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ERIK'S POINT OF VIEW "Erik, will you hurry the f**k up?" "I'll be there in a minute, get the car out front." It was finally Tuesday. I don't know why but I was feeling very excited for this trip to the Wodens Tribe, usually, Alpha meetings would make me anxious, but this time I didn't feel like that. I had spent most of my weekend at several different shops trying to figure out what to get Astrid. I don't know why but I felt like it had to be perfect. I kept asking my brothers what to get her or for their opinions on the things I had picked out, but they were next to useless. They kept saying to not worry so much and to get her something simple or basic. But I just couldn't do that. In the end, I decided on a wooden hand-carved necklace with a matching bracelet and armband. It's not big or flashy but the patterns carved on it are very intricate and detailed and for some reason, I thought these would suit her more than diamonds. I don't know why I was so sure, considering I haven't seen her in four years and it was only once, but my instincts have never been wrong before so I needed to trust them. I was throwing on my jacket and grabbing my bag to run downstairs, to meet my brothers, then we can finally be on our way. I ran out the doors to see my brothers in the car, the front passenger door open for me. Camron was drumming on the steering wheel impatiently, while Danny and Logan were locked in an epic battle of thumb war, in the back seat. "Alright, let's go," I say when I've shut the door. "About time!" Camron says as he puts the car in gear. The drive there was meant to be a pleasant one, but unfortunately, Logan and Danny were trying to be as annoying as humanly possible. "I swear to the Moon Goddess if either of two you ask if we're there yet, I'll make the both of you walk there!" I snap at them. They didn't reply back to me but I could bet they were linking each other. Then I felt my chair being pushed forward. Please no. Danny started to keep kicking the back of my chair. What did I do that was so wrong in a past life? I could hear Logan sniggering in the seat behind Camron, while Camron himself was trying and failing not to smile at my torture. "Danny! If you do it one more time and I will beat your ass!" I say. "You beat my ass when we spar anyways." He says, continuing to kick the back of my chair. "True. Hey, Camron I have a job for you when we get back." I say, turning to face him. "Oh, yeah? What's that then?" He asks raising an eyebrow at me. "Yeah, find a new Delta," I say. "You wouldn't?" Asks Danny indignantly. "If you do not stop annoying me, I promise you I will." I warn him. Danny grumbles something but sits very still. Logan starts to nearly cry with laughter, Camron just silently chuckles and shakes his head. The rest of the trip passes without much incident. Before I know it we're passing through the gates and being directed to a parking lot. When I step out of the car, my foot lands straight into a puddle, and the splash soaks my sock. Great, just great. I could hear Danny sniggering at me. "Hey! That promise is still valid." I remind him and he shuts up. With that, we were directed to a guest cabin. I pick the room furthest from Danny and flop down on the bed. He could be the most annoying little brother in all of existence but I wouldn't ever get rid of or replace him, although right now I did need a bit of space from him. I went to get a new pair of socks out of my bag. A few moments later Camron knocked on my door. "Hey, we got to get to the hall." He says. "Alright, give me a second," I say, grabbing my shoes. With that, we leave our cabin and find a man, where nothing but leather pants, holding a shield in one hand and a spear in the other. He wasn't even wearing shoes. "Afternoon. The Chieftain Bard has sent me to be your guide, my name is Geir the spearman son of Brandt the swordsman." He announces proudly. "Umm... Hello." I say trying to ignore Danny who was red in the face from trying not to laugh. "I'm Alpha Erik, these are my brothers, Bata Camron, Gamma Logan and the giggling dipshit over there is Delta Danny," I say walking out in front and holding out my hand to him. He looks at my outstretched hand then to the shield and spear in his hands, then looks at me raising his eyebrows at me, the statement obvious. "Right, well. Lead the way, Geir." He turns on his heel and makes his way to a path in amongst the trees. He was setting a very fast pace and wasn't tripping or getting caught on branches and roots, unlike us. I was amazed that he was able to walk this path every day, without error, then again he did grow up doing this. At one point Danny completely fell over and I could've sworn I saw Geir's shoulders shake with silent laughter. In five minutes we were in the clearing where the hall was. As we approached the doors we could hear someone yelling, Geir suddenly seemed too nervous to go any further now. But then a figure with long bright orange hair came sprinting out the open door. I smell her from here and she smelled amazing, like freshly baked cookies. She was holding something in her arms and I could hear her sobbing. I was so transfixed on her that I didn't even realise I needed to move out of her way, till she's knocked into me, but she doesn't stop. She mumbles an apology and keeps running. My heart aches for her and I have this urge to go after her and make sure she's okay, all too soon she was swallowed up by the trees. I could hear Fenrir start to whine in my head, which is odd he has never whined before. "Alpha Erik." Came a deep gruff voice from behind me. I turn around and see that I've moved a few paces away from the group. behind them stood The Chieftain and another man is standing in the doorway. The Chieftain has a worried expression and the other man looks livid at me. My brothers are looking at me with raised eyebrows and Geir has his head down. I walk back over and stretch out my hand to the Chieftain Bard. "Chieftain Bard, good to see you again. I hope everything is well." I say turning back to the group of trees where the girl had disappeared. "Yes, Astrid, my daughter. She's a bit upset right now, but I'm sure she'll pick up in time for your feast tonight." He says, shaking my hand with a worried look over at the trees where she ran into. "This is Mathias commander of our warriors here." Me and Mathias shake hands cordially, but we don't say anything to each other, although he does squeeze my hand probably trying to get a reaction out of me, it didn't work though. Mathias is wearing the same thing as Geir. "These are my brothers, Bata Camron, Gamma Logan and Delta Danny." I say introducing my brothers, they all shake hands with Chieftain Bard and Mathias. Chieftain Bard leads us inside and we're all seated around a table. While me and Camron are listening to Bard the other two are too busy looking around at all the weapons on the walls. We had a new alliance signed and sealed within an hour. We all stood and shook hands again, Chieftain Bard walked us outside, where Geir was waiting for us. "Well, Gein will escort you back to your cottage and bring you back to the longhouse for the feast tonight?" "Sounds good." I say with a grin. Geir leads us back to our cottage, with no one falling over, although we all, apart from Geir, of course, tripped at least once. We were soon back at our cottage and I decided I would take a quick power nap. But as soon as I laid down, my mind wandered to Astrid, running and crying. I wanted to go find her and make sure she's okay, but I had no idea where to start. I hoped to see her at the feast tonight, maybe I could talk to her then. Fenrir started to whine again, I decided to link him. "What's up with you?" But he doesn't answer me. I groaned in frustration and got up to go wash my face. I'm just dabbing my face dry when I notice the time on my watch, I sighed and decided I would get ready for the feast. The trouble was I had never been to a Viking style feast before and didn't know if there was meant to be a dress code or not. I decided to link my brothers and see what they would be wearing. "Guys, what are you going to be wearing for the feast tonight?" "I have no idea." Logan says. "I was going to ask you that." Whined Danny. "Just wear a button-up and jeans. These guys walk around with no shoes, I think we can pretty much turn up naked if we really wanted to." Said Camron reasonably. "And that is why I made you the Bata. But no one turns up naked." "Yes, Alpha." They replied in unison. By the time we were all dressed and ready to leave it was dark out and even with our werewolf sense we would get lost. I suppose that's why the Chieftain has made sure Geir would be our guide. Geir seemed like a good guy even if he did snigger at us when he saw what we were wearing. We got to the longhouse in fifteen minutes, I suppose Geir had to go slower at night, or maybe he slowed down for us. We were seated to the left of the Chieftain with Mathias on his right with an empty space next to him. The longhouse fire pit was lit and there were many more tables out, all packed with a variety of foods and several filled tankards. Soon the longhouse was packed with people but I saw none of them had the same orange hair that I saw earlier. Everyone seemed to be eating and drinking having a good time. "So, umm... I thought Astrid would be joining us?" I asked as casually as I could. Mathias leaned over and glared at me, what the f**k was his problem? "Oh, she is on her way, she just had to finish getting ready. You know how women are." Chieftain Bard said good-naturedly. I relaxed a fraction and decided I would start to eat and at least enjoy the food and drink provided. After some minutes, the scent of freshly baked cookies invaded my senses. I looked up and saw that beautiful head of hair making its way through the crowd. She was wearing a deep blue strapped dress and a white undergarment, and they both hugged every single curve of hers beautifully. A raven was perched on her right shoulder. When she got to the table and was behind her chair to sit, I don't know why but I stood up from my chair, luckily my brothers followed, so I didn't look too much of a t**t. The Chieftain, looked at me with something like respect, Mathias I could feel burning holes into me, but the only eyes I cared about were the crystal blue ones that had locked on to mine. She blushed deeply and smiled at me and I knew right then and there that I would do anything I could to see that smile all day every day. Suddenly she was yanked down into her seat and our perfect little moment was broken.
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