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CHAPTER FIVE “I’m so going to get a zero on that test. I only knew ten out of those twenty questions,” I whined.   “And I can’t believe you of all people got detention considering you’ve got this whole good girl thing going on. You making really begin to question my entire existence,” Lucian teased, his right hand going around me waist as he met my gaze.   “If it wasn’t that douchebag friend of yours, I would be going home now,” I snarled.   “Honestly, I’m pretty pissed off at Chase. What he did to Peggy was very unforgivable and adding to that having an unfair with a teacher could get him expelled and Miss. Vasquez would lose her job,” He sighed pushing his left palm inside the front picket of his washed-out jeans.   “Do me a favor and make sure he stays away from Peggy. She has feelings for him and he has hurt her enough. Besides, she won’t move on from this betrayal if Chase lurks anywhere near her,”   “Don’t worry. I’ll see to it that he stays away,” He said as we stopped in front of the detention room.   Tipping on my toes, I pecked his lips as I whispered,” I love you,”   He jerked me closer to his body, as he pulled my lips into a sudden kiss, silencing the surprise gasp that was about to escape my lips.   “I love you,” He said as he broke the kiss, a satisfied smile playing on his face. How on earth was this guy so hot? It was almost unnatural.   “Quit it you two. Some of us are still single,” I felt my body tense up as Ian’s voice floated into my ears. I had still not told Lucian about what exactly Richard Murray did because a part of me was scared of what he’d do if he found out his ex-girlfriend had been a hostage to the Alpha of his enemy park.   “Maybe you should find a girlfriend then,” I shrugged before walking inside the detention room.  I didn’t mean to sound that curt but I was really pissed off at the entire Murray family. There were about five other students and to my utter disbelief, Alec happened to be one of them.   “This is a surprise. What got you in?” a smirk broke on his face as I sat on the seat in front of him.   “It’s a very stupid story that revolves mainly around Chase. How about you? I didn’t see you in the Biology quiz today,”   “That’s because you were cooped up in Lucian’s little love nest. I even had to witness a very cringy episode of catching up with Lucian and Faith,” My face flushed at that. I still could not believe that was me who did that.   “So, what got you in detention? I thought you never get in trouble,” I changed the subject.   “I got in a fight with some i***t during lunch hour. He just wouldn’t get a hint,” he shrugged as if it was nothing. Just how many times had he been to detention? Because while I was thinking of what to say to mum, he seemed like it was totally normal for him to get detention.   “Hmm…and your ex is getting detention too. This should be interesting,” The smirk on his afce deepened.   I turned around and much to my disbelief Ian was walking into the room. With fingers crossed I hoped he’d not walk my way but as luck would have it, that was where he was headed.   “Detention, huh,” He mused.   “Yeah, its sucks. I didn’t know you got detention,” I said as he sat next to me.   “Yeah. I can be a bit of trouble sometimes. Anyway, this is actually better because you know, we were supposed to meet up today after school,”   We were? s**t! I forgot about that.   “Yeah. Totally,”   “So what do you say we grab some hot chocolate after detention and talk?” he poised.   “I would but I got a thing with Alec after detention. Its pretty urgent. We should reschedule our meeting to another time,” I felt Alec spear me a look but I did not turn around.   “W-With Alec? Like this Alec?” He seemed surprised and I would not blame him. Until last week, I was not exactly buddies with Alec and as a matter fact if someone had given him a gun then to shoot me, he’d kill me with one shot straight in the head.   “Yeah. You think her and I can’t have things to do?” Alec sounded offended.   He was about to answer when Racheal stormed into the detention room, my mood dropping even lower.  This just wasn’t my day. Now here were two people I could not stand at all.   “Well, hello Ian,” she poised, arm crossed.   “What do you want Racheal?” He seemed the least interested. What could have possible happened between these two to make Ian act like this at her presence?   “Come on. Stop being petty and talk to me. You can’t keep avoiding me like that and you know damn well I’m your best friend,”   “Best friend?” Ian scoffed,” You are not my best friend, Racheal. Amber is my best friend. I have no idea what happened to you but Amber was right in calling you a b***h. You left when we needed you and you come back, acting like nothing happened. As if that’s not enough you tried to ruin my relationship. Friends don’t do that,”   “Seriously? You are calling me a b***h right now? She was the one who cheated on you and now you blame it on me,”   “Alright. That’s it, “I stood up with the intention of changing seats but Ian pulled me to my seat.   “See? The only thing you can do is b***h around like you got nothing better to do. Just because you can’t face up what you did, stop deflecting on others. Now I see why Amber wanted nothing to do with you,”   I wanted to be so damn mad at Ian. Who gave him the right to play my defense when all he did was lie to me? Luckily, the detention teacher walked in and judging from his slightly uneven walk, he was tipsy.   “Alright. Everyone to your seats and no talking,” he said before he sat on his desk.
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