Chapter 17: Magical night! Part I.

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That's it, the long-awaited big day had finally arrived. After weeks of intense preparations, it was time to finally show the whole world the fruit of all our hard work during this gala evening. An evening which, we hoped, would be crowned with success and satisfaction. All that remained was to refine the last details before the start of the party. Alexander, a true perfectionist, wanted to check everything one last time in person and add or replace certain things as needed. He had had a grand piano installed in a corner of the room, parallel to the platform, on the other side of the stairs. Small apple trees had also been arranged on each side of the front door, adding a touch of charm and freshness to the whole. But Alexander didn't stop there. Concerned about the comfort and welcome of his guests, he had decided that he himself would be the one who would welcome each of them in person, accompanied by the two members of the staff in charge of this welcome. He had also prepared candy apples at the starter for the youngest, just to make them happy as soon as they arrive. But these were only the most obvious details. Alexander had also made subtle changes to the cutlery, with the addition of flute glasses for his family members, champagne glasses for friends, simple clay glasses for relatives and a crystal glass for special guests. Everything had been meticulously thought out for this gala evening to be a total success, and Alexander had put all his heart and soul into this undertaking. Ultimately, this evening was much more than just a party. It was an opportunity for Alexander to prove to the world his passion, his devotion and his love for the most subtle details, and to reap the fruits of his relentless efforts in the last few weeks. He had created an evening that would mark the minds of all the guests, and which we would remember for a long time. What surprised me the most was the incredible idea he had: illuminate each rose outside the house with fluorescent colors of all shades, so that they are visible in the dark. It was a magical and magical spectacle, which transformed the night into a real glare for the eyes. Once he had finished his modifications, he left for my room, satisfied with his work. - Knock-knock!, he said with a slight tapping at the door of my room, making me raise my head from my fleeting thoughts. - Come in!, I replied with a warm smile. He pushed open the door and shut it silently behind him. He had swept the room with his eyes before staring at an abandoned chair near him. Quietly, he had pulled the chair and sat down, taking his time to adjust his posture, marking his presence in a delicate and sure way. It was an important day for him and I could feel it. He had certainly spent hours getting ready for that moment. We were both standing since early morning, the energy palpable in the air. When he asked me if I wanted to repeat the dance for the last time, I accepted right away. Once again, we started twirling on music. Our movements harmonize perfectly, as if we knew the choreography by heart. We danced for a few minutes, stopping from time to time to correct some movements. After the dance, we sat together in silence, taking a break to catch our breath. I asked him how he felt. - I'm nervous but ready, he replied with a confident smile. I smiled back, convinced that he was going to do a great job. We chatted a bit more before heading to where it was going to happen. As I walked, I could see a mixture of excitement and nervousness on his face, but his determination was unwavering. It was a pleasure to support him in this important stage of his life as much as Diamond and I knew he was going to shine. I repeated in my head all the beautiful dances we had done together and I already imagined that of soon too. On Monika's side... Monika looked at herself in the mirror with pride and satisfaction. She was happy to see that the evening dress she had chosen for the evening was perfect for highlighting her slim figure and natural beauty. The subdued light in the room added to the mysterious and elegant atmosphere of the outfit she wore and seemed to amplify the splendor of her jewelry. The golden necklace around her neck drew attention to her plunging neckline, while her glittering earrings with black and pink gemstones added a sophisticated touch to her look. The bracelet adorned with a blue diamond on her wrist was the finishing touch that accentuated her outfit, giving her a touch of elegance and enhancing all her beauty. Meanwhile, Monika stood in the dark room, taking the time to admire her magnificence in the mirror. She felt beautiful and elegant, ready to make a remarkable starter at the evening that awaited her. His radiant aura was simply unparalleled and captivated all those who crossed his path. But his face, instead of being happy, was filled with doubts. Something was preoccupied with her and when she was about to take her bag posed not far from her, she had felt something strange. She had seen a kind of flash from a brief image of me and Alexander hand in hand, in front of her. It had put Monika in great black anger. She was so enraged that she had grabbed the chair on which her bag was placed and threw her towards the mirror in front of her, accompanied by a loud cry of anger. On the side of Alexander... After repeating our choreography, he left for his room to put on evening dress to welcome the guests. The outfit he was going to wear was a black shirt and black pants accompanied by a white blazer, with a black belt and pairs of black shoes. He was very uncomfortable because he had decided to attach his hair back instead of leaving it tousled as usual. He laughed at himself when he saw his reflection in the mirror. So he decided to unbutton the first two buttons on the collar of his shirt. Then he went to the reception room with crazy speed as if he had teleported in a fraction of a few seconds. A few minutes later, the time had finally arrived… The guests had begun to arrive little by little. Alexander was already downstairs, while I was still getting my hair done by Anna. - I love your hair, Anna told me. - And I yours, I replied. - You're not going to greet the guests?, she asked. - Normally, Alexander and I only had to make our appearance when all the guests arrived in full. But you know him, he changes his mind all the time, so he thought it was better that he goes down to see if everyone is coming, and he'll pick me up afterwards. - Ah, I see... After having done my hair, Anna took out three different outfits from the closet in the room where we were and put them on the bed. - I'm going to ask Alexander which one you should wear first. I'll be back!, Anna told me before leaving the room. Down... Alexander was very friendly, finally, he was trying. He himself served a wine-like red nectar to his family members and put brooches to people who were not the same blood as him. A woman present had asked him why only the Diamonds had the right to wine. He then replied that it was their tradition without giving more details to the woman. Then Rhine and Rina arrived. - Good evening my all beautiful, Alexander told them. - Good evening my dear, replied Rina. - I would like to offer you this nectar, but I know you don't like it, said Alexander taking a red liquid cut on one of the waitress trays. - I hate this thing... It looks like salty paint, said Rhine, going to mingle with the other guests. - What's wrong with her? Alexander asked Rina. - An argument of nothing at all with my mother, replied Rina before taking a glass of red nectar. - Alexander? Anna said. - Yes? he replied. - What Cassandra outfit should she wear now? - The black ensemble with the white shirt... And tell him not to have the fright for the welcome speech, answered Alexander. Anna nodded in acceptance and then left. And there, a man resembling Alexander arrived... - Hi little brother, said the man. - Hi Jack, answered Alexander. On my side... I couldn't help but laugh when I saw how different I was from my habits in the mirror. I was dressed in a serious outfit, with my brown hair tied in a ponytail and a white shirt under a black blaser adapted to my morphology. I also had a tight skirt up above my knees and black ballerinas. I couldn't ignore the feeling of not being myself, dressed as well. Then, my friend Anna helped me get back in order by putting my nose back before Alexander arrived. Once ready, we headed to the reception room together. All the guests were already ready for our speech. Alexander had gathered everyone and we were standing at the top of the stairs, so that everyone could see us. My legs were shaking so much that I was afraid of falling. Alexander noticed my fear and whispered in my ear: "I'm here to help you, relax". It was the moment when I was going to appear in front of everyone. I didn't want to disappoint him but I was so nervous that I was on the verge of giving up everything. But I finally decided to take a deep breath to get the stress going. Without wasting a minute, I waved to Alexander that I was ready. He, for his part, rang a small bell that was in his pocket to attract people's attention. All the guests then directed their gaze to us and a lead silence fell in an instant. - Ladies, ladies and gentlemen, I said loud and clear, so that everyone can hear me, I welcome you to this evening organized by Alexander. I looked at Alexander for the guests to see him, and he was standing next to me, greeting the guests when he heard his name. There were some applause. Then, Alexander took the floor: - Good evening everyone, he said, I would like to thank everyone here. Thank you for accepting our invitations and taking the trouble to come here just for this event. This evening is one of the celebrations that we have kept as a tradition from generation to generation and I had the honor of having been elected organizer for this year. I would also like to thank my rider here, who helped me to make this evening a success, because without her, the theme that would have been imposed on me would not have been respected. As you all know, love and me don't mix, he added, making everyone laugh. Alexander then wink at me to tell me to continue. - This is the long-awaited moment and we hope you will enjoy it, I resumed. - I wish you a great evening and have fun as much as possible!, I said with Alexander in Coeur. After that, the employees of the room sent confetti. The guests were delighted, clapping and shouting with joy. - Now, let's go to the other room for dinner, please, said Alexander, showing the left room where dinner would continue. While the guests were waiting in the room, Alexander and I headed each other to change. - How do you find the party?, Alice asked her big sister Monika. Alice was also present at the party, which I didn't know about. She wore a long red satin dress and her black hair was tied in a bun. The dress she wore was slightly too sexy for her because she showed her long slim legs thanks to a kind of tear on each side of the dress, designed to facilitate her movements. The dress was also backless and she had put on red lipstick and silver earrings. - You already know my answer, replied Monika before going to sit at the table where she was to be placed. When all the guests settled down, Alexander and I spoke again. - For this evening, we offer you a dinner worthy of a king! We hope you like it and bon appetit, we said in chorus. Normally, I was to be placed next to Rina and Rhine near Alexander's table, but I didn't know that Alexander had decided to place a table between his parents and those of the clowns, where there would be only him and me. I was dressed in a long light pink dress that looked like a princess dress. The dress sparkled thanks to the sequins and she could reveal my shoulders with a long lace sleeve. As for Alexander, he wore a black tuxedo and a light pink shirt. After tasting the starter, it was time to start the first animation of the evening. - Did you eat well?, asked Alexander to the guests. - Yes!, they replied, exclaiming happily. - Now... Let the show begin!, he cried. So the lights went out to make way for a dazzling start to the show. The guests were immersed in total darkness, not knowing what to expect.
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