Chapter 4

1992 Words
I had a date tonight with a guy named Mark. The one my friend Jenelle hooked me up with. I had not saw the Tanner's in about a week. Jesse was supposed to be out of his cast by next week or so. Jesse had tried to call me all week. I was not in the mood to talk to him. Because his girlfriend should be the one helping him out. I was getting far too into things. I was the one who was going to be hurting. Jesse was not. In order to get over my feelings for Jesse I planned on getting some new feelings for a new gentleman. That would work for me. Hopefully this guy was handsome. Jenelle had great taste in men. So, I had high hopes for this date. Every boyfriend she had gone out with was a hottie. And her guy friends had always been very good looking as well. I was all dressed up. I wanted to look decent. Enough to win over this guy. If Jesse happened to get jealous when I started to date that would be a bonus. Though I highly doubted he would even care if I dated or not. I was just a good friend to him. That was all. I put some pink lip gloss on my lips. I was wearing a new purple dress. And it had a light pink tank top under the blazer. The blazer could be taken off or left on. I was wearing a hot pink necklace I bought at the mall with matching earrings. I had purple high heels to match. Though I was not that great in walking in high heels. The doorbell rings. I go to answer. He was a little early. But early was great! Better to be early then to be late. I swing the door open and there was DJ and Stephanie. ♥☆♥ "Girls what are you doing here?" I wonder. "All the way across town?" I add. "Does your dad know you are here?" I ask them. I let them in and shut the door. "Uncle Joey brought us. He is waiting in the car downstairs" DJ tells me. "This is for you" She hands me a card and Stephanie hands me flowers. "What are these for?" I gush. "For helping us last week with uncle Jesse. These are from dad and I" DJ adds. "I helped pick out the flowers" added Stephanie. "Oh, girls thank you so much" I gush. I open the card. Danny wrote a little note in there. It read "You are one in a million." then he wrote how grateful he was that I helped him. And how I was such a good friend. I sigh. Friend. Lovely word. I hug both the girls. "Tell your dad I said thank you" I tell them. "We will. We wanted to invite you to dinner. Dad is cooking out on the grill. And I baked brownies" DJ tells me. "I would love to, but I can't" I say softly. "Why? Doncha like us anymore?" worries Stephanie. I smile. "You know I adore you both. I do. But I already have plans. Maybe another night alright?" I ask them. "I am very sorry" I tell her. "Alright" DJ says. "we tried" DJ tells Stephanie then she shrugs her shoulders in defeat. Stephanie nods. ♥☆♥ "You did not say you had kids on the phone last night. I did not want to date someone with kids" I hear someone warn me. I glance up to see that Mark guy there. He was good looking. But not as great looking as Jesse. He was average. Tall. Dark sandy blond hair. Dark rimmed glasses. Well dressed. "Mark these are not my kids. I help babysit. These are my friends kids" I warn him. "come on in" "Why doncha like kids?" asks Stephanie to Mark. "I like them fine. I just do not want kids of my own" he says. "Why?" she asks. "Because it is hard to explain. You can't travel with kids. Or do adult things...." he sighs. "look um Sally I made dinner reservations. And we will be late. How long will the munchkins' be here?" he asks me. I was already not liking Mark. He did not want kids. And he called me by the wrong name. "I am not a munchkin. I am in middle school. And her name is Skyler" warns DJ. "not Sally" she adds. "Kids come on. Is Skyler coming to dinner?" Joey asks as he joins us. Mark rolls his eyes. "Grand more company" he mutters. He glances down at his watch. ♥☆♥ "I have a date. I can't make it tonight. Sorry Joey but thanks" I tell him. "Come on girls. Tell Skyler goodbye" says Joey. "Bye" mutters the girls. They leave. "Finally we can go Skyler" adds Mark. He takes me to his car. He does not bother to open the car door for me. I get in. The music blares really loud. He speeds before I can get my seatbelt on. My heart is racing with fear by the time we get to the restaurant. He does not meet me at the door, I get out myself. I was not liking Mark so far. We get in the place. It was very nice. Mark sits down before me. The waitress gives me an odd look then hands us menus. "This place had a five star rating. I heard they would be great so they better be" warns Mark as he looks over the menu. ♥☆♥ I sigh. It was going to be a very long night. To bad I was not out with Jesse. I wondered what he was like on a date. A real date? Did he hold the door for you? Did he dot on you? Was he kind? Did he want kids? At least Jesse liked kids. Mark was talking with the waitress. He ordered a drink for me without asking me what I wanted even. Ugh! I hear familiar laughing. My head turns to find Becky. Jesse's. Becky was here with a handsome man. And it was no one I knew of. I had to play this cool. Get proof that she was indeed on a date with another man. "Please excuse me a moment. I see a friend I know here" I lie to Mark. I get up then walk calmly over to where Becky was seated. She was really giggling. And flirting with a very handsome man. I stop beside her table there. She notices me. We shake hands. "I am your biggest fan" I tell her a lie. "I am always thrilled to meet a fan" she tells me. "Listen can I autograph something for you? I am on a date tonight and I do not want to be rude" she admits. "A date how romantic. Is this your boyfriend?" I ask her. "can you sign a napkin for me?" I ask. Proof I saw her.... She gets a pen from her purse. "Who am I making this out for?" she asks me. "" I say softly. "To Skyler from Becky" she jots down. "So first date?" I ask her curiously. "Actually this is our fourth little date" she laughs as she smiles at her handsome date. "we used to go to college together. I had not saw him in awhile. We reconnected. He met me down at the station" she admits. "this is Steven" she says. "Pleasure to meet you both. I hope you have many more dates to come" I add as I take the napkin from her. "It was nice to meet you Steven and Becky" I say before wandering away with a happy smile on my face. I sit back down at the table with Mark. ♥☆♥ "I ordered for both of us. I hope you did not mind. I am starved" Mark tells me. "Listen I have other dinner plans. I need to go. I completely forgot about them" I lie. "You are breaking the date?" he stammers in shock. I nod. "I am" I say. "I am sorry. I will catch a cab. Have a nice dinner" I say. I get up then head out of there. I call a taxi then head to the Tanner's house. I had to tell Jesse this news. This changed everything. If he broke things off with Becky then I was not going to hold my feelings back any more. I finally get to the Tanner's house hold. And ring the doorbell. Jesse answers the door. He was out of his cast. He grins happily at me. "Hey you made it!" he says cheerfully. "Skyler why have you been avoiding my calls all week?" he asks softly. "I needed some space" I say softly. "I thought Becky was going to be helping out more. I did not want to be in the way" "You are never in the way Skyler. You are my friend. You are everyone's friend here" he answers. Friend. I hated that word.... ♥☆♥ "I have some news to share" I begin. "Hey you did make it!" Joey says happily. "where is your date?" he asks me. "Huh?" I frown. "That guy?" he asks me. "your date tonight?" "It did not go well. It ended early" I admit. "Because he called you Sally?" wonders DJ when she joins us. "he was a loser" "Guys can I talk to Jesse. Alone?" I ask. "Sure" they say as they leave the room. "What is on your mind Skyler?" he asks me. "I saw Becky on a date with another man" I say. "here is proof I saw her" I tell him. I show him the napkin. He glances down at it. "I know she is" he admits. "Oh" I say. "I am so sorry" "Don't be. We agreed to date other people. And see each other when ever. We drifted apart. I suggested it before you left the other day. That was why I kept trying to call you" he admits. "What?" I stammer. "I was hoping to ask you out for a date" he tells me. "we had grown to be really close. Then you began avoiding me. It hurt" he admits. "I did not know what else to do. So forget it. You are here. We are friends. And come have dinner with us alright?" he asks me. He goes to leave. He wanted to date me? ♥☆♥ I grab him and stop him. "Jess..." I say softly. Our eyes meet. He grins. "Yes?" he asks me. "I was upset when Becky was around. I was jealous and I needed space. Because I was jealous. I wanted to date you as well. And I knew I could not because you had a girl" I say softly. Feeling so shy. He grins. "I knew it. I am always right about these things. Skyler, can I ask you one more thing?" he asks me. "Sure" I agree. "Go out with me" he orders. "Let's go on a real date. No kids" he adds. "Just the two of us out on the town having a blast" I grin. "I would love that" I say. "I am still seeing Becky. But less. I have feelings for her. But for you to. I hope you get that. I don't want to hurt you. You can see other people to in the meantime if you....if you wanted to" he adds. He was still going to see Becky? Oh why not for now? I wanted a chance to date him. I could prove I was ten times better for him then Becky would ever be. Then he would only want to be seeing me. Becky would get dumped. And she would be history! This would be my chance. I could make Jess jealous with a few dates of my own. No guys named Mark of course.... "Sure. Okay. Let's have fun. And see where this leads us" I agree. I grab him then pull him to me. I plant a kiss bravely on his lips. He is stunned then soon is returning my kiss. His eyes are wide with shock then he grins at me. "Have mercy!" he breaths out after the kiss ends. "Come on let's have dinner. I am starved" I say. I take him by the hand then we go to have dinner with the others. • ❤︎ •• ❤︎ •• ❤︎ •• ❤︎ •• ❤︎ •• ❤︎ •• ❤︎
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