A quest embarked

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Zonish took Fazi on her back. He held her tight by wrapping his arms around her neck. She leapt from one hillock to the next . It seemed they covered a large stretch very fast. Had Fazi been his normal self, he would have surely kept bugging Zonish with his jokes and mad guesses. But since he was still under the intoxicating spell, nothing actually made much sense. His nose kept bumping against Zonish's neck. The smell seemed to have some adverse affect. It was reigniting his senses. He kept looking at Zonish's face and it was giving him a different kind of thrill. He slowly took his tongue out and cleaned her face with his tongue. " STOP IT. " Zonish was almost about to topple over a cliff as he had her startled. " You almost made me loose my balance. YOU MORON. Try it once more and I will throw you down there without any care. " She really felt very uncomfortable being touched by Fazi like that. It was, honestly, more like a stimulation. She picked a faster pace. She needed to get him faster to his elder sister. His intoxication was reaching his head. He wasn't now able to differentiate fake from real. Zonish finally came to a stop. She unburdened herself. " Stand properly. Stand straight. " She yelled at Fazi's wobbling structure. They were standing on an isolated island. But it wasn't isolated just from land. It was more like a floating island. It was situated on something gaseous. Like fog mixed with heavy mist. Zonish walked around the perimeter. Gauging something. Fazi kept staring like a drunken retard. It wasn't more than a dream for him. " The layers have been increased. " Zonish contemplated, " It seems like she doesn't want to be seen. " She went over to the side of the foggy mist at the shore, bending over, trying to reach something. " Need to let her know my presence. I am sure she would not reject me." Zonish thought in her head as she reached for the misty thing. Zonish had a silvery gaseous liquid in her palms. The thing that surrounded the periphery. It was almost identical to mercury in looks. Except it was more porous and lightweight. "I have to drink this thing, " Zonish repeated this like a mantra in her head. She was visibly unwilling but it seemed like she had to. And she was getting herself determined. Zonish took one more look at the wondering lad she had brought. Then closed her eyes with force. She gulped the liquid like some bitter medication. She yelled like something burnt inside within a second. The liquid burnt as it went down her system. It was the mythical liquid that kept evil at bay. The eternal life force of God's- ichor. However it wasn't quite that. There was no apparent 'god' in Zonish's world. Ichor was a mythical liquid among the Hunter's community.They toiled to achieve it. They were a community responsible to rid the earth of the various ailments. In the form of the known and unknown. They used their knowledge of meditation and physical strength to harness unobtainable powers. They were like a guardian community. A community that was once blessed. Slowly corruption crept in. Their power eliminated their sense of wrong and bad. They slowly assumed the level where they started worshipping self-righteousness. Zonish and her tribe were a result of their arbitariness. They were like a failed experiment. An embarrassing mistake. Anyways, coming back to the point of ichor, it definitely deserved it's own introduction. It was a liquid that was originally someone's blood. Hence it had the name ichor, refering to the blood of God's, that was the exact opposite of evil. It was blood mixed with a spell. A lethal weapon that worked by destroying molecules in the bodies of creatures like Zonish, supposedly evil. It was the blood of someone who was the first ever victim of that which plagued the lives of the likes of Zonish. She was someone who was able to escape just before the ritual was completed, hence she was the only one who was able to revese her so called "effects". She had dedicated the rest of her life in rescueing her fellow victim brethern. But ever since she found out about the Wild ones, she blamed her ownself. She had a thought that all her efforts were in vain. A lifetime of effort gone towards a wrong assignment. But she was determined not to give up. She had a spirit that let her quit never. She found a way to stop the evil she had become a part of from spreading. She found a new spell mixed with her blood that was fatal for Zonish's kind and it gave her an immediate power over them. She was connected to the one who drank it. She could control it from inside. That was the way she rid the world of many Wild ones. That was the trick she used. But the Hunter's soon got news of her achievement. The result intrigued them more than her mission. They had planned to trap her. Exploit her. Extract from her the liquid to easily kill the remaining Zonish like creatures. The person was now pursued by both the opposite members. She had no other way but to hide herself within a barrier. Far away from human population in seclusion. Zonish had a very filial relationship with her. She was lost after she was abandoned by this admirable teacher. Yes, she had been both a mother figure, a friend and above all her educator. Zonish had her sense of right and wrong, mostly due to her guidance and instructions. This was the first time Zonish tried to visit her. Despite being warned never to come near the barrier. What was more grave that she had done was bring a hunter along. That too someone , who was tagged. Zonish drank the liquid knowing what pain she was putting herself into. She knew the risk it ushered. But she had faith in her friend, her mentor. After all she was still her sweet "Elder Sister".
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