A Human Girl in an Inhuman World

4180 Words
   She was steady, her hands to the wood floor as she held herself in the air, the loose strands of her short midnight curls fell across her face, slightly blinding her as she did her set. Fortunately, there wasn’t much use for sight with this exercise so it didn’t bother her much, though the strand did tickle her nose.    Steadily she lifted herself up and then back down while her feet stay straight into the air. The sweat fell from the tip of her nose as she lifted on her seventy-fifth pushup.    Deciding to go for a couple more, she continued her exercise for a few more minutes. Even when she heard the door opening, she did not allow this to break her concentration.    “Oh my!” She heard the older woman say as she entered her room. “What on earth-young ladies should not be subject to such rigorous exercise!” She said in her shrill motherly tone.    Linda was the caretaker and librarian of Crescent High School, a most prestigious private school in Crescent Falls, Virginia. However, more important than Linda’s position at the school was her role in the young girl’s life that she had walked in on.    The girl chuckled as she listened to Linda and her concerns. “It’s a part of my chores,” she said in a slightly accented voice.    “Handstand pushups are a part of your chores?!” She incredulously said. “Exercise is not a chore! Cleaning your room and making your bed is a chor-”    “Done.” The girl said before Linda could finish her sentence.    “W-well what about the bathroom-”    “Also done.”      Frustrated, Linda bent down in an attempt to keep eye contact without breaking her exercises. Needless to say, it wasn't an easy thing to do. "Why do you insist on such strenuous exercises?"      "Mrs. Linda," She chuckled. "Have you never done such exercises?"      "Of course I have, dear, but...not so inconsequentially and besides, you're-" Linda tried keeping eye contact with the girl but she was too quick in her movements.     "Mrs. Linda, my exercises are not insignificant, or without principle," She expressed with attempted reassurance. "In fact, they are quite the opposite of inconsequential."     "Nevertheless," Mrs. Linda rebutted. "You...are human. You cannot compare what you do to what I do-"     "And why is that?"      "I...I am inhuman," She tried to reason. "You are not...what if something happens to you? You could slip and fall, c***k your skull, or break your-"     She looked at Mrs. Linda with a sympathetic smile as the woman that she cared so deeply for continuously threw 'what ifs' her way in concern. "Mrs. Linda, I appreciate your worry, I really do...but, I am not as fragile as I may look."     Mrs. Linda looked at the girl. "Well I would never say that you look so fragile," the elderly woman simpered with amusement. She wasn't what Mrs. Linda would consider a petite girl-at least not in size versus her short height. Still, she wasn't an overly large person either. Her body was thickly curved and yet quite fit in a feminine way. All of this aside, Mrs. Linda, having raised this young girl witnessed first-hand just how capable she was...how un-fragile she was.      The long-standing sigh of Mrs. Linda was amusing to the girl she had partially taken part in raising.   “Have you at least tended to your studies and such?” Linda resigned to asking, instead. It was as if she knew that the former subject was not much use in discussing and the further discussion of it was just a lost cause.    “Reading, Writing, Trigonometry, Arithmetic, English Literature, and….”    “Don’t tell me that you have forgotten biology, genetics, and your histories-both human and inhuman.” The deep voice interceded, entering the room.    “Headmaster, Crescent,” Mrs. Linda greeted. “You’re up here a little earlier than expected.    “Yes, well I finished early for the day.” He said before he returned his attention to his ward. “So, about your schoolwork-”    She slowed her pace for a moment to steady her body with one hand before she used the other to pull the strand of hair back. It was a small distraction that she did not wish to add to the two who entered her room. “Done and done.” She replied, steadily returning to her two-hand workout of handstand pushups.    “That’s-" He started and then paused. "Good job, Kaz.” He decided to say, seemingly reluctant on too much praise. Why? He wasn't sure because she certainly deserved it.    There was something else on the tip of his tongue. Kaz knew that and so did Mrs. Linda, it seemed. Kaz knew not to address it, however. After all, this man was not one of many words. She only smiled and kept to her pushups.    As the bell rang for the school day to end, she finally ceased her pushups, ending at three-hundred and ten, tipping her lower body forward, as she gracefully stood and made her way to the nook of her window.    “I wish you wouldn’t give her so many difficult things to do.” Mrs. Linda attempted in a low voice. “With all due respect, Alpha," Mrs. Linda started, lowering her voice out of respect for her leader and so that she would only be heard by him. "she is a young girl-a human at that. Not even Alora is subject to such strenuous workouts.”    “Well, I didn’t think it would hurt her to have exercise in her daily routine. And besides, because she is human, she needs to have some sort of advantage.” The Alpha awkwardly replied. “She wanted to be more active anyway so-”    “Of course, it would not hurt her. And it is good that she wants to be active but there are certain forms of exercise, Alpha. Less impossible exercises that a human girl can do. Certainly not this! Your daughter-”    “I think she’s doing pretty well, actually. Does it look like she’s having an impossible go of it-”    “But-”    “It’s alright, Mrs. Linda.” Kaz finally said, interceding the conversation that had taken place as if she were not even there. Her gaze still out of the window as she haphazardly listened to the subject matter at hand.    At first, it did bother her to do those over-exerting things that were asked of her by Headmaster Crescent, but only because, in the beginning, she did not have the physical strength to comply.      Living life as a human in what was a whole world full of the non-even in it being in secret made Kaz feel weak. Bearing this in mind was the sole reason as to why she started such strenuous exercise anyway. The Headmaster Crescent's daughter not having to do it was a given, considering she was born with such power. Kaz wanted to be strong as well. Yes, it was hard at first-extremely hard; however, with much practice and determination, she’d begun to get better and better until her form was near perfect.    “I like my routine.” She turned to face Mrs. Linda and Alpha Warren Crescent, whose face had become, in a sense, sheepish with the scolding that Mrs. Linda had given him. Kaz looked at him with a reassuring smile. “Makes me feel-” her eyes shifted back to what was going on outside of the window, watching as the students left to their respective places. Some flying off into the distance on brooms or disappearing into thin air while others were so fast, they were there one minute and gone the next. Then there were the few who actually drove to school like Kaz assumed humans would do. “Less inferior.” She finally said.    She watched from afar, careful not to stand too close to the window as she didn't want to be spotted by any of the kid bystanders that left the school. Watching them leave brought a feeling that could only be described as bittersweet, knowing that these kids were relieved to be away from their seven-hour day of school. Bitter, however, because the school they so longed to vacate was her home. She feared....it always would be. Though, it was for the best that she stayed put. The risk of anyone finding out about her existence would not be in the best interest of the Alpha of Crescent Falls nor his family. This thought alone drove Kaz, even more, to be content with her life.    The sound of the Alpha Crescent clearing his throat brought Kaz back to currents. She turned and gave him her attention; it wasn’t until then that she realized how close he was to her now.    “How has your day been?” He asked her as he sat down next to where Kaz now stood.    She gave him a grateful smile and sat next to him. “It was pretty good.” She replied, instead of telling him that it was the same old day.      Kaz had the feeling that he knew that the question could potentially be labeled as a touchy subject since she did quite literally do the same thing every single day. However, knowing that it was his way of showing that he cared about her and her day-to-day festivities-no matter how repetitive, Kaz would always answer with a smile.      “Got through the stack of books that Mrs. Linda gave me.” Upon mentioning her name was when Kaz realized that Mrs. Linda was gone. “Where did she go?”     “She had to close up the library.” He said, though when Kaz looked at his face, she saw that there was more to it than that. His expression was awkward and seeming discomfit.     “Is there something wrong?” She asked him     Of course, Kaz was not surprised when he said no. There was something wrong; there always seemed to be something wrong but because the Alpha was not one for sharing his troubles, he gave a small semblance of a smile instead.     "Nothing at all.” He replied, squeezing her shoulder reassuringly. Before Kaz could make a rebuttal, he stood and walked away. “Your birthday is in a few weeks.” He changed the subject. “Have you decided what you would like to do?”      Of course, she had decided. She always wanted one thing and one thing only; to be free of that room that she had to call home. She wanted to live and be with the only people that she ever considered her family. She wanted to live a normal life-go to school before she was too old to do so. Yes, she was very intelligent and probably would not technically even need to attend. According to the Alpha Crescent, she was ahead of everyone else after all, and he even considered her a graduate of Crescent high school, frequently telling her that she practically knows all there is to know. At the end of the day, Kaz’s reasoning for wanting to attend school was all chalked up to a desire to have experienced something she never had before.    Nevertheless, she knew that this was near an impossible feat and she did not want to talk about the desire of this lifestyle for fear of it being taken the wrong way; the last thing that Kaz wanted was to seem ungrateful. So, she always decided on the same answer.     “Can’t think of a thing, Mr. C.” She smiled.     Now it was his turn to read past her little lie. But just as the Crescent Alpha would constantly do when under suspicion, Kaz shifted the subject so that he would not have to try and confront her true desire to leave the confines of her room.      You should be planning something nice for Alora anyway. This is a special year for her.”     He smiled. “Yes, it is.”     “Finally transitioning into the mature age to be mated.”     “Yes.” He said, once again, this time the smile not as reaching as before.     “Did I get it wrong? Is sixteen not-”     “You have it right, Kaz.” He said.     “Then what is the matter?”     The Alpha shook his head. “She’s my daughter.” He said, shrugging his shoulders.     Kaz was not familiar with the concept of what such a thing could mean, considering she never really had the opportunity to share such a bond with a fleshly father. Even in her considering the Alpha Crescent as close to one as she’d ever get.     “And... you are afraid that she will be taken advantage of?” Kaz asked.     He smiled at Kaz as though she said something amusing before he looked away. “Oh, Kaz-if anyone is to be taken advantage of, it would not be Alora.”     “Sounds like she’s a cunning one.” Kaz smiled, wishing that one day she could meet this Alora that the Alpha and his mate talked so brightly about.     “That’s my concern.” He muttered.     “What do you mean?” Kaz asked, suddenly curious of the Alpha Crescent’s words. “I thought this was a good trait to have.”     “It is.” He countered. “Cunning, strength, agility-all the physical traits of an Alpha, Alora has.”     “But?” Kaz added, sensing one coming on.     The Alpha started his pacing back and forth across Kaz’s room before he finally stopped and looked at her. “She’s missing three key components that would make her a great leader.”     “Humility, honesty, and compassion.” Kaz recited as it was taught to her at a young age, even though she was a human. Alpha Crescent would constantly remind her that no matter who or what a person was, it was always best to possess such characteristics in life.     “Correct.” He smiled. The Alpha would always smile when Kaz recited from memory, the things he’d taught her coming up concerning their kind. Unfortunately, this did not make him happy for too long, though; his smile gradually faded, as he thought about the situation at current again.     “Surely, she possesses these traits,  ” She attempted at reason. “There's no possible way she'd be lacking in such meaningful characteristics-she is your and the Luna’s daughter after all.”     He sighed. “That should be true-it may be.” He seemed to have to think hard on whether this was or not.     “Why do you doubt her so much?” Kaz asked.      “Simply put, she’s a spoiled little pup.” He said. He took in a deep breath. "Lora is our miracle child, so naturally, there were things amiss in our parenting throughout her life-some things that the Luna and I were a tad too lenient about. Now, she’s possessive and really stubborn-bull-headed and overly confident at times. This causes her to make mistakes.”     “Everyone makes mistakes, Mr. C,” Kaz replied. “And she is still young after all.” Kaz shrugged. “I do not know much about the relationship between male and female but I am sure her mate will pick up where you and Mrs. C left off in terms of guiding her toward the right path.”     To this, the Alpha Crescent gave a small smile. He did not counter Kaz’s opinion with yet another negative one because he realized that she was trying to be positive. Instead, he silently acknowledged how much wiser and mature Kazmiyah was in comparison to his little Alora; despite the over one and a half year age difference between them.     “You would have made an ideal Alpha, Kaz.”     Kaz turned around, a blush appearing upon her smooth brown skin. “Thank you, Mr. C.” She returned her gaze to the window where the school grounds steadily became more and more empty. “But I only speak what you and Mrs. C have taught me.” She turned around, a smile governing her perfect, softly round face. “Had it not been for your upbringing, I’d-” She scoffed. “No telling where I’d be.” She truthfully answered. “I’m sure, Lora will be the same. Just will take a little time is all.”     There was silence for a long moment as Warren admired the ongoing positivity that Kaz seemed to have despite her own rather large life conundrum.      As far as he was concerned, the girl really was a soldier and one that would make a great Beta to Alora once the time came. He hated to venture further on the idea that she’d be better as his heir than Alora. However, that would cause an uproar that he simply could not afford. Though, sometimes he’d wonder if it’d all be worth it, just to have someone that he could fully rely on to take his place when the time came.  Nevertheless, he didn't plan for that time to come any time soon.     Sometimes, the Alpha Crescent even thought to turn Kaz-thinking it would make life easier for both she and his family. However, it was forbidden without consent from the high council. Not to mention the fact that the transition was quite difficult-she may not even survive and that was something that he would never be willing to risk.     “So...have you met the boy?” She asked, taking him from his thoughts. Warren looked up just as Kaz turned to face him. “Alora’s mate?”     "Wouldn't exactly call him a boy." Warren sighed, that was his other worry. “But yes, I have.”     "Oh," Kaz said, curiosity now piqued. "How old is he?"     "He's about to be twenty-one."      Kaz nodded, not exactly knowing how to put what she'd say next. "Buut, that is still legal for the-I mean he's only like five years older so-"     "It's fine, Kaz." The Alpha Crescent chuckled. "The rules of the human world are not the same as ours. So, it's fine. Sixteen is the proper mating age in the Inhuman world." He raised his brow curiously. "Or have you not actually been reading on your studies?" He teased.     Kaz laughed. "It's not that," She replied. "It's just...different when I hear history from you." She clarified.     "Good save," Warren returned with bemusement. "Our kind mentally and physically matures at the age of sixteen. It is during this time that we are brought in to be trained to take over our parent's roles in life-or at least roles in the pack."      "That seems like a lot of pressure,"     "It is," Warren countered. "In fact, in some instances, the Alpha's heirs are actually preferably trained at a younger age." She smirked. "That bit of information I will not hold against you as I'm not sure that it's in the history books,"     "Would it surprise you to know that it is?"      "Nope," Warren returned. "Just checking to see if you really have been reading."      After sharing a small laugh, Kas asked. "Were you trained at a younger age?" She asked the Alpha.     "Yes, I was. At the age of twelve, I'd begun my training." He replied.     "The Luna, she is an Alpha is she not?"     Warren smiled. "Yes, she is,"     "What she trained at a young age?"     Warren's smile faded. "No. The Luna's background is a little more complicated than that. Maybe one day she'll tell you about it."     "I can't wait to hear it!" Kaz excitedly replied. "So, has Alora gone through the training yet?"     Warren replied with a shake of his head, clear disappointment as he admitted this. "A large error on my part." He confessed.     "I'm sure she will be fine, nevertheless." She encouraged. She sat on the edge of her nook and awaited his further conversation; but when the Alpha did not speak further, Kaz pushed for another subject. “So? What is he like?”     Warren, having gotten lost in his thoughts of his lacking in areas of parenting, came back to currents when he heard Kazmiyah's voice. "Who?"     "Her mate. Alora's mate! What's he like?"     “Ah, well he is an alpha in his own right,” Warren said. “A good leader and treats his pack well-could be told that he is gaining the reputation of a legend. In fact, his pack is among the names of those that are in history books.”     As amazing as that was and as much as Kaz wanted to inquire further on what pack this guy belonged to, she decided not to approach that subject in particular and re-attach her concerns to the Alpha's thoughts “But how do you like him?” Kaz smirked.      This was a question that Warren was not sure that he was ready to answer yet. Surely, the boy really was a good leader but, it did not change the concerns Warren had for him being with his daughter. The boy had a bit of a hardened reputation-and not just with dominating other packs. Still, he did not feel it appropriate to discuss his worries with an adolescent, even one as seemingly wise as Kazmiyah.     “He’s good. Not necessarily sure that I could have asked for a better mate for her.” He decided to say as all in all the boy seemed respectful and Warren felt he had no right to judge him on his past. He wasn't so sure that he was meant for Alora, however. Of course, he would not admit this aloud to his ward. In fact, he didn’t say much else, however, looking at Kaz made him wish he had elaborated a little more.     Kaz countered with a knowing grin. There was certainly more to what he wanted to say but she knew that the Alpha had bared as much of his feelings as he could spare. The rest would more than likely brew within his thoughts; or maybe he’d tell the Luna, Crescenda.     To be honest, she knew that she was lucky that he shared this much information with her. In considering this, she realized how much the subject must have really been weighing on him.     “If that is all that you’re willing to share, then I will accept it.”      The Alpha gave her a small smile. “I should go-Cres is expecting me.”     “Plans?” Kaz asked.     “Yes.” He said though these were the subjects in particular that he did not prefer to discuss. It bothered him that while he and his family could go out and live normal lives, she had to stay stuck in an attic all her days.     Kaz could feel his reluctance as he spoke. “It’s alright, Mr. C-you can tell me.”     “Cres wants to watch a movie-” He shrugged.     “Movie night!” Kaz smiled. “That’s sweet.”     “I guess so. She normally falls asleep halfway through.” He replied haphazardly; there was a pause and then a look of empathy on his face. “I truly do wish that you could join us, Kaz-”     “Don’t-worry about me, Mr. C,” Kaz said, as she stood to grab an extra pair of clothing, readying herself for a shower. She looked at him, reassuring him with a smile. “I’m fine.” She headed past him, touching his arm. “Besides, who knows? One day maybe I will join you.” She walked to the small vanity to grab a brush. “See you later, Mr. C, and please tell Mrs. C that I said hello.”     The silence in the room grew thick for a moment. It was as if the Alpha wanted badly to say something else but he didn’t.     “I will.” He finally replied. “I will see you tomorrow, Kazmiyah.”       After he left, Kazmiyah went into the bathroom and closed the door behind her. She cut the shower on, turning the water as hot as she could muster.     Kaz went to grab her shampoo and other needs, she finally heard the door lock behind the Alpha Crescent. Every single time she heard this, her body would cringe as she realized that yet another day would come and pass her by as she stayed stuck in that room.
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