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CHAPTER SEVEN Even though I could feel Leon’s gaze on me, I refused to look at him. No one had heard from Peggy yet but Tae did text me during detention to confirm that she was fine and so Leon had been unfortunate enough to be the one to drive me home.   “Why didn’t you tell me you moved?” He questioned, breaking the silence in the car.   “I don’t know,” I sighed, my attention focused on the road ahead.   “Well, I get that we are just friends but why wouldn’t you tell your own boyfriend that you moved?” he pressed on. In truth, I had no bloody idea why.   “I don’t know,” I rested my head back, another sigh involuntarily leaving my lips. This day had just not been good for me and that stupid detention had only made me feel worse on top of the possibility that I would be flanking my mid-terms if I did not get time to study in peace.   “Alright,”   Silence once again filled the car, letting skull-breaking thoughts pummel me. I hadn’t seen Ronald again after he left grandma’s house but the conflicted thoughts in my mind were making me feel like I was fighting a sanity battle. He was targeting Richard Murray and I should feel happy about that after what he did to my brother and Angel but a part of me wasn’t. That part of me wanted to be one to make Richard Murray suffer till the pain became too much and he felt like he could not breath. I wanted to make him beg for the pain to stop as payback for robbing my family of Roman. For a whole goddamn year, we mourned him and that piece of s**t had not wasted a chance in making me feel like I was a devil of some sort when we first set foot in this town. Right now, I had no idea who I hated more; Richard or Ronald?   “Angel is alive,” I cut down the silence, shifting my gaze to look at Leon.   “Yeah. We should get started on that. We need to know if- “   “No, Leon. Angel is alive and so is my brother. I saw Roman with my own two eyes on Saturday night,” I added.   “Wait, what? W-Where is he then?” he questioned.   “Unfortunately, we couldn’t talk for long but he gave me a head start and I do trust you to keep the fact that Roman is alive to yourself. Only Lucian and you know about it. He is the one that told me about Angel and so I need you and the rest of our group to join hands with me so that we can find out where exactly she is,”   “Can you talk in a much clear language?”   “According to Roman, Angel is very much alive but she has been hostage of Richard Murray for an entire year now, somewhere in town. She saw something that she wasn’t supposed to see and so Richard had her taken as a hostage. Coincidentally it happened around the time Ronald was doing his experiments and so they all concluded that Ronald was responsible for her death. Her body was never found but of course no one thought that was a clue back then. Not that I could blame them anyway,”   “Richard Murray? That piece of s**t! When every other pack labelled us as the killer pack and stopped associating with us, he was the first one to distance himself. One would have thought that his pack and ours were never allies before and it turns it he was much of a devil as Ronald,” he seethed. I had never seen him that angry before, well, apart from earlier when he hit Chase for hurting Peggy.   “I’m sorry for what you all had to go through because of Ronald,”   “Trust me, it was not your fault but to be honest, it was very hard for us. We could not associate with other packs and things got slightly better only three months ago but now that you are going to be Alpha, I feel like we are going to be strongest pack. Speaking of Alpha, the red moon is coming and since it counts as a full moon too, it would be the perfect time to claim your title and make every pack member respect you. I hate to say this but you should ask Lucian for pointers,” he pointed out right as we approached my new home. It was not that big but at least it actually did feel like home.   “Peggy,” we both muttered, noticing the blonde girl sitting on the top stair on my front door with puffy eyes as she hugged her knees.   “Hey,” she muttered weakly, attempting a smile but when she noticed I was about to speak, she added,” and you are allowed to tell me I told you so,”   “What? Of course not. Its not your fault that Chase is an ungrateful douchebag,” I was quick to point out. The sad thing about this is that its always the victim who ends up self-incriminating, blaming themselves for being hurt.   “No, its true. You guys were always pointing out about how much of a playboy he was and yet I was still so damn naïve. Thinking about it now, I realize just why girls seemed to never have enough of him despite his reputation. He has a way of making you build this whole perfect fantasy of you and him. I’m so damn pathetic,” she sighed. It was like she already tired of crying.   “Peggy stop it. One, he never deserved you in the first place. You were too good for him. Two, he is not even your mate. Three, maybe this the universe’s way of telling you that there is someone else out there for you. Someone who cares so much about you and would do anything to keep a smile on your face,” Leon paused, grabbing Peggy’s hands in is as he added,” Maybe this someone thinks about you almost daily and keeps wishing on the stars that you’d notice him. This person would never hurt you,”   “It would take me ages for my faith on men to be restored and don’t get me wrong Leon, but if this someone truly existed, the universe would have given me a sign by now, not break my heart a second time. I’m still a teenager and right now, all I’m going to do is focus on my studies and get out of this cursed town as soon as possible. Anyway, I’ll see you two tomorrow at school,” she smiled lightly one more time before she walked away.   The moment she was out of reach, I grabbed Leon’s hand, pulling his attention towards me.   “What the hell was that?” I pressed my palms against my hips.   “What do you mean?” He questioned.   “The whole hand holding thing and someone else is out there for you speech. I thought you were over her and I was already shipping you and Blessing together,”   “Look, I thought I was over her too but seeing her like this, I can’t help all these insane feelings. I want her Faith. I want her so bad that it hurts and every time she rejects me without even realizing she is doing it, I feel my heart breaking more,” he sighed, sitting on the staircase.   “What about Blessing? She is so into you and actually, she even texted me yesterday, joking about how we should actually go on a double date,”   “I don’t understand it either and I-double date? Why would she say something like that? We are not even official. All we did was hand out once and go to prom together. Hell, we haven’t even kissed yet,”   “Don’t worry. I told her right now things are too tight but I would talk to Lucian first. You know, if you go down this road, giving that poor girl hopes for nothing, you’d not be any different from Chase and me. I hurt Ian and every time I see him, it haunts me. Chase used Peggy, giving her hope for something that was not there. If you do not want to be like any of us, please let go of her before its too late. Don’t make the same mistake I did,” I pointed out.   “Fine. Then help me Faith,” he paused,” help me figure out what I really want because I’m so confused. With Peggy, I feel my heart beating like its about to break my ribcage but when I’m around Blessing, I feel…at peace. It’s like I can laugh and have a goddamn good time without worrying about tomorrow. Heck, I can even forget the world is existing at that moment but my heart doesn’t skip a beat. I don’t feel the rush when I’m with Blessing,”   “Which would you prefer? Someone that makes your heart skip a beat but only sees you as a friend or someone that clearly likes you deeply and makes you feel at peace?” I questioned.   “M-Maybe one day she’ll love me,” he stuttered.   “Can you quit holding on to Peggy? She will never love you back Leon and the sooner you get that in your head and heart, the easier it will be for you to realize what you actually want and need in your life. Do not hurt Blessing just because you could not figure out what you want. Its either you stop holding on to Peggy and let yourself fall for someone new or just stay away from Blessing. Its that simple,” Maybe I was a little too harsh about that but he needed to hear it. The last thing I’d need is to see Blessing being broken like Peggy was right now.
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