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CHAPTER FOUR “What took you so long? I’m literally-ouch!”   “Well, thanks to you, now I’m on detention. So quit whining like a girl and let me do my job,” I snapped as I attended to his wounds.   Leon and Andrew had stepped outside, leaving me with the whining douchebag. Silence endowed the room as I attended to his wounds but this time he knew how to keep his lips sealed.   “I didn’t think she would get hurt. If I had known the impact of what I was doing, I would never have dragged her into my mess,” he spoke softly, breaking the pin drop silence.   “Don’t give me that Chase. You knew damn well what you were doing. So stop pretending like now you feel sorry just because she got hurt and everyone knows you were the bad guy in all this,” I finally looked up,” Why did you even do it? How did you get the audacity to just use a girl to hide your shameful acts? How could just hurt someone on purpose and not even feel guilty about it?”   “I’m sorry,” he said, sounding helpless.   I stood up,” Once we find her, you better stay the f**k away or I’ll be the one to snap your body into half with my teeth,”   I led the way out as he limped after me. The two guys stopped talking and turned their attention to me.   “She is still not picking up. So Andrew and I have narrowed down the places she might be and we have a huge hunch she is at the town’s gym. Whenever she gets too stressed, she always works out,” Leon answered.   “Perfect. Lets check up on her,” I said right before we ran into an angry looking Taehyung.   “Chase,” he breathed out, his gaze zeroing on the boy behind me.   “What?”   “Peggy may have mistaken me for you and she sent a bunch of messages, calling you out of being a f*****g asshole, breaking her heart and using her. Care to explain?” he advanced until he was just inches away from Chase.   “Look man, whatever happened between Peggy and I is our business, not yours,” Chase answered.   “When it come to my mate, everything that happens to her is my business, including the people who hurt her,” Tae seethed, glaring at Chase.   “Mate? That’s funny. Last I checked, Peggy had no mate,”   “I don’t care what she told you but right now I care about the fact that you hurt her so damn bad without stopping to think what it would do to her, “Wow, typical. The boy who broke Peggy’s heart first, was now here getting mad at the other guy who broke Peggy’s heart too.   “I don’t want any trouble because right now, I gotta find Peggy and make this right,” Chase said.   “As much as boy fights excite me, I want to find my cousin and you two can go fight somewhere else, some other time,” I said, breaking a fight that was about to begin.   “This is not over and by the way, don’t bother. I know exactly where she is,”   “We know she is at the gym,”   “Gym?” Tae scoffed,” You thinks she is at the gym? And yet you all claim she is your friend even though you have no idea where she goes when she is emotionally stressed. You know what? All of you just get back to class and I promise I’ll bring her back when she is ready,”   “No way. I’m not-“   “Okay,” I said, cutting off Leon.   “Seriously Faith? You are going to trust this new guy to find Peggy?”   “She is his mate. No one understand you better than your mate, especially when you at your worst because they can always feel your emotions. They’d know what to say and what to do when all you can feel is as though you are drowning in your own pain,” I answered as it hit me hard. It was selfish of me but only Lucian could ever truly understand what I feel without even saying it. There was no way I was letting that blue-eyed hunk get away from me. For him, I was willing to fight the demon in me.   Without a second thought, I raced to my locker, grabbed my biology book before rushing to class. The teacher was not yet in thankfully and I stopped at the door for almost a full minute as I met Lucian’s gaze across the room. Right there, looking at me with worried eyes, was the boy I was in love with and nothing was going to stop me from making him know what I felt for him. With a smile breaking on my face, I rushed towards him, planting my lips hard against his. At first he was surprised but then he kissed me back. As our lips moved in sync, all I could feel was the energy between us flowing, uniting us in this wild, unspoken whirlwind of passion.   “I love you i***t,” I breathed out, my chest heaving as I stared into his eyes. I had finally said and it felt so damn good to confess my love for him.   “I love you Red,” he said, breaking into that droolworthy smile that I could never get used to.   “I don’t care what happens tomorrow or the next minute. All I care about is now, the moment where you and I exist in perfect harmony. Life is hard and it is never going to stop being that way, especially for us but I’m never going to stop fighting,” I said right as someone cleared his throat behind me.   With a red face, I slowly tuned around to find Mr. Dawson glaring at me with hands crossed. Oh crap!   “I don’t care what is going on here but please take your seat Miss. Bishop.  Now, in preparation for the midterms, we are doing a pop quiz now. Put away all books and get ready,” Pop quiz now? Grunts of disapproval immediately filled the room.   In my former school, I always aced those but I haven’t been studying much lately and there was a high possibility I would flunk the quiz. Just why did it have to be today of all days and not to mention biology of all subjects?
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