
1081 Words
The chomping of the food echoed around the table like a disorganized symphony. "What exactly happened at your school yesterday? " Ray finally asked, breaking the obnoxious silence. "There was a power cut. " Zonish munched louder than her words. " Don't talk with your mouth full. There might be chocking hazard. " Luna's was a sharp reprimand. Zonish smiled and nodded. She felt that trill everytime her parents scolded. " Hhhmmm, a power cut. That's very strange. Isn't it? Only the school's power was out. " Ray noticed. " And it hasn't yet come back. " Mrs. Chuckers put in. " It hasn't? " Zonish and Fazi asked together. " You were the one that told me that, " Mrs, Chuckers protested. Suddenly doubing her own fact. " Besides two are both home. Are you in the same class as well? " She asked suddenly diverging the topic. Both confirmed with a nod. "It might take time. They did say there was a transformer explosion. " Fazi added as another round of serving was passed around. Zonish needed more insight on Fazi. Mrs. Chuckers didn't seem related to him. Her odour was completely different. " So how are you related, " She asked, as non-chalantly as she could. " She is his mother's God-mother, " Luna jumped in to answer. Perhaps afraid it might agitate her guests. " Hhhmmmm. So you don't live with your parents? " Zonish knew she didn't need to do that but it was her best shot at getting his background checked. She might as well have a head start if she was going again have to packnher bag. " My parents are dead, " Fazi stood up with a bang on the table. " Thank you for the food. I wish to leave for a brisk walk. " The elders looked helplessly as he left, but Zonish proptly went behind his back. " What Now? " He stopped and turned around in front of the main gate. " I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you... " " Just STOP. Don't pretend to feel my pain. You think you know what it's like? Today is my mother's remembrance Day. Has your hands ever trembled at that last touch, at that last glance. So don't. Just don't pretend to be sorry. No need to show the false care. Zonish pulled Fazi's shaking hands into hers. She didn't even hesitate. "It's true I don't know what that last touch feels like or the last glance. I don't even remember their faces, " She smiled, " Guess that's a bonus point. " Fazi looked at her face at those words. Obviously puzzled. " They have adopted me. I am an orphan as well. " Fazi felt a guilty rush of relieve. He was sure he wasn't supposed to feel that way. " Do you want to go for a ride? " " Ah! What? " His eyes sparkled at the proposal. " Let me bring the keys, " Zonish added without wasting time for his response. " I will drive" That was an immediate turn off. " Cummon. This is My bike. " Zonish wanted to protest aloud. But Fazi already took the keys. " Hop on. " Fazi yelled, as he made the engine roar. Zonish reluctantly jumped on. It felt the worst riding pillion. " Grab on tight, " But Fazi was having a blast as he vrommed past the turns. Zonish stretched both her hands high. Feeling the wind crisscross around her fingers. She looked around at the world zoomed past. Fazi surely was no amateur. Suddenly he pulled the brakes to a stopee. Zonish grabed his chest with both hands. Her breasts were pressed against his solid back. And her thighs over lapped his. For a moment the moment stopped. Zonish could only hear the thumping of her heart. Hunters made her heart beat fast, but this was a different kind of race. " Woah! How was that? " Fazi opened his helmet and turned towards her. Zonish looked away to fix her thoughts, which were running here and there. " That was... Uncalled for. Why would you do that with a warning? " " Ahhhhh! Don't tell me you can't do that! " Fazi was up on his feet. It seemed, he loved teasing. "Come on. Give it a try. It isn't that hard. " He tossed her the keys this time. " When did I say anything about it being hard. It's was... It was just too sudden... " But he pushed her in front and jumped over to the back. " Alright. Alright. You asked for it " Zonsih didn't care when it came to challenges. She raved as Fazi blew a loud Whistle. Then there came a sudden deep turn. It was child's play. Zonish countersteered and then made sharp turn then added a stopee as well. Suddenly she felt his hands grab her from both sides. His body was over her back. And she could feel his all body parts squeeze against her skin. Zonsih closed her eyes. But it only made the image more vivid. She felt the beating of his heart. His lungs pumping. The churning inside his stomach of the food he just had. His blood fishing through every vein. His spleen , kidney, liver. " Sorry, "Fazi moved away quickly. " That was awesome. " His apology wasn't long lived. He hit her hard on the back with force. " Ouch! " Zonish pretended. " Really. It was so cool. " He had a go at her once more. This was better though. Zonish would never mind getting hit. But his touch had a different affect on her. And it got worse each time. " It's getting dark. " Zonish looked around. There was a thunder cloud over shadowing. " So what? " Fazi said reluctant, " There is a place. Do you want to check out? " " Place? What place? I thought you were new in town. " " I used to visit here as a child. This is my mother's hone town. Do you want to go or not? Are you already chickening out?" " Chickening out? I wouldn't even mutton or beef out. Where is this place? What's so special? " Zonish hated being challenged. It hurt her pride. " It's beyound the volcanic ash fields. It's an old structure. Abundant. They call it the Resting place of Missing Souls. "
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