No exceptions

493 Words
"What children?". Williams asked. "We are teachers in Gus college. We came here yesterday to camp with 6 of our students. We don't even know where they are. Please let us go. We don't know what this place is. please release us". Mrs Tombstone begged. "Hmm interesting. But what are you doing here Keneti??". Williams asked. "Keneti is with us. We came camping together. Please let us go. We don't even know where our students our". "This sounds tricky. So you're saying that all three of you are teachers, who innocently came camping with students and have no idea why they were captured or where their students are??. Do you think am stupid??. I know Keneti very well and he is definitely here for a purpose". Before he could continue, a police van arrived with morpy, one of Williams men. A police corporal alighted from the van along with 5 other police officers. "Jawface. Am so sorry for shouting at her, I should have known you'll never betray me". Williams said hugging the corporal who's name was jawface. Jawface smiled and said. "No need to apologise. Mistakes happen. Now who do you want us to deal with?". "Actually I want you and your men to find people for me. I want them alive. They are definitely still in this forest. Six of my men will go with you". Williams said tapping jawface's shoulder. With that, Jawface, the five officers he came with and six of Williams men dispersed into the forest, leaving Williams, Aj, morpy, six other men and the captured teachers on the sleeping ground. "So... where were we..Ah ah... I want to tell you three a story. I don't want you to die without knowing why. So... without further a do. Pardon me it's gonna be a very short story but..... the business and into is body trading. I know it sounds scary but I don't have a choice. I wanted to make quick money and the only job available at that time was body trading. Selling human parts. Just mention it and we'll have it delivered. Legs, hands, just anything, even livers and kidneys and hearts. Honestly, I wasn't that kind of person but Keneti, Keneti punched me so hard with his words I just couldn't stand it anymore. I wanted to make money and prove Keneti wrong. This was the only way". Williams said touchingly. Keneti started to grumble under his gagged cloths. Williams removed the cloth from Keneti's mouth. "I knew it. I knew there was something to it and I promise you brother I'll make sure you get caught. I'll make sure you spend the rest of your life in jail. Killing innocent people, you're a loser, a vacuous...."Keneti spitted out. "The teacher strikes again. Am so sorry Keneti but I'll have to kill you too. That's what we've been doing for everyone who was dumb enough to get here. No exceptions. Even for family".
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