What Zonish derived

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Zonish sat by her window all night. She was rather retuctant to let Fazi go back to his own house. She had smelled the existence of another She-Devil back there. And it was not a good news. She had her doubt about Fazi when he had gone missing for a while back at that tunnel. She needed to be very sure of her doubts if she wanted to act accordingly. Someone like Zonish was born due to a curse. A sorcery. An anomaly. A creature not needed by nature to tread on the earth's grass. They were a threat to the food chain. Their existence triggered several other evil. Their origin was not very simple. There was an entire chapter behind their creation. Inspire of everything known or said, one thing always remained constant. It was that they were something dreaded. The most frightening part was that they had tremendous power trapped in their hearts. What was even worse than that was that they were unable to control their own powers. Zonish had experienced this first hand a couple of times. Her body would erupt into flames to usher in her Alter ego, her other self. It was mostly during the times of dire situations. But when it happened there was only a very little control that Zonish had on herself. There was like something else running across her veins. A force. A stamina. Taking over her soul's trace. A She-devil enjoyed a few powers naturally all the time. Like Zonish had her sight and smell. Her speed and her strength. But the transformation took a toll on her everytime. She would feel herself slipping away from herself whenever something like that of a situation arrived. That was one of the reasons Zonish avoided conflict and ran most of her life. Everytime a She -devil shifted, she lost a part of her soul and mind. The more times a She-devil had to shift in their life the more chances were there for her to run Wild. A She-devil that ran Wild was even dreaded by their own kinds. They had no morality. They had no sense of crime. They even had very little bit of an amount left of their mortal life. Zonish had learnt later that the only way for a Wild She-devil to live on was to shift it's soul inside a Hunter's body. And the way was s****l i*********e. The Hunter's had a body stable enough to shelter the She-devil's wild soul. But there was a catch in this. The She-devil would have to devour the Hunter's soul. Though a She-devil drank blood and ate raw flesh, they didn't have the power to devour a soul. It was the pinnacle of dark magic. The darkest at its best. Hence not all Wild devils could survive in a Hunter's body. Only the ones able to summon dark force. This was a serious issue that needed addressing. But it never was because of the foes at loose. The Devils never could discuss this issue with the Hunters. It appreared even the Hunters didn't have much clue. So the matter went just as it was. And many a Wild She-devil were at loose. Some were hunted down along with other She-devil who were normal. And this made people like Zonish leave the matter complete out of their books. They had only one thing to take care of. Their own survival and well being. This time around things were starting to get a little profuse. Zonish was living a very ideal life. This Fazi too fit in her comfort sphere. They had developed something. Some connection already. And it became a little personal on Zonish's part to let another of her kind to use this friend. Fazi could only be brought out of that tunnel because Zonish had intervened. He was already tagged. Zonish had seen the reddish wound behind his back. She had felt the darkness of the socery back inside that Hall in the tunnel. The place had an anxiety trail. It had many a mystery buried in its chest. But Zonish could not focus on anything other than getting her friends out of there. It made matters worse since Fazi wasn't marked with the Hunter's Mark yet. He had no power to avert the situation. Not even understand what he had got himself into, inside the monsters' lair. Zonish was quick to come to a decision. It took her a lot of effort to make up her mind. If she chose to interfere and save this lad, it meant she was declaring a war. It would now be the Wild one versus her. She had to take the consequences of that action. Also she would need to untag the lad. Otherwise it would mean nothing and all her efforts would go to waste. The hallucinations Fazi was having would continue. He would be drawn to the devil. He would not be satisfied untill his lust would be quenched. And that would mean the devils plan would become a success. Untagging someone tagged wasn't an easy job as well. There was only one living soul that could do it. And reaching her was a task in itself. Zonish used to call her ' Elder sister. ' Though they were not connected by birth. She had completely isolated herself from the world. And she lived somewhere out of this world yet was it's part. Zonish had last met her a few hundred years ago. Since then she had no clue about her whereabouts. The other option Zonish had was to run. Run away from this place and never spare a glance. But her heart ached at that thought. This , after so many years , actually had started feeling like an actual home. She experienced actually relations. Where the tears and laughs were real. Zonish had a tough choice to make. A life altering decision within a very short time. But when she actually thought about it, there wasn't a duality in her mind. She needed to be true to the life she was living. She needed to try to live it out at its best. She had 'survived' enough. Now was the chance to 'live'. The true meaning of life wasn't in numbers, it was in its deeds.
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