Amanda is in pain!!!

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chapter 3 third persons pov' Amanda came to my room wearing an sexy dress as i was looking for some colleges to go after we reach to where god knows...i mean aunt and uncle they both are being weird, from aunt appologetic looks to uncles cold behaviour and lastly their for the firstime persuaing me to go with to god knows where. "Hy babes what are you thinking huh~~"Amanda asked.  "Nothing...btw are going some somewhere??" I asked her There it is our dear amandas evil means nothing but only trouble. "Don't you dare to do what i am thinking you are going to do, aunt will kill us as she said to stay at the hotel and do not even think of going out" i told what she just rolled her eyes and said,"Babes nothing is going to happen and btw i need something so if you want you can come as i believe that you dont believe me." "Still no way and i am not going with you neither you are going anywhere am i clear and now go to your room and sleep and huhh dare you try to go out and i will break your legs than let aunt to whatever she wants and this time i swear i wont interfare am i clear??" I said almost loosing my temper like how can she always like this, never serious and how dangerous it is to let her go out in the middle of no where... Listening to me she only pout and left and after that i turn off my laptop and let darkness consume me bit i woke up by the some sound like someone was crying. And it hit me that person was Amanda and uncle was also shouting like something happed. I wake up imidiately and went Amanda's room to find her in a state in which i pray no one should be her neck was filled with love markd and her lips were slowen and to add more her dress was also ripped. I imidiately run at her only to get a tight hug from her and there she cried mor while saying something which truly puzzled me, "He...he do...dosent want me.....he took it Ama....I..i dont have anything now....i will die Ama without him help me" by saying that she fainted in my arms.  I was puzzled by what she said and kinda angry about what animal did this to her but again why cant she live with out him like i know about every single person she ever had crush on and now i am looking at aunt and uncle looking for an answer as they seems ro who did this... Aunt lili pov' I couldn't sleep as it was the day when i was breaking the promise of mother to a mother but my daughter cant have a mate there specialy after BLACKS pack taking over it. I was too much in thought when i decided to go for a fresh air so my mind could be clear after taking a bath i changed my clothes and went to grab my phone and then when opend the door i wish i never did opend the door. Standing in front of me is Amanda her hair is mess and lips are slowen and neck has a mark of hickeys and her overall looks said that it was not love but a force it dosen't seems like mates doing but instead a brutal rapist work...the moment she saw me fall down as she couldn't even stand and she fall down she started to cry both because of physicall and inner pain..i ran to wards her and hugged her and carry her to her room her father came as well as Alex but i was scared if Ama saw it she will  ask us for an answer and we have to tell her i tried to soothe her but then Ama came running and Amanda started to cry even more and hugged her the moment Ama walked closer she spoke and fainted after that she looked at us for an answer and knowing i cant hide it i decided to tell her everything but will she be able to take it.. 
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