Chapter 4

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Samuel "I went through the documents you mailed me yesterday and I must say I am impressed Amara," I said to Amara before the meeting starts. The work she has done with the data and research part I must say I was impressed. "Thank you," she said shyly. "I'd meet you in the meeting room," she said and was about to leave the leave the cabin before I interrupted her. "Wait.. there's something that I wanted to talk to you about," I said starring her in awe. I could feel it that she was clearly uncomfortable with the way I was looking at her. "What?" she asked vary of what is to come next. "Uhh.. we'd talk after the meeting," I said not knowing what to say or why I stopped her in the first place. I stopped her just because I wanted to see her one more time, call me a jerk but she brings that out in me. She left before I could stop her again. I wanted to invite her on a date with me but seeing her initial reaction, I knew she would have flipped out on it. I don't want her to think of me as some wannabe trying to get into her pants, though that would be nice but somehow I restrained myself before blurting it out. I never knew why a girl as beautiful and talented as her is single. I've never seen anyone so shy and reserved. She is young, smart, talented and pleasing to the eyes.  She's been working in my office for the past two years and I've never seen her mingle much with the staff. The talks have been limited to office work and formal other than with Celine. Though Celine parted ways with the organisation a few months back due to her pregnancy and didn't want to continue further as she'd be joining in with her husband, working on their family business. I have always liked Amara because of her innocence and her helping nature. She is angelic and almost seems surreal to be true. I never acted on it because I was in a relationship back then and recently have broken up. I always felt this need to know her, to protect her from the world.  As much as I know she is single and I am also very much single, maybe we could hit it off. If only she pays more attention towards me, I would definitely take care of her the way she deserved.  I need to find out a way to get to her before someone else does. The phone ringing on my desk brings my attention back to the work in hand. I will definitely find a way to crack that hard shell around and she'll be mine before she knows it.  Of course she'll fall for me, come on who wouldn't. I am a good looking decent guy. I have my own business and a committed person who would provide her every thing anyone could ever need. Though I'm a bit older than her but still I'm only thirty and isn't that much of an age gap between us, that I need to worry about.  *** Amara I am pacing back and forth in my cabin, I don't know but I felt uncomfortable with the way Samuel was looking at me. I've been working with him for the past two years and I never felt that awkward with him. Maybe I'm simply over analysing a simple situation or over thinking about the earlier encounter. What is wrong with everyone recently, first Adam trying to set me up with Chris and now Samuel looking at me like that. I don't know if I'm reading too much into it or they are behaving odd. I hope it's the former one. I don't want to be in a relationship or anything of that sort. I am not just ready for it yet. The meeting went well and we received the tender, we'd have to start working on the new project soon. We had the meeting with managers of LS Incorp. and after the initial documentation and procedures we would start working on the same as it is a collaborative project between LS Incorp and our office Mason & Sons Ltd.  After the meeting I was about leave the meeting room when Samuel stopped me. "Amara can I have a second with you," he asked. "Yeah, sure" I said sitting back in the room while everyone else left. "I wanted a favour," he asked and I don't know what kind of favour is he asking for. I tried to act calm and composed when actually it's getting awkward. "Sure, go ahead" I said decided to hear what he is asking for. "I know it sounds really awkward asking but I really needed help and I don't know if anyone would be able to help me out at such a short notice," he said explaining things and stretching time.  "My ex girlfriend is throwing an engagement party and I am invited, I don't want to show up alone as it would get really awkward and I was wondering if you would help me out and be my date for tonight," he asked baffling me with his words. He asked as a favour and not an actual date so I think I could say yes but I don't want to go our with him or anyone else. Should I say yes or should I... "Please Amara I am counting on you," he asked bringing me back to the reality. "Ok.. " I said without thinking much and I don't know if I should be going out or not. It's not a date just I'm helping him out. I tried convincing myself of the hasty decision I took. "Thank you so much Amara," he said and hugged me, it was all of a sudden that I didn't realize that he was so close to me. "It means a lot," he said and there it was the same look in his eyes from earlier making me slightly uncomfortable. There's some emotions and foreign feelings I can't pinpoint making me uneasy. "I'll pick you up at 7:00, you can just wear some dress as the party will be in a club," he said and left the meeting room sensing my uncomfortableness. I guess I can't back out now so I better get going as there isn't much time left to get ready. I picked out a golden dress, it's a beautiful gown with a slit up to my mid thigh. The colour goes well with my eyes and hug me well at all the right curves. I tied my hair up in a cute bun and wore matching heels that Celine bought me as a gift just recently. I applied makeup a bit more than casual but nothing heavy. I applied some nude lipstick and then finally applied the setting spray.  When I finally looked back in the mirror, it was someone else staring me back. It has been ages since I have applied some makeup or wore dresses or went out. I was looking beautiful and young, I was looking my age.  As promised, Samuel was on time and went down to his car. He was waiting outside for me. While making my way up to him, he continued staring me. "You are looking gorgeous," he said and taking my hand and kissing it. I blushed at all the attention as I wasn't used to it. "Thank you, you do clean up well," I said as he was looking dashing in his tailored suit and we'll set hair, all set to charm. I hope this evening goes well, for whatever reason Samuel asked me out, I just wish to enjoy tonight and be myself just like old times.
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