The begining of tragic part 2

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Chapter 2 "Lily potter pov" "NO!! we cant do this, after all we left the pack of good and btw she doesnt have to do anything with this you understand me pete we cant just like that do something like this to her you know how cruel they are and I am not going to let you do that" I said with tears in my eyes...i mean Amaira is like my daughter and i remember when her mother called that night. flashback... "lucy what are you are going to die like seriously what hell are you talking and what about Ama what about her are you going to leave her just like that and without telling her the truth huh??"I literaly shouted out of shock. "Li you need to understand i cant do anything this time...i tried to do my best for all this year i have been changing my fate for her but now if i did ama would also die with me...i already made the decision and about the truth...sorry to tell you that, i am not the one who would tell her, her destiney had been written but their is something missing and i think that thing can change her destiney for all and i need you to be their for her like her mother and make sure to take care of her at all you understand me li, say you understand me please..."lucy said with tears in her eyes while pleading with her eyes...its just shocking to see the her in this break my heart to see her like this...and that time i promised my self not to ever let ama alone and be like her own mother.. End of the flashback "Lily if she doesnt go with us than amanda would have to and i am scared that our daughter would be one the those girls whose mate would be their for them and the matter our pack have been taken over by the black pack and if amanda is the mate of anyone than her life would be hell do you understand and btw i dont think ama's mate would be their as she is human not werewolf right" pete said to me, "but still i promised her mother how can we even think of doing something like thsi and what if her mate was their too we dont know moon goddness can choose anyone you know right, i cant do something like this i cant risk her life"i said in beteewn of my cries. Pete took my hand and said,"that do you want our daughter to take that risk and if you can than i cant do you understand me, so plzz" i mean i am a mother and i cant imagine my daughter in pain too.. "Also its impossible that she would also have a mate and let alone in the pack of us you must be kidding me plzz lets take her their as our daughter and once the ceremony ends we would take her back and shift some where else okk"pete told me again and no matter what he was also saying the fact so i dont see any risk too so its time for me to decide as a mother of amanda i have to do this.. "Okk but.." i was cut in between by pete saying,"no buts just need your okk" pete said and took my hand saying we need to go and meet her and convince her to go with us no matter what. __________________.♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡__________________________♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡___________________________________ Right now we are in the car and watching from the rear mirror, Ama as she is sleeping so peacefully she is a true definition of beauty just like her mother. Sorry ama i love you so much but i am scared my daughters life would be destroyed if she had a mate their... "Wake up gys we have reached... A3 would plzz wake upp"i said...well amanda came up with this name A3 as Ama, Amanda and alex...right now we are infront of our hotel which just little far away from the pack house. "Aunty lily whats this place its kinda creepy dont you think" ama said as she was kinda having bad feeling about this place...well why not anyone would have even me at first find it kinda creepy but now i am kinda used to it as it is not used too much bocause the pack haouse is so big to have thousands of peaple easily  so everyone preffer to live their rather than here. "Is okk honey come in its good from inside"i said and took her hand and went tonight held a life of a lots of innocent peaple...with just one hope that everything goes well and that i could keep my promise that i made to her mother and as a mother my daughters life would well...with that we checked in and everyone went to their perspective rooms to take an complete rest as toinght is going to be a big night and no one knows that except us...
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