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"F-A-Z-I" A sweet drunken voice rang around Fazi's self. He looked around trying to search it's source. Then it rang again "F-A-Z-I" His eyes were already in a haze. He could make the silhouette of a curvy figure in the distance. There was something building inside of him. He tore his buttons open. His chest glistened from the sweat that he had. His shirt flapped against his bare skin. The figure in front moved close towards him. It's face he was unable to glance. But it moved it's body close to his. Driving him crazy to the verge of insanity. He was unable to keep a hold on himself. He rammed the tables in front trying to grab the figure which was now out of his reach. "Not so fast Fazi. Not so fast. Let's take it slow. Let's take it from the start. " Fazi could make out that something was not right. Something was bothering him inside. But his urges were too strong. He couldn't let it go. He flipped the table above , leaping at his prey. He grabbed the female in front and pinned her down at his knee. Both panted heavily as their chests breathed rapidly. The female let out a laugh. A siniter evil laugh that could make ones blood crawl. But it didn't seem to bother Fazi. His eyes were filled with lust. He ripped the female's dress open. His body sending shivers of excitement. All this he did in a mad rage. Without glancing once at the female's face. Just then there was a loud banging. A banging that made Fazi's ears's hurt. He let go of the woman's body, covering his hurting ears. But the woman pulled his body closer to hers. Fazi felt both her hands grab his back as it's sharp claws fug into his flesh. "Fazi.Fazi." A familiar voice called his name somewhere very near. But the pull in front kept his thoughts busy as the woman's hands ran all over his body, arousing all his senses. He undressed to the full. Riding his body of whatever cloth was left. The female chuckled louder. Her thorny tongue licking his n****e. He pressed himself between her legs . He held both her hands with his, caressing her brests with his teeth. Just then he felt something tingling his ear. Casually caressing. It traced Fazi's neck and shoulder. Tangling him like a pythons grip. It was not flesh nor living. It was a plait of tress. A thick moving bunch of hair. All over him. All over his bare essence. " Fazi. Are you there? Fazi. " The knock got louder in Fazi's head. " Fazi... FAAAAAZZZZIII....... " One of the doors flew open. " F-AAA-Z-I" Zonish ran inside facing the naked Fazi, who stared at her and something slid from underneath him. Something slithery like a snake. "FAZI! FAZI! " Zonish kept calling his name as she slapped his face repeatedly. "Come back to your senses. Fazi. Come back to yourself. " She was hitting and rocking him as his eyes finally started to focus. He looked down at himself. Shocked. Dumbfound. " What... What... What happened here. " He crossed his hands over his legs. Zonish tossed his pants at his face, " Put this on. Come on. Do it quick. " He hurried like his life depended on it. He did it looking here and there afraid and trembling. " What happened? Why am I like this? What is this place? " "Put on your clothes quick. We need to leave immediately. " Zonish threw his clothes at him, looking away. He followed like an obedient child. As Zonish grabbed his hands and they prepared to leaped out of the window. A strange sound filled the entire place. It was the female 's laughter. The place was filling with its resonance. " Zonish. What is this? " The fear in Zonish's face was very much real. Zonish held his trembling hands tightly as they got out of the window. Zonish breaking ots glass. It wasn't their school premises. It was a different landscape. Neither was it day time there. It was pitch dark. " Zonish... " " Did you do something with her? " Zonished snapped back at Fazi before he could start. " I did what? "Fazi asked. " Did you have i*********e with her? " Zonish asked with her face totally blank. " I had what with who? " Fazi couldn't even understand that question properly. " That was a She-Devil back there. Someone gone Wild. She is looking for a hunter to mate. And she tagged you back at the tunnel. " Fazi still kept looking at her. To continue her explanations. When she looked back at him with a brow raise, he understood she was done. " The reason I am telling you this is because we are going to go get yourself untagged and you willforget this conversation in its entirety. The reason I am getting involved in someone else's mess is just because I want to live a little peaceful life. Live it as normal as it would last. You are from the Hunters. I am from the Hunted. It's a first for even me to have such a confront. I hope you understand. And I am sorry I couldn't protect you from someone of my own kind.Even tough you are a predator by birth, I believe you are innocent. You have no choice how you are born. But you can surely choose how to act. " Fazi still stared at her. But Zonish grabbed his shaking hands firmly in hers, escorting him forward. " We will be heading to a place. Very far from this town. A place I haven't visited in several hundred years. But I am willing to do this for you. I am willing to extend this helping hand. Though you will not remember any of this, I hope in your heart, you will know compassion. " Zonish sighed. " Let's go. I wonder how elder sister would react. "
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