Unacquainted guest

1057 Words
"Have you been following me around? You little freak. " He asked with an obnoxious tone as a smirk crossed his cheeks. Zonish pushed him away. Her hands sent him flying, though she hadn't exerted any might. " Woah! Girl. You got some nerve attacking me. " Fazi actually seemed quite amused as his body hit the side of the street. Just then the three inside the house scampered outside to check all the commotion. Fazi sprang up on his knees. His reflexes were quite extraordinary for a normal human being. But given that he had Hunter's blood running in his veins, it wasn't that surprising. He went behind Zonish in a blink of an eye, then twisted her hands in his and bent her down on her knees. It would have been child's play to flip Fazi over and hit him hard on his face. But Zonish wisely chose to play a dumb victim in his hands. " I just caught this one wondering inside your lawn, " Fazi announced as Luna and Ray stared. " This one's a rogue one." Fazi flashed his uuncanny smile as he whispered in her ears, " I should have grabbed you by the hair. " Zonish looked up. Quite shocked at that last remark. A tint of a Hunter's malice, floated in Fazi's blue iris sphere. " LET HER GO. " Finally the shocked couple yelled in a chorus as their voice made Fazi snap out of his stare. Luna and Ray ran towards them followed closely by Mrs. Chucklers. " Are you alright Zonish? " " Are you hurt anywhere? " " I'm fine. I'm fine. He isn't strong enough to hurt me yet. " Nobody knew what depth, Zonish's simple statement held. " Do you know each other? " Mrs. Chuckers asked, visibly very worried. " Yeah. Found her at my new school. But do you people know her? Why do you look so worried? " Fazi still hadn't been able to untangle the relationship status of the three. "She is their daughter. " Mrs. Chuckers announced. Fazi almost slipped. " Daughter? " Zonish looked way too young to be their daughter. She would have looked more like a grandchild, if Fazi was being precise. " Ummm, I... ummm, Sorry? " Fazi stammered, forgetting the term. He was in the most awkward position. Having been caught hostile towards a girl. That too his host's daughter, who were his guardian's pal. " I am so, so sorry. I thought... " "It's alright Fazi. You can tell them it was a prank. I guess we have had our share of fun. " Was Zonish trying to save him there? "Come on. Let me show you to my room. " Zonish pulled him by the hands, before he was able to understand her plan. " K-I-D-S ". They both stopped in the middle of the stairs as they heard the adults condemn an entire generation, because of the stupid plan. " Why did you do that? " Fazi asked pushing Zonish's hands away as he adjusted his shirt collar. " Are you blaming me for getting you out of the mess? Be my guest. You can go down and argue. " True. Fazi wasn't in any position to complain. "Ahh! Alright. Alright. Thank you. " He finally let the magic words out of his tongue . "Really? Did you really say that? " Zonish flased her unrealistically beautiful beam. Fazi felt quite unsettled, looking at how beautiful she seemed. "Ah! Drop it. " He made his way inside, pushing her aside. Zonish was still contemplating about this strange boy. He was at her school, now her home and room. He went straight to her bed. Jumping up and down on it to check it's flexibility. " Stop it already. Do you want to break that thing. " Zonish couldn't help but raise her voice at him. He then suddenly sat up. Looked at her closet door, where her biking clothes were hanging. He approached it slowly. As she followed him keenly. " You ride? " He asked, then took a few more steps towards it. " Yeah! " Zonish replied, trying to find what he could see. He went over to her pants and boots. Touched them with his hands. Rubbed it and smelled. " Volcanic ash. " He exclaimed. As Zonish held her breath. She didn't try to explain. She didn't even run away. Fazi slowly came towards her as she kept backing one step at a time. She was finally against the wall. Breathing heavily. But she didn't know why. That feeling of being a criminal even when there was nothing wrong that she did. Fazi had his nose right in front of her's.His hands were on either side of her. Their eyes locked in a death stare. Zonish could feel tension building. The heat. The sweat. And their breath. Then suddenly Fazi whispered in her early " Do you like girls by any chance? " " What? " Zonsih wasn't sure she heard right. " What? " She repeated herself. "You fight like a man, you hang out with boys, you even ride as far as the ask fields beyonds the outskirts. Ahhh! It made me wonder. Are you a man trapped inside a girl? " Fazi rolled over Zonish's floor, laughing hysterically. He seemed so amused at his own joke, he didn't need another company. Zonish found herself back again. He almost had her again this time. She sprang on him like a wild beast and started hitting him repeatedly. Fazi turned her around as they rolled over. Him pinning her down but then suddenly, she flipped him like a paper bag and was sitting on his hips. They both panted as they both couldn't stop laughing, but then the door suddenly opened - " Food is ready children. " It was Zonish's mother. But she closed it back immediately. At first they both couldn't understand what that reaction was all about. They looked at each other. Confused. Then both their eyes popped as they understood their questionable position and sprang up to their feet, like a dance. " Coming Mother. " Zonish ran down stairs as her face and ears started turning red. Fazi too stood up and shuffled himself, before walking down the stairs.
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