Chapter 6: The encounter.

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It was during spring break that I had an unexpected encounter with this boy. While on vacation... My mother who was a nurse. She had decided to work as much as possible because of the lack of staff at the hospital where she worked, so my mother was rarely present at home. As for my father, he still had problems with my uncle Barry. Suddenly, my father had to return to our old town accompanied by my grandfather Charlie. For my sister, since she was already at university. She came to visit us only during the holidays or during the weekends if the desire came. As a result, I was then almost always alone with my grandmother at home. One morning, I felt like watching television to pass the time. Usually, on holidays, I would have been stuffed with Rhine and Rina from morning until night. But this time, the Clowns had been away for a family emergency in Ottawa, Canada, for several days already. - Cassandra, my dear. You must have been staring at that television for hours already. Why don't you rather go play outside with your friends now or revise a little?, said my grandmother. - The Clowns are not there and Anna works every day at her father's bakery; so I don't have a friend to play with. In addition, my grade in class is always higher than that of the others with or without grandma's revision, I replied. - In that case, why not go to the library? Who knows maybe you'll find an interesting book there... I understood my grandmother's whole scheme. It was soon going to be time for a reality show she was watching on TV. She then put tons of argument and pretext for me to let her watch television alone and quietly. I handed her the remote, I didn't want a fuss with her or even punish myself for I don't know what to get me kicked out of the living room. - Anyway there is nothing interesting, I said. Then when I was about to enter the kitchen to get something to drink, I remembered the mansion which made me rush to my room at full speed to change. After a few minutes, I left the house on the pretext that I was finally going to the library to see if there were new books and to visit Anna at the same time. But you've probably already guessed it, in reality I was going to the forest without her knowing it by bicycle. To give you a brief summary... The day the girls and I had discovered the mansion from the top of the cabin. Rhine had ordered us not to venture into the forest again out of fear. We listened to her and followed her orders. But since she wasn't there and I remembered the mansion... My curiosity had taken over! It was this curiosity that made me want to see the mansion more closely. Arriving in the forest, I left my bike on the ground and went straight up to the cabin. From up there, I looked at the horizon with my telescope which was always on me. I wanted to know the exact location of the mansion so that I could create a detailed plan of the path to take and know the precise location to go from the cabin to the mansion. Even though it was only from a distance and the mansion was hidden by strange tall trees, she was still not very visible from above. It was normal that no one had noticed him; you could only see some side of the roof only from the cabin without a telescope. Using my sight tongue, I saw that the mansion had a small balcony. There were gargoyle statues on each corner of the balcony. Suddenly, while I was watching the going towers. I looked again near the statues. It was then that I saw someone who seemed very familiar to me. He was a boy dressed in gray and black clothing. He had extremely dark hair. I only saw him in profile without being able to see his face well or even being able to recognize him well. But I had clearly seen that he was turning towards me a little and he smiled at me. Scared, I had decided to quickly go home quickly with my bike... The day after... I was so terrified the night before that I decided to rush home. So, today, I came back to the scene to finish what I had started. Luckily, I was able to finish the map of the path leading to the manor thanks to the detail and the landscapes that I had noticed yesterday. The mansion was located to the northeast of the cabin. She was between the valley and the river. Once you get there... I had to look around to see if there was anyone. The mansion was huge. He had a large, wide, manicured lawn. The territory of the Diamonds was surrounded by a large sort of security grids around three meters long, it was so big and immense. Since I couldn't see anyone, I got closer and closer to the gate. The gate was dyed black, while the mansion was dyed brown. From the gate to the door to enter the floor of the mansion, there was a pretty little paved road. There were also various fruit trees behind the house. Near the stairs, there were pots filled with thousands of different flowers on each side of the stairs. It was wonderful... The mansion was truly magnificent. Judging by the exterior, the mansion must have had two floors, an attic and several bedrooms for its size. - This family really seems to be very wealthy, I said amazed by the beauty of the place. From below, I had noticed the balcony that I had seen on the part before the day before at the cabin. Every edge of the glazed window in the house was black. I was still looking at the details of the house when suddenly the wind started blowing. The gate, following that, it was a little ajar. I had closed my eyes because of the wind. But when I pre-opened them... There was someone who was right in front of me. There was a boy who appeared to be the same one I had seen through my telescope yesterday. He was there, standing in front of me... There were no words to describe the fear I felt that day...
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