Rules of the forest.

1108 Words
"let's go get Mr Kenn" James said. "But what if the men came back and they've gotten him" Joy replied. "Well we can't leave him there, we have to check. C'mon let's go" James said moving forward and the others made to follow him. "Wait, do you hear that?" Moose said as loud footsteps approached them. "Quick hide". Ricky whispered. They all look positions behind various trees as the footsteps became louder and closer. Twelve men walked towards the burnt tents. "What happened here?" the police corporal asked. "Hmm we found tents here and I had to burn them" the man that burnt the tents replied. "Why" Jawface asked. The man kept quiet. "But maybe when we get those children we could burn them with the other 3 we captured. Then, no one will suspect anything. It will just be a case of campers who died in an unfortunate camp fire" One of Williams men said. "Smart. And now all we have to do is to get those children" Jawface smiled. ""We have to spread out, it's almost morning" Jawface said. Jawface shared the men into four groups. "Now look out for the people. We don't know how those children look like but make sure you search well. Be careful, We won't want people to notice us, I want you all to meet me back at this spot on 30 minutes and you must have the kids". Jawface gave a lasting speech as the men dispersed in to the forest. Sadly,or fortunately, that was the last speech he was going to give. The men dispersed into the forest in threes leaving Jawface with two other men. Jawface and the two other men waited behind Incase the children ran that way The children behind the tree stared at each other then they quietly moved away from their hiding spot. They moved far from Jawface's hearing and started to whisper. "Listen guys, I know this is hard for all of us but we have no choice. You all heard what that man said. They're trying to kill us. We don't know if Mr Kenn, Mrs Robinson and Mrs Tombstone are still alive but we have to do something. We need to get out of this forest and expose Williams Curry. He's been killing innocent people for long and we have to stop him. The only was we can do that is if we get to Mr Albert Lea, he's the only one who can help us. He's a police lieutenant. His house is a little bit far from this place but am sure if we show him the pictures he'll believe us". Moose whispered. "But that man out there is also a police but he's helping Mr Williams" Rose whispered back. "Yeah but he's only a corporal". "But what do we do??" Ricky asked. "I'll tell you what to do. We kill those men. We kill anyone who gets in our way" James said boldly. The others agreed with him. It seems this case was a killed or be killed case. "But first we need to take care of that police officer" James whispered. "I have a plan" James winked wickedly. "ahhhhhhhhh. There's a ant on my leg" Apa shouted moving away from their hiding place and running towards Jawface and the two men that were with him. The men stared at each other surprised and to the screaming girl. They were surprised to see a teenage girl running towards them but they were happy. Finding the children won't be as hard as they thought and this one would lead them to the others. "Wait. Let us take it off for you" the men said moving closer to Apa. Apa looked at them and realized what she had just done. She ran back to where she came from. The men followed her happily. Then men had only gotten out of the moonlight when.... "Now" Apa shouted. Moose, James and Ricky, hidden on top of a tree jumped on the three men and started to stab them. Moose stabbed Jawface on the neck with knife carved out of wood and James and Ricky did the same to the other two men. Although the children were pure urban kids, they knew how to carve knives. It was one of the things they've learnt earlier yesterday on their beautiful camping ground before an heartless man burnt it down. Sad. It was Mrs Robinson that taught them. The men died instantly. The children looked at one another satisfied. They were ready to kill more. The boys felt brave. The girls were no longer scared. They dragged the three bodies together and covered them with wide leaves. Then, they moved away from them and started planning what to do next. "Let's just find our way out of here and expose Williams". Joy said "But what if the lieutenant is also helping Williams. Then we are doomed". James said "But that's the only thing we can do" Apa said. " But in order not to lose, why don't we kill as much men as we can, and give them a taste of their own medicine" James was enraged. The others agreed with him and off they went, determined to kill as much men as they can. "It's mine"Apa said snatching a bracelet from Rose's hand. "No its mine give it back" Rose replied snatching back the bracelet from Apa. "What ever. It's me he likes and it's me he will always like" Apa said. "Oh yeah, you think James would be interested in a spoilt brat like you" Rose fired back. "Am not a spoilt brat. You're just jealous it is me he like, not you" Apa spat out The sound of their argument alerted three men. All three of the men, walked towards Apa and Rose. They were overjoyed to see the children. But before they could say a word, Moose, Ricky and James jumped down on them. Moose and James jumped on the men nicely but Ricky miscalculated and slide off the man's shoulder almost immediately. The man started shouting, kicking and fighting back, he Punched Ricky on his face. Moose and James were done killing the men they jumped on, so it took a combined effort of Moose, James and Ricky to pin the man down before he could run away and kill him. They were lucky, the man wasn't that huge like the others. "How could you let this happen. The man could have gotten away for goodness sake Ricky" Moose shouted at Ricky.. "Am sorry okay?. It was a mistake, it won't happen again" Ricky begged wiping his b****y nose.
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