What have you done, Jacob Kang?

1248 Words
        Kaia follows Bren as they step out into the chilly October air. They stand aloof, Kaia looking sideways and Bren kicking at the pavement.            “If it helps,” Bren starts. Finally. “I got slapped yesterday. So we’re like—even or something.”            Kaia snorts. What nonsense is he saying? “Is that what you called me out here to say? Look. I have work. Every second of my time is precious right now.” The SATs are close now and she had to stay prepared.            “I’m—sorry. For what happened at school today. I agree. Shira crossed the line. I take the blame for her.”            When he’s done, Kaia just stares at him like nothing he just said made any sense. And then in one swift motion, she reaches way up and slaps Bren on his right cheek.            “What the heck, Kaia!” he cups his already crimson cheek. “Are you insane?”            She shakes her head in the negatory. “Not at all. You said you’re taking the blame for her. That’s exactly what I wanted to do to her, and I’m still not satisfied. But this should do for now.”            “I just said I’m sorry!”            “Well, I’m sorry too. Does your cheek hurt less? Does it make any sense that I got slapped because your Dad kicked you out?” she lets out a pained laughter. “I don’t even know anything about you, Bren. How on earth am I the reason your Dad kicked you out?”            Bren smiles, ever so slightly. A shattering smile. “You have no idea.”            “Well, start talking.” She folds her arms. “I have work to do, but I’m willing to wait and hear what you have to say if it means Shira can get off my back.”            Bren rakes a hand through his hair and ends up messing it up in a cute way. Kaia just watches him while she waits, observing the conflicted emotions on his face and in his eyes.            “I don’t owe you any explanation.” He clenches his jaw in that annoying way he always does and his intimidating look resurfaces, kicking out the conflicted emotions his face was giving away. “Shira crossed a line, that’s why I came here to apologize. I came all the way here; you have to know I’m putting effort.”            “Your effort is as good as useless if she’s going to attack me again. You know she will. I got hit in the face, Bren. For doing absolutely nothing.”            “I’d make sure she doesn’t. You have my word. She’s not going to touch you. Again.” Something about the way Bren says it makes her believe him. Also, the fact that Shira listens to Bren like a sheep. She rubs her arms up and down and she catches Bren’s eyes follow her movements. “Bye then,” he says.            “Why did he kick you out? Your dad.”            “I said I don’t owe—”            “I’m being concerned.” She holds her hands up. “You don’t have to be a grouch about it.”            Bren snorts and he looks like he’s holding back laughter. “Yeah. Bye, Kaia. If I stay here any longer, I’d definitely become a grouch.”            Kaia stays till he gets into his car and zooms off. By the time she goes back into the restaurant, her mind is consumed with the thoughts of Bren being kicked out. Big K would never do that to her or Keanu. What could have happened?                                                                        ****            “No. Lindsay, listen to me. You can’t just show up again. You’d ruin everything I’m working hard for. We talked about this, didn’t we? Don’t you think you need to see a doctor? No, I’m—I’m not calling you crazy. I just need you to—” Mr Ariel stops in his tracks when he turns around to see Bren in the lab with him. He forces a smile and his voice becomes cheery. It was tight and upset before. “Lindsay, I have to work now. I’d call you the minute I’m free.” He hangs up and shoves the phone into his pocket. “Hi there, genius kid of Wintercrest. What can I do for you?” He slides into his seat and points the opposite one for Bren.            “Isn’t that title more suited for Kaia? I’m kidding,” he adds hastily before Mr Ariel can start giving him pep talks. “I need advice. Do I take the SATs this month, or do I just wait till next year?”            “There’s no harm in writing it now. If you’re not impressed with the score, you can take it again next year. No shame in that.”            “Hmm,” Bren says absentmindedly. His eyes have caught sight of the camera again. He had been so engrossed in preparing for the competition that he forgot about Kaia’s pictures in that very camera. Willow had said it was stalker behaviour. Joe Goldberg. But how and why the heck would Mr Ariel stalk Kaia? Surely, he’s not interested in her. Is he? He peeps at his ring fingers. Both empty. Or is he one of those people who don’t wear their wedding bands? He actually has never mentioned a wife before.            “Bren, are you listening to me?”            Bren nods. “Positive, sir. Thank you so much for always giving me great advice.”            “Of course.” Mr Ariel smiles, all proud.            “Can I look take a look at our pictures?”            “What pictures?” Mr Ariel asks confused.            “The ones you took us. Kaia and I.” Bren points at the camera and notices how Mr Ariel reaches for the camera without hesitation.            “I deleted them. Since I already made them into frames for you two, there was no point. Right?” he laughs and Bren hates how much suspicion he’s feeling. Mr Ariel is obviously hiding the pictures of Kaia, and now, his hands are itching to get that camera again and be sure he wasn’t hallucinating that day.            “Okay.” Bren gets up. “I’d write my SAT this month and let you know how that goes.”            “You do that,” Mr Ariel smiles and then Bren leaves. Mr Ariel definitely has a motive behind those pictures of Kaia, and Bren doesn’t know why he’s itching to get to the bottom of it, but the urge to do so is irresistible. So, he will.            “Dude.” Rosco walks up to Bren,            “Hey, men!” Bren smiles as Rosco approaches, but when he sees that Rosco isn’t smiling, his smile starts to dwindle. “What? What happened?”            “Don’t freak out,” Rosco says and hands Bren his phone. “You didn’t know about this, did you?”            Bren sees an article captioned ‘Jacob Kang reveals that his son is one of the major shareholders at Goodwill and Heart medical foundation. He’s going to be a medical doctor, that’s why he’s working hard. I’m working very hard too. My son would be in charge of the place soon­—the multi-billionaire says.’ Bren’s head starts to throb, his eyes start to blur. His father. Freaking Jacob Kang had thrown his entire life in jeopardy. An unfixable jeopardy.
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