Chapter 4: Her Boyfriend

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“How is it that you always just get prettier every time I see you?” My best friend in the entire world, Emma, said as she greeted me with a hug. She always had a way of making things seem much brighter even when we were in the saddest looking tiny coffee shop on one of the floors at the hospital. Most of the time, this was where we usually met up, but that’s because it was the only place I did have time to meet with anyone. My whole world revolved around my dad and this place so my best friend willingly adjusted for me. “You’re just biased, but still, thank you for always being my number one fan.” I told her and she gave me a tight squeeze. “Always, bestie.” I smiled widely. My best friend in the entire New York. Once upon a time, I was just walking around the city when I had a wardrobe malfunction in the streets as my skirt ripped open out of nowhere. I was so befuddled at the unfortunate turn of events and shy that I had to hide myself by one of the alleys in the streets while I tried to figure out how to fix my dilemma. Emma, who was a stranger then, was coming home from one of her late night adventures and, lucky for me, she saw my struggles and immediately offered to help. Without even asking for my name, she turned me around and figured out my problems. This petite girl with big and round green eyes looked at me and the first thing she said was, “Take off your skirt.” I looked at her dumbfounded, but there was something about her that made me feel as if it was alright and that I could trust her. Ten minutes later and me hiding behind a pile of boxes in just my shorts, she squealed in happiness. I looked over to where she was and saw that she was holding my skirt, but it looked much better than the original, which was just a plain tan skirt. This time the side where it had holes on it was filled with little hem decorations that you wouldn’t even think they were just added on. She changed a boring old skirt to a fashion piece. “H– how did you do that?” I asked her with wide eyes as I touched the skirt, still unsure if it was real or just my imagination. It didn’t even look like there was once a hole in it. She pulled out a mini kit with a needle and other sewing necessities and with a beaming smile she looked at me and said, “Sweetie. I always come prepared.” And from then on, albeit the polar opposites we were, we just bonded and became best of friends. Sometimes I would go to her late night adventures when I could, and sometimes she would go to the library or to the park with me if she would wake up early. Somehow, we made our friendship work. Besides Matthew, she was also my pillar of strength and when she was not busy running around the city trying to be the best fashion designer, she was here drinking crappy coffee with me and having a little girl talk. And by girl talk, I mean me living vicariously through her adventurous dating life. If they were good, that is. If they were bad, then I teased her with her twenty-first century woman dilemma. “I am so sick of these dating apps, Anya!” She complained before groaning and rolling her eyes to the back of her head. “Can you believe I got catfished again? Like is there anybody else in New York that doesn’t pretend to be a freaking CEO or model here? Just give me one handsome man that is normal, please!” “And can tolerate you singing in the shower, of course.” I chimed in before taking a sip of whatever this concoction was. She chuckled. “Right, how could I forget that most important part?” “But seriously, Anya, you are seriously super lucky you don’t have to deal with these men nowadays. How hard is it to find a decent guy around here?” I smiled at my cup and felt my cheeks blushed. Times like these make me glad I have Matthew. We met many years ago, back when I was still studying, and ever since then, he has been nothing but the best boyfriend to me. Over the past few months we may have been in somewhat of a rough patch, but that’s because I’m so busy with my dad and he is stressed out with his studies and career, so it only made sense. I needed to give him his space and we both understood that. When my dad is healed and when Matthew gets his spot in the hospital, we can maybe even think of starting a family together. That would truly be a dream come true. “I see you blushing and daydreaming all the way over from where I am seated,” Emma commented with a raised brow. “Am not!” I denied, but she caught me red-handed. “How is that guy, anyway? Do you even still see him or is he too busy sucking up to his big-time doctor dad?” I could easily sense the sarcasm in her tone. I know she tries not to be such a downer when it comes to Matthew, and I am thankful for that, but I just wish she would try harder. I just wanted them to get along again, though I was pretty sure that wasn’t going to happen any time soon after Emma bumped into Matthew coming out of the nurse’s room looking rather haggard. Matthew explained to me that he was merely helping out as their air conditioning got busted and there was no electrician available. He swore to me that there were no nurses in the room at that time and it was just him. After being with Matthew for years, I trusted him. Emma let it go, but after that, I was sure she just never saw Matthew the same way again. “He’s trying, Ems. He really is. When this is all over, I’m sure he’s going to propose to me.” I told her with a broad and excited smile. I couldn’t wait to spend the rest of my life with him and for my dad to walk me down the aisle. “Speak of the devil…” Emma whispered through her cup and I saw her eyes squint at something behind me. Or rather, someone. When I turned around, I saw Matthew walking towards the coffee shop with three female interns. He seemed to be especially cozy with them, smiling and laughing as the other girls also giggled with him. I felt a slight tug at my heart, but tried not to look affected because after all, Matthew would never cheat on me. He was my kind and loving boyfriend for many years and he always promised that I was his only one. Matthew was just very friendly and because his dad is the director, he has to be nice to everyone. That’s it, yeah. I got up from our table and walked over to Matthew. When he spotted me, I thought I saw a flicker of surprise in his eyes, but I probably just saw wrong. “H– hey, baby, I didn’t know you were around. I thought you said you had a seminar today.” He cleared his throat and stepped away from the girls who were glancing at each other awkwardly and then pulled me to the side. “What are you doing here?” He asked and I glanced towards Emma, who was staring at us either with intrigue or judgment, mostly towards Matthew. This was definitely not helping his image. Matthew gave her a quick nod before looking back at me, letting out an aggrieved sigh. Lately, he always sighs around me. It was so unlike before when he would smile the moment he saw me. I always tell myself that it’s just because he’s tired. “Well, uh, anyway, the seminar finished early and I bumped into them and I offered to treat them to some coffee. I’ll do my rounds after that and I’ll see you at your dad’s room, alright?” Matthew exclaimed and all I could do was nod. “Okay, I’ll see you. I love you, Matt.” I muttered to him, but I don’t think he heard me because he turned around and didn’t even give me a second glance back. He didn’t hear me, I told myself. If he did, he would have said it back. I found myself telling these things constantly to reassure myself that everything was fine in our relationship, but deep down inside, I couldn’t help but think that they were all just lies.
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