophie reached into the bag and pulled out the book. Before I could ask her if she liked it, she plastered her little body to me and wrapped her arms around my neck. I was so surprised that I could barely speak. “Thank you so much, Declan! I love the JoBros. Mom’s been trying to get me tickets for a long time.” I hugged her back. It felt…right. “I was hoping that you would. Flip open the first page.” When she saw the tickets, she gave me another huge hug, this time adding a kiss to my cheek. Then, she rushed over to show Madison. “Mom, look, it’s front row and backstage VIP passes. There are four tickets so we can all go,” she squealed. Madison glanced at me. “Declan, can I talk to you in private? Tina can watch the food.” I stood up. “Sure.” Noah giggled. “Oooh, Declan, you’re in trouble. Don’t worry. Time out is not so bad. If you’re a good little boy, mommy will let you out early.” Everyone laughed. Madison picked Noah up and kissed him on the head. “No one is in trouble. You and Sophie can take Brando to play in the backyard while I talk to Declan” Noah nodded and took Sophie’s hand. Brando barked and ran after them. Dean went to chaperone. It was going to be hard to get Brando away from the kids. Hell, it was going to be hard for me to leave once the night was over. I was not expecting what happened when we got to Madison’s office. She pushed me against the door and kissed me breathless. I grabbed her hips and clung for dear life. She’d never given herself to me this fully before. When I couldn’t take anymore, I broke away. “Madison, what was that?!” She stood on her tiptoes to kiss my forehead. “That was for making Noah and Sophie smile, especially Sophie. She’s never…her father doesn’t want her. She’s never hugged a man like that before. She must really like you.” I growled. “What do you mean he doesn’t want her? Who the hell wouldn’t want to claim that beautiful girl?” Madison sighed and sat down on the desk. I took the chair across from her. “My ex-husband was basically the same as Neal Smith, a sperm donor. He didn’t want a daughter. Sophie was always trying to gain his affection. He has always ignored her or yelled. Sometimes, he’d take Noah out, although that was rare, too, but never Sophie. It hurt her deeply. She’s very sensitive. Even if she wasn’t, that s**t would hurt anyone. It’s really my fault for staying with him as long as I did.” I felt like punching my fist through the wall. I was by no means the world’s best father. I’d killed my own unborn child, but to hear about a man who had it all and was so eager to give it up was sickening. This ‘ex’ didn’t deserve Madison, and he sure as hell didn’t deserve those two beautiful kids. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. You can’t blame yourself because that asshole is a deadbeat. You’re a wonderful mother.” Madison looked down at her hands. “Declan, why didn’t you tell me about Lind? Is she…is she really your girlfriend? If she is, we can’t have s*x anymore. I wouldn’t feel right.” “Linda is not my girlfriend! Did Dean tell you that?! He’s just trying to make you hate me. Linda works for my mother. We have been set up for a dinner tomorrow night with my parents. I have no romantic interest or otherwise in Ms. Malloy. I’m only going through with the date to make my mother happy.” “No, Dean didn’t tell me anything, except that there’s some bad blood between you two. As long as you keep it cordial and don’t fight in front of my babies, I don’t care. n “I overhead Linda mention you over the phone. She was at the same gas station as me this morning. She’s really beautiful, Declan. You should go for it,” Madison said, nibbling on her lower lip. I pulled her down off the desk and into my lap, kissing her deeply. “You’re beautiful, Madison. Linda is fake. She only likes me because I used to be famous. There is absolutely nothing going on between me and her. Besides, why would I give her a second thought when I’ve got you…” Madison pulled away and stood up, anger and pain evident in her big doe eyes. “I told you that you don’t have to lie to me! I know I’m not in Linda’s league. She’s tall and gorgeous. I’m short, fat, and…” I’d had enough of this s**t. “Madison Smith, for the last f*****g time, you are not fat! I don’t give a flying f**k what other assholes in your life have told you! That is their problem! You are a beautiful woman with a lot to offer the world. It seriously pisses me off that you can’t see that. You let them win when you make yourself feel inferior to others. I understand. I’ve been there. Hell, I’m still there with my parents. Don’t let other people define you, Madison. “Are your children ugly to you?” “Of course not!” she screamed, knocking over the wastebasket. “Well, everytime you put yourself down, you put them down. They look a lot like you. When you call yourself names, you’re calling them names.” “I…I never thought about it that way,” Madison sobbed. I wrapped my arms around her. “Don’t cry, sweetheart. Think about what I said. “Okay enough drama. This is supposed to be a nice calm dinner. Let’s get back before they start without us.” She gently rubbed my cheeks. “You shaved for me?” I nodded. “Wow, now you really look like him.” “Who?” I asked, kissing her fingers. “The famous Declan Walsh, the one from the movies and magazines.” I laughed and squeezed Madison’s breasts. “I’m still the same guy who you’ve been f*****g. Want me to prove it? They probably won’t miss us for half an hour.” She pushed me away. “Declan, no! Let’s get back. Remember, you promised to behave.” Unfortunately, I was unable to talk Madison into a quickie. When we got back to the kitchen, Dean eyed us like an eagle. Tina gave me a death glare. The kids, thankfully, looked happy to see me. While Madison cooked, the kids, Dean, and I discussed stars. Sophie had a bright mind and loved astronomy. I was still mad at the motherfucker who didn’t want her. If she was my daughter, I’d tell the world. Noah was smart, too. He told mehe loved baseball. Dean had promised to teach him how to pitch and catch, so I offered to teach him how to bat. Surprisingly, Sophie genuinely liked me. She sat in my lap as I read one of her favorite books aloud. Madison kept giving us odd looks as she cooked. I smiled at her to let her know that we were having fun. Trying to win brownie points, I helped Tina pour drinks and set the table. Both Dean and I held out a chair for Madison. I wanted to scream, ‘in your face’ when sweetheart chose to sit by me. I kept my arm around her chair the entire dinner. Everything was delicious. Madison had made her special lasagna from scratch. She even made the sauce. It was one of the best meals I’d eaten in my life. The sides were also delicious. For desert, we had Madison’s homemade tiramisu. My stomach joined my c**k in its adoration of Madison. The conversation flowed well. The kids kept everything light. Brando hammed it up, playing with everyone. He was smitten with Madison after she fed him some leftover chicken breast. Dean glared at me a few times, but I ignored him. I was at Madison’s having dinner with her family. Nothing could have made me happier. I wasn’t going to let anyone ruin my joy. All too soon, it was time for the kids to go to bed. Noah gave me a ‘manly’ handshake and I kissed Sophie’s forehead before they went upstairs. I told them Brando could stay until they fell asleep. Dean had an early call for a German Shepherd surgery scheduled so he left after the kids exit. Unfortunately, Madison walked him to the door. I heard them laugh and make plans to have coffee. I scowled and took a drag of my Heineken. For some reason, Tina looked over at me and laughed. I could tell she still didn’t like me, but she’d given me better looks than that first night. After Tina went to her room, Madison pulled me in for a tight hug. I loved feeling her soft, supple body pressed to mine. She was only wearing jeans and a t-shirt but to me, she was the sexist woman I’d ever seen. “Thank you, Declan. The kids had a great time. I hope we didn’t bore you too much.” I smirked. “Nope, it was one of the best nights of my life. You guys welcoming me after… It means a lot to me. Don’t think I take it lightly.” She nodded and led me to the door. “Well, um, I guess I’ll see you in the morning.” Leaning down and sucking on the pale column of her neck, I replied, “You could save yourself the trip. I could spend the night.” “Declan, that’s not a good idea. It’s not that I don’t want to, I’m just not ready. I know you have your date tomorrow…” “Dinner thing,” I said, interrupting. “Okay, whatever. I know you have that later, but you’re welcome to come by for breakfast in the morning. We could probably fit in a quickie before the kids get up. Unless…if you don’t want to.” I placed a kiss on the top of Madison’s head, inhaling her scent. “Of course, I want to. I’ll just come up the side stairway. Thank you so much for tonight, sweetheart. I had a wonderful time.” She opened the door for me, handing me a bag. “You’re welcome. There are some leftovers inside. Just nuke them and they’re good to go. “Oh, and Declan, I’m sorry for not answering your calls and texts. That’s not what friends do. It won’t happen again. To make it up to you, I sent you something special. Check your phone when you get time.” Madison leaned down and petted Brando one more time. He practically purred. Eventually, I managed to pull him away. I waved goodbye to Madison and whistled all the way home. Brando was worn out from running around. He fell asleep before we made it. After I put the food away, I took out my phone. There were three new messages. The first one said, goodnight and showed Noah curled up with his Spongebob while he slept. The second one was of Sophie, sleeping with her Jonas Brothers book. Both of the kids looked so innocent and sweet. The last message read simply, “Thanks”. I clicked on the jpeg. “Holy hell.” It was a picture of Madison, fully nude, posing with confidence. I smiled like an i***t for an hour before downloading all the pictures to my laptop. That night, I dreamed of a family. Not the one that I’d lost or the one that I was born into, but the one that I’d gained through my friendship with Madison.
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