Chapiter 3 : The strange boy.

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While my father was asking the driver for instructions on where to find the nearest police station. A man who had come to accompany him with two young girls. - Good morning sir, the man addressed my father. - Good morning sir, my father replied. - I wanted to greet you dear new neighbor! My name is: "Henry Clown" and these are my two daughters: Rhine and Rina Clown. Rhine and Rina were twin sisters. They were about nine years old, the same age as my big sister Cassie. The twins looked a lot alike except on certain points... Rina was the older sister and also the older of the two. She also strangely had eyes of two different colors. His left eye was the same hazel color as his father's, while his right eye was a light blue color. But for Rhine, his eyes were both the same color: "blue green"; like their mother's. We could also differentiate them using their haircut; because Rhine had shoulder length hair and Rina had longer and less blond hair than Rhine's. - I'm Eric Benson... Nice to meet you Mr. Clown, my father replied. "So am I, Mr. Benson," he replied, shaking my father's hand. I was inside the house when my father met the Clown family. Here in our new house, I had my own room. But something strange had scared me in this house. I had a strange feeling, the intuition that this house contained a terrible secret. A few days later... When we had settled down well in this new city. My grandparents, those on my mother's side, they had come to move in with us. The twin Clown girls had become my friends. I had also adapted very well to my new school. On Wednesday, May 13, 1992... Time had passed. I had been able to fit in well this city. Pennsylvania was considered a place of rest, which gave it all its charm. The place I liked the most was the forest near the Susquehanna River. I had also made a new friend at school. Her name was: "Anna Verse". My meeting with Anna happened on my first day of school, two years ago now. Since then, we had become inseparable. We were always almost always cram together. Yet even though I was still scared of our house because of the weird things going on there. I could conclude that I had finally settled in to this town and our strange home. At the end of each lesson, the girls and I used to walk around the neighborhood before each returning home. It was for us one of the opportunities to see everything and know everything and live funny and amusing adventures. But it was also to create memorable memories together. Seeing that today was Wednesday. So we decided to go to school by bike. - Hello, I said to the girls. - Hey Cassandra! , they replied warmly. - You waited for me a long time?, I asked them. - No, Rina replied. - What do you think we could do after school today? Anna asked. "Why don't we go to the forest?" I suggested. - We go there all the time, answered Rhine. - Yes, but the forest is big. We don't know the forest well yet. So I thought that today we could finally take the time to literally explore it. - I think it's a good idea! , exclaimed Anna in front of my proposal. We might find something interesting like the cave we found last time, she added. - I agree, said Rina to us. - So it's decided! After class we meet in front of the school entrance and we go, I said to conclude. - Yes ! , replied the girls. Then on those, we were on our way to college in a bicycle race. When we were all fours arrive in front of the school gate; we had put our bikes in their usual place. - And it's me again who won the victory for this week again! , said Anna happy to have made us bite the dust. Then, when we were about to enter inside the building, there was someone blocking our way. The appearance of the boy who had stopped us somewhat shocked me. He was a pretty weird guy... He looked like someone dying because he had such pale skin. He was tall and thin. He had beautiful green eyes and very dark messy hair. When our eyes met, he backed off. He motioned for Rina to follow him afterwards. Rhine, she hadn't waited long to leave for her room without a word when she saw her sister walking away from us. - Who is this boy?, I asked Anna. - A friend of hers I think, she replied. - You know him ? - Not especially, I just know that he is very intelligent and that he stopped school two months ago now... After staring at the boy talking with Rina for a long time. I headed to my room accompanied by Anna. Seeing me leave, the boy looked at me intrigued...
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