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ASTRID'S POINT OF VIEW I was on my way to the longhouse, which is where we hold all of our community events and meetings, so I can help my father set up for the Alpha that was going to arrive this afternoon to renew an alliance. Father had also invited them to stay for my birthday, which is tomorrow. I was practically skipping my way over, I could feel myself getting excited for tomorrow, or at least that's what I had told myself that's why I'm bounding with energy. Loki was flying in the sky above me and reached the longhouse before me. "KRAA." "It wasn't a race, you know." I got to the longhouse and pushed open one of the heavy oak doors, Loki flys in and begins circling overhead and kraaing. The good thing about being supernatural is always being stronger than you look, otherwise, it would've taken 5 grown men to open one door. The doors stood 10 feet tall, made out of solid oak. Back when Vikings were around, well pretty much everywhere, this longhouse was where the tribe back then would've slept but now it's turned into a community hall of such, where the chiefs would hold council meetings, where we would all have feasts and if it's not being used for either of them it was usually where the teenagers would come to hang out. Inside was pretty plain, except for some old decorative shields, spears, broadswords, axes and maces. You get the point there's a lot of weapons in here, hung on the walls. Right in the middle was a huge stone fire pit, which is not currently lit, but filled with fresh wood, probably for later on. At the moment there was only one large table, I had no doubt there would be more tables in here later on for the feast with the guest Alpha. I was walking up to the table, where I saw my father was sitting with someone else that had their back to the door. "Ahh, Astrid, there's my little princess. Glad you are here, we have just been discussing something that greatly concerns you." My father says, getting up from his chair to wrap an arm around my shoulders. I look over at the other person sitting opposite him and my stomach turns over. What in the name of Vallhalla could my father and Mathias have been talking about that greatly concerns me? Mathias grins at me like that damn cat that ate the canary as I sit down next to my father, Loki landing on the back of the chair on my other side, closest to Mathias. "What's the matter, father?" I ask him, trying to ignore Mathias. "Nothing is the matter. In fact, it's quite the opposite." My father says smiling. My father and Mathias share a look that starts to make me feel sick. I can hear Lokis talons scratching at the wood of the chair, he's making a low kraaing sound now, he usually only makes it when I've been in imminent danger, meaning I have to leave the area quickly. But this is my father he wouldn't hurt me and even if Mathias is Midgaurds biggest asshole he wouldn't let anything happen to me purposely, I'm the daughter of the Chieftain, I'm next in line to take over from him, the tribe wouldn't stand for it if he let me get hurt or even killed, well, at least I hoped they wouldn't anyway. "Did you hear me?" My father says, reaching for my hand, laying on the table. "I apologise, father. What was it you said?" "I said that Mathias here has come to me today to ask for your hand." "My hand?" I ask getting really confused like my brain wouldn't work it out. "Your hand in marriage." It took me a few moments of just aimlessly staring at my father, trying to comprehend what he has just said. "What did you say?" I ask him again. "Mathias has asked for your hand in marriage." My father says, clearly getting impatient. "You didn't agree to it, did you?" I ask. I could feel my palms starting to sweat. "Of course I did. It's the best thing for you and our tribe." Father says. I can feel my heart start to pound in my ears. "But he isn't my mate." I say trying to stay as level headed as possible. "Well, princess, Mathias says that he believes you are his mate and we don't know for certain how you would be able to tell who your mate is. What if it is Mathias and you have to be marked by him for you to know for sure?" My father says. "What if he isn't my mate and he marks me anyway? Then I'd be stuck with him for the rest of my life." I say I notice Mathias get up from his seat and walk round to stand next to my father, Loki hops onto the table and jumps in front of me. "Astrid, this is the best thing for you and our tribe. Mathias is the commander of our warriors and he'll be able to protect you." Fathers squeezed my hand probably trying to reassure me that everything will be okay. But it feels like he's trying to trap me. I jump up from my seat which makes Loki kraa loudly and flaps his wings and my fathers' eyes flash with hurt. "Protect me?" Feeling my anger rise inside me. "He has tried to rape me on several occasions!" I shout. Mathias puts his hand on my father's shoulder while his face is covered with smugness. My father blinks a few times and rubs his temple with his two fingers. "Rape is a strong word, Astrid. I'm sure you just misunderstood what was going on." My father says. "Father please don't do this to me. Mother always told me to wait for my mate and I would who it was when I laid eyes on him and I truly believe it isn't Mathias." I beg him, trying to make him see sense. "Astrid, my wildflower. I understand your mother would have wanted you to be happy but what-" Mathias starts but my anger snaps inside me. "Don't you dare talk about my mother! You don't know-" This time it's my father who stands up and shouts at me. "Astrid! You will address your future husband with respect, it has been decided you two will marry in four days." "But-" "No, buts young girl! You will do as I say I am the Chieftain!" By now my father is standing right in front of me and standing one and half feet taller than me, forcing me to look up into his eyes, which show nothing but rage. I can feel hot tears streaming down my face. Loki gets in between me and my father kraaing and flapping his wings madly trying to get my father to back away from me. But my father just swiped his hand at him and Loki went crashing down to the ground a few feet away from me and didn't move to get back up. Regret seemed to cloud my fathers face for a moment before Mathias spoke again, with his air of smugness. "Chieftain, if I may speak. It's probably just the shock of being told something so big and life-changing. I'm sure if we let her have some time to think about it all, she'll come to her senses and realise this is for the best." "Yes, your right Mathias. Astrid, you are dismissed for the afternoon, take Loki, but be back in time for the feast. We will announce you two tonight, so make sure you wear the appropriate garments. I'll be sending chambermaids to your room to help you get ready." "Fath-" "Not one more word. Leave now." I ran to pick up my faithful friend, cradling him gently in my arms and without a backwards glance at my father I ran tearing from the longhouse. I'm vaguely aware that I've run into someone, barging past them, I mumble a quick apology without looking at them. Loki lets out a soft Kraa and tries to lift his head. "It's okay, I'm going to look after you like you always do for me." I tell him. I don't even know where I am till I feel my trainers fill up with water. I look around wiping my eyes on my sleeve and see I've run all the way to the river. I back up a few paces so my feet aren't in the water. This has always been my safe place to come to, if I ever had a difficult challenge thrown my way I'd come here and never any further. I look back down at Loki and see he's looking around as well. I sigh with relief as he stretches out his wings and jumps up to my shoulder again. He was just knocked out, he's okay. Thank you, Odin. "Did that really just happen?" I ask Loki, looking out over the water. Loki looks down sadly. "Why would my father do this? He knows Mathias isn't my mate. Mother even told him once that she didn't want Mathias near me and I know Father would never disobey her, even if she's in the afterlife." I sit down on the bank of the river and I let my tears fall freely, I don't bother trying to stop them. After some moments, I start talking to Loki again. "Father has never even raised his voice at me before. I've always been his princess. What's happened to him?" Loki just gently nudges his beak against my cheek. I don't know how long I stay there, but by the time Loki nips sharply at my hand darkness has fallen and I know I have to get back home, quickly. I get up and dust myself off before I start my journey home, trying to think of ways I can talk my father to understand again. I don't want to remind him of the promise he made my mother, it usually makes him angry when my mother is mentioned because he hasn't proceeded here death properly yet, but I will if it's the only way he'll listen to me. I decided I would try to talk to my father alone before the longhouse gets too crowded maybe if he's away from the serpent he'd actually listen to me. When I got to mine and my fathers' cottage, he wasn't around so I went to my room to start to get ready for the nights' events. I decided I would get a quick shower before the chambermaids get here.
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