Chapter 1 - The Sight

218 Words
The glass shook between her hands as she pressed her lips against its cold surface. A cold that mirrored the chill that swept through her unguarded house.  They followed her everywhere.  Usually, they’d find joy in tormenting her hiding between the space of darkness. Away from the light. Away from her sight.  They grew bolder.  She could feel their eyes burning her sin: wandering down her body. Their touched scorched her body.  Her hands tightened around the glass. Teeth biting down on it.  ‘Don’t look. ‘ She repeated again, and again in her mind. Her eyes stared down the bathroom sink drain. ‘Why wasn’t it big enough to swallow her?’ She wondered.  Tick. Tock. Tick. Tick… She heard it. The clock stopped. The trees stopped its wailing dance, hitting against her window. All that resonated was the loud, calculated footsteps. Inching closer and closer to her.  The glass dropped from her hands, hitting the edge of the sink before toppling down to the ground: shattering into a million pieces.  She could care less for the mess.  Voices started. Loud, pleading, hollow voices.  With each step the monsters took, the voices grew louder, clearer. Stronger.  Her eyelids fluttered shut, as she counted down its steps.  Two, three, four- The footsteps stopped right behind her. She felt its hands slithering up her back, grasping her shoulders. DIgging its nail in.  The voices reached their clarity.  “We found you.”
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