This is your greatest plan??

964 Words

Ash took Rose to the car. He drives the car. Rose was curious to know where they were going. So she took the phone and write "Where are we going?" "You will know." Rose looked outside and saw they were passing the city and came to a remote area. She does not know about the place. Suddenly she heard a song. She looked toward ash and saw he started to play the radio. "Perfect” was playing on that radio station. Moreover, ash started to sing along with it. His voice was heavy but beautiful. Rose has the urge to sing along with him. But when she tried, her voice didn't come out. Instead, she started to cough. As soon as Ash heard it, he stopped the car and came out. He took water and gave it to Rose. Rose, drink up. "What happened?" Rose write "Nothing. I try to sing, but I guess afte

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