Chapter 15 : The famous party...

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December 14, 1997... Every year, on New Year's Eve, Alexander's family, the Diamonds, had a big party. It is said that each year, the party was increasingly memorable. However, very few people were invited. The people invited to this party were family members from any country, their close friends and the people they considered one of their own. You could only enter it with an invitation and the party was top secret, which meant that everything that happened in the mansion remained secret. Security was extremely strict there, so it was strictly forbidden to enter without being invited. However, there were two other possibilities to participate in the party without the need for an invitation. The first was to be part of the staff, as a waiter, cook, etc... Simple, isn't it? Well let me tell you it's totally wrong. Being part of the staff required a lot of work and skills. Even if there was no minimum age to work during this evening, it was still necessary to pass several tests and only those who succeeded could be part of the staff. The second possibility was to become the rider or the rider of the organizer or the organizer of the evening. Fortunately, Anna and I had passed the events to be part of the staff on December 31. At first, the Diamonds didn't want to take me as a waitress during the evening. They gave me excuses like "You're too young" or "You're Alexander's friend, so it would be weird if you work for his family". But I insisted and finally, they accepted without knowing that it was Alexander who was organizing the party. I found it unfair not being able to be with my friends. Anna had been hired, Rhine and Rina, accompanied by their parents, were invited as distant members of the family. I didn't even know they were related... That's why I wanted to be part of the staff. But when Alexander learned this, he made a decision that surprised me a lot. Around 8 a.m., at the Diamonds Manor... I was waiting for Anna outside the front door of the Diamonds' residence when I had heard two people talk about me. They were two servants of the house. They were staring at me and making fun of me. She was in front of the gate in the distance. I hadn't paid attention, I thought she recognized me about the incident with Monika a long time ago. Their voices were unbearable, as well as their hurtful words. They said I was just a poor girl and had nothing to do here. Who were they to judge me? If I had wanted to work at the Manoir for a party, it was not for money! And even if I could go back in time, I would never have hesitated to go through the test to be part of the staff; Simply because I would never have been so close to Alexander. This party was exceptional, it will always remain engraved in my memory. Thanks to her, I had been able to live better moments alongside Alexander. Alexander was inside the house when I was waiting for Anna. Tired of these stupid domestics, I was going to answer them. I was not only tired of standing waiting for Anna, but their words were also getting more and more enraged. But before I had time to say anything, Alexander came out of the house. He was amazed to see me so early. - Exactly, I was looking for you... What are you doing here, Cassandra? he asked me. - I'm waiting for Anna, she came today to take her measurements for our costumes because yesterday she had had a last minute impediment, I replied. He looked at me for quite a while before laughing. - I would like to know something, he told me, laughing. - Knowing you, you're going to say something that has no head or head just to piss me off, I replied. - I would like to know if the times are really hard for a twelve-year-old girl to want to work. - So what? I replied, annoyed. - Well, you will surely be the youngest of the waitresses ever known in the services of the Diamond Manor, he said laughing. - And then what else!? - Nothing... I find it a bit flattering. - What? I asked, lost. - I think you want to be close to me and the girls because they will be present... I then started to blush. I think, deep down, Alexander had understood from the beginning that if I wanted to be part of the party, it was to observe it. But I still lied. - No! Anna had asked me to come with her because it seems that the parties your family organized were memorable and since we had never come, except the clowns, we opted to work as much as waitresses, I told her. While the truth was that I had forced Anna by all means to come and work there with me because last year I had not been taken because I did not know how to set a table. - Okay. You are lucky. This year, I'm the organizer and I'll take you as a rider. I stayed there, speechless. He closed the door behind him, which had remained open. Then he tells me to follow him. I didn't know where he wanted to take me, but I followed him curiously. I didn't want to ask him any questions, but I was happy to participate in the party! Arrived in front of the gate, a black car was waiting for us. The driver opened the door for Alexander, then he motioned for me to get in the car. - And Anna?, I asked him. - She can wait... What I have to offer you is even more interesting, he replied. That's how I got into the car. - Where are we going, sir?, asked the driver Alexander. - Among the clowns, he replied. - Well, sir. And the car started. During the journey, Alexander told me to break the silence... - You know, I wanted Rina to be my rider... I remembered watching Alexander with eyes wide open, as if he had stolen money from the pocket of someone. I couldn't believe he had considered being Rina's rider, because even if they were close, they kept arguing. If it was with Monika, it wouldn't have surprised me because it was his ex-girlfriend... Seriously, Rina? A cloud of jealousy was hovering over my head. - But she refused, he told me. I was relieved to learn that Rina had refused. - I don't understand why you want me to be your rider, I told him. - Rina said you would be up to it, even if I doubt it a little. I wanted to invite you because you are considered one of mine. But after a long reflection, I realized that you have been an extraordinary friend for the past five years, and I don't want you to forget this party because you have never celebrated it with us. So, I give you the choice, Cassandra: Do you want to be my horsewoman, a guest or a waitress during this party? He was so serious that it made me melt. He looked me straight in the eye, looking forward to my answer. -I would like to be your horsewoman, I replied playing with my long black hair. - Okay, he replied, you won't regret it.
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