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  CHAPTER SIX One thing was certain at this point; detention sucked and by the time the one hour elapsed, I was bored pretty much out of my mind and my own thoughts feeling like they were about to burst open my skull. Sliding my back pack over my shoulders, I headed out of the detention only for Ian to stop me. Why the hell did Alec have to be the first one out of class? Now I was stuck on my own.   “Are you avoiding me?” He fell in step as we walked casually on the hallway.   “What are you taking about?” I questioned back.   “You’ve been behaving weirdly towards me the entire day. It’s like my presence irritates you or something, “Irritated was an understatement but what baffled me was that he had noticed. Well, good for him.   “I have no idea what you are talking about Ian,” I chuckled dismissively but he didn’t seem to get the hint.   “Come on. I’m not dumb Faith. I thought that everything was finally going great between us and heck, I’m even happy for you and Lucian but suddenly you seem off. So cut the crap Faith and tell me what is wrong,” He pulled me to a stop. Students walked by us, leaving me trapped with Ian alone.   “Fine. You want to know what is wrong? How about you tell me if you are keeping something from me for starters,” I crossed my arms, meeting his gaze, finally letting my fury take over.   “Calm down. What are you talking about?” How could he even play dumb at this moment? Didn’t he know the universal rule that is a girl asks you about something, its because she already knows and just wants to see how much of a fool you are.   “Calm down? Don’t you tell me to calm down ever again? You hear me Ian?” I screamed, the hallway lights simultaneously bursting, making me jump a little as the broken parts fell on the floor. Well, s**t sherlock.   “What the hell was that?” Ian muttered, his voice trembling sightly but I was not about to get distracted.   “So tell me truth Ian. I want to hear it straight from your lying mouth,”   “Okay. I don’t know if Lucian told you yet but your father is actually alive and here in town. I met him in person on Saturday. Look, something happened between him and my father. Whatever it is, has made him target my dad and I have no bloody idea why,”   “Old news. Tell me about this whole fake mate thing,” I said. I was tired of him dodging the subject   “The mate thing-wait, old news? So, Lucian told you about your father and I’m guessing he is the one who told you about me being not being your real mate too. Look, before you go on to judge me Faith, please listen. I didn’t play you, not even once,”   “And you expect me to believe that? You made a fool out of me Ian and to think I genuinely liked you since that first time I saw you,” This hurt so bad.   “I didn’t make a fool out of you Faith because I’m the one who is still so madly in love with you. My father somehow manipulated me into thinking you are my mate and now, no matter what happens, I can’t seem to move on from you. Do you have any idea how its like to pretend that I’m so damn happy you are with someone else while I can’t get you out of my mind? I’m losing myself over you and you are happy with someone else,” he paused, running a hand on his hair, his shirt riding up a bit to expose his abs before he continued,” I’m in love with you Faith and I hate seeing you every time and pretending that I’m fine. I hate that I-“   “Stop! Just stop Ian. This is not about your feelings. This is about you betraying me,”   “Betraying you? You betrayed me first when you kissed someone else while you were going out with me. Heads up, it was not me that did the whole fake mate thing and I had idea about it until after we broke up,”   “Wow! You just couldn’t wait to rub that on my face, did you? Well, I’m sorry that I kissed someone else while we were dating. It was my fault for breaking your heart and I’m owning up to it. You should own up to your mistakes too Ian,” I said before walking out of the school hallway only to run into Lucian leaning by the walls.   “L-Lucian. What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you have gone home like ages ago?”   “I’m sorry,” he said instead, his soft, slightly broken voice matching the expression on his face.   “Sorry for what?” I questioned confused but he pulled me against his chest, his arms wrapped around me. Damn! I need that hug. I felt my body relax against him, my eyes falling shut to enjoy the feeling.   “I’m sorry for being selfish. I didn’t really realize back then that what I did was actually wrong or the impacts it would have on you until now. He is only angry at you for something I started. I’m really sorry, Red,” he whispered.   “I was in the one in the relationship, not you. This is something I gotta live with for the rest of my life. The question is, what the hell are you doing here?” I changed the subject, not wanting to swell much on it.   “I was waiting for you while working on something. So come on, I’ll drive you home,”   Wait, home? I hadn’t told him yet about moving out.   ‘How about we hit the diner instead? The hot chocolate is growing on me,” I proposed.   “Whatever you say, Red,” he smiled, still not making a move to disentangle his arms around me.
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